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Status Updates posted by PlugINs0uL

  1. I think he's going to use the other vip ticket he bought... so maybe not. Oh wells. I'm off to fail my final exam! :)

  2. Lol ahitsburg.. I like it! :) Good news! The stupid ex bf just texted me.. Wants to know when I want my vip ticket he bought me. I wasn't sure I was going to get it! But I think he's going... ew.

  3. Niiiice!!! :) What's the series score??

  4. That's awesome!! Who won?? We had to leave before the end of the game

  5. Kaitie and I are at Hudson's and the game's on... It's pretty tense.

  6. Now that was an amazingly epic story. :) I'm impressed.

  7. Was it there for a reason? Or you just didn't want to take it off? I drove 16 hours straight once. For Muse of course. :D

  8. Lol sorry... if it's any consolation, I may die while typing this.. Muse board + Driving to Edmonton in the rain. Damn I'm talented... or stupid.

  9. :p I see how it is now. I'll be VIP the next night though.. so no poking.
  10. Well I'll just glare at you when you get infront of me then. :p You should come early and visit. :)

  11. I don't have VIP for the first night so I kind of want to be there early.. But how early depends on my retarded boss. I'd like to be at the mall around noonish.. But I may not be able to make it until 5 or 6.

  12. Thanks! I think... :D Also.. What time are you headed to the mall on the 7th? We should have a muser/olp meetup.

  13. I love it! It was the homework I'd do last because it was my favourite. I only tutor because my classes right now are soul sucking english and politics and history.. ugh.. I love numbers and their simplicity. I do my sisters math homework sometimes to keep sane.

  14. Grade 9 math.. Nothing too special. I wanted to do some 10 Pure this year since I love that math, but I guess no one needed me. :(

  15. Sorry... I'm multitasking.. working and tutoring and showing off my Muse goodies that came today

  16. I dunno both of those sound like a fun time to me... But probably not at the time.. Seems like a good idea now. lol


    and.... i'm not making any sense at all am i?

  17. Do I detect some sarcasm?? :) I've been to Florida.. I was like 15 and we went to Disney world.. I don't think thats aj accurate representation of the american population. And I've always wanted to know what it feels like to be shot... so maybe I'll find out! :p

  18. Gunned down??? Oh no. Have you been??

  19. I have never been... But it hit me last night that I'll have to drive in that crazy city.. I'm kind of scared.

  20. Thanks!! I think I'm going to have to try again tomorrow for LA.. grrrr.

  21. Muse of course!! I'm headed down to Cali for 3 shows.. I got tickets for two.. Having trouble with LA though.. grrrrrr

  22. That was a loooong time ago. :D It's just my excuse. I'm nervous about today!! Presale in an a little over an hour!

  23. I'm not either.. :( I quit swimming, started working at McDonalds, and got dumped by my first boyfriend all at the same time.. pretty much went downhill from there.

  24. Thats no good! I'm sorry if I made you feel bad.. That wasn't my intention.

  25. :( Sorry.. I know how you feel though... I used to untag all of my pictures, and just have ones that I took. But I kind of quit caring.
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