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Posts posted by seraphrevan

  1. lol, some guy on another forum also got Stephenie Meyer, and posted this:

    Stephenie Meyer


    Not one word, not one god damn word any of you.


    I only copied my last forum post into that thing. I shall find something or more substence to paste in later. Shhh, I said not a fucking word. There's not a chance in the frozen depths of hell that I write anything like her. Not a god damn word!


    Also, @Tofu, I used the lyrics from every song from all of the studio albums.

  2. @Kirby That's because the BBC has a license fee, and all of their commercials are for their own programs, so they can afford to chunk them all together and show them at once.


    Still doesn't explain why BBC America, which you also have to pay to get, has commercials. Probably because you're paying your cable provider for that tier of channels, and not paying the BBC directly to access just their channels.

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