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Status Updates posted by PlugINs0uL

  1. Yup that would just be a bad combo for me.. I usually quit playing video games cuz I miss real human interaction.. but if there were people to talk to in the game... oh man. I'd probably die in my basement.

  2. Holy man if I ever get a ps3 and internet at the same time I would never leave the house.. So I think I'll just avoid putting the two together ever...

  3. We have a mobile internet stick but it's nearly as slow. I do most stuff from my phone when I

  4. Yeah that makes sense! Ugh I'm so bored. I went to work tonight at 8:30 and did a whole bunch of work and then the mom told me she was going to stay home for one more day. So I had to lug all my shit back home. I was planning on watching youtube videos till like 5 am.. but I don't have highspeed internet at my house.

  5. What's the difference? I don't know much about that.

  6. Really? Kaitie's dad is an RCMP. :)

  7. And what career is that??

  8. I have 4 younger brothers and sisters so I don't have to worry about that. There's times when I want kids and times when I don't. I think I need to figure out what I'm doing before I can decide.

  9. I hate beinf in this town., people see me and they know I'm not in school.. plus right now I'm a nanny for 3 kids so whenever I take them out I also look like a huge whore. The kids only make me more sure that I never want one...

  10. Yeah that sucks. I avoid everyone I know for the same reason. When I moved back home ai refused to get a job where I'd have to see people I knew every day. That really limited my job options

  11. I know what you mean. Some people i went to school with are done already.

  12. Yeah well at least you're not giving up! :) I like this hockey game.. but I really don't understand the Don Cherry thing... he seems kind of stupid to me.

  13. That's shitty! I'm sure it will work out though.. Just keep pushing through I guess!

  14. That sucks. :( I've just had a hard time figuring out what I'm going to do with my life. I wish it would just figure itself out..

  15. We've all done it.. I always have a hard time finding jobs because I'm so picky.

  16. Yessir... and her voice annoys me very much.. Oh and I've been meaning to ask you.. What do you do for work and such since you're not in school?

  17. Horseface??? Why yes she is! And some awkward british dude that I forget the name of. It was HORRIBLE.

  18. Lol i think my prof thought it would be a fun project... but he's crazy... anyways, for future reference, never ever watch 'Did you hear about the morgans'. My mom rented it, and I actually wish I was working on my project instead.

  19. Well I've already written an essay on the trends for all of Canada.. and the second project was scouring the census information for soldiers in the peace area.. Now i just have to put that all together.. But i just weasled myself an extension till monday. :)

  20. Glad someone understands. :) And if you don't hear from me ever again.. I've thrown myself out my window.

  21. It is... I have an excel sheet of 800 soldiers. I put it off for too long also.. so now I'm scrambling to get it done.

  22. I wish it was that easy. I'm doing a detailed profile of some soldiers in the peace river region and comparing that to the national averages. This is the last part of a three part project.

  23. Wanna write it??? I'll give you Ll of my research!! And money??? It's gunna be a long night...

  24. I hope so!! :) was my last one!! Now I just have a superfun report on WW1 left to do!

  25. Your luck must have helped! I think I actually passed! Some kind of divine intervention must have occured. Of maybe I'm speaking too soon?

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