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Status Updates posted by PlugINs0uL

  1. I decided you needed a visitor message.

  2. It won't let me talk to you.... :( says you're offline?

  3. emmmmesssssennnn please. and thank you

  4. :( I'm off work till Sunday night so only phone internet for me. Also I'm sleeping in my barn/garage with my new puppy. But I can check facebook and here from my phone. keep me updated!! Pweese?
  5. You replied on your own page. :p get on msn. naooooooo

  6. so no nudes?? Damn..

    lol i'm soo kidding.. sorry if my humour is offensive.. I'm joking like 90% of the time.

    You need facebook.. seriously. My grandma has facebook. (not really though, but that would have been cool)

    The thread is slow right now! I'm not sure why.. you need to come liven it up! I'm the top poster on it though... :(

    And I had a lot of trouble with visitor messages at first also.. lol

  7. I just was creeping your page, and noticed you have a picture up! You're so pretty!!! :D

  8. I shall pm you my number!

  9. That made me giggle.. I don't think we had spelling quizzes when I was 14.. but close enough. We should just text rather than fill up the visitor messages on here... :awesome:

  10. Lol yeah.. I was really into the older dudes when I was 14.

  11. My first boyfriend's name was Ryan Smith... lol true story. He's gay now. :(

  12. Lol no worries there.. I'm an Oilers girl. Although they stopped winning cups the year I was born. :( I'm cursed!!

  13. Lol like what? Holy poop these kids have too much energy today... and it's rainy so we're going swimming...I haven't been in forever.

  14. Lol yay! Was worried I'd scare you off!

  15. :( well you sound pretty cute to me. :D (sorry.. i'll tone down the crazy a bit.)
  16. Lol geez you're difficult. :p I understand though.

  17. Are you going to hide from me at OLP as well?? I was looking forward to meeting you!

  18. Lol pics or it didn't happen. :p

  19. lol nice! :p And I'm talking facewise.. lol

  20. Have you not been to the EEC? It's basically a bar.. There's very very little standing room right in front of the band. There's bleachers and bar stools and possibly some chairs


    Also. I'm so curious as to what you look like.. it's really bothering me. lol

  21. There are seats at the EEC! Lovely ones with a good view!

  22. That sucks! Sounds awful! :(

  23. I have a big scar in my knee from a teeth to knee collision on the trampoline.. The brother's whose teeth they were also has a scar from teeth to the head. We had epic bum wars when we were kids. And trampoline dodge ball.

  24. Aww that sucks! What's wrong with your back? I just think It's cool they say my name in that song. And they have a song called Annie.. which is my sister!

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