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Everything posted by Einafets

  1. ah ok Never watched it though, so can't say anything to that On 12th of November Stupid photobucket That was so much fun You and your images Same here! Or you went to the bathroom and missed 5 pages at the parties.
  2. We were bad Maybe we can do that I'll be in another country then though You ditched your friends for this I remember always looking forward to those parties so much I'm good. At home anyway since Tiia is not here anymore and we're usually skyping. wohoo
  3. I don't think I can But I can say "oh look, I used to think about blowjobs when looking at this pic" I don't know Hey That was a good day It is but I guess it will be the last time we're doing this and I miss talking to you guys too So, how is everyone?
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