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Everything posted by DropletInTheOcean

  1. Whoooo Assassins FTW :D:cool::p Yes report it now or just report her for the hell of it :chuckle:


    Well in that case I am feeling good because I love nothing more then being harrased by you, having my privacy invaded and of course without your love my life is incomplete!!!! BECAUSE I CARE!!! Sarcastic enough? :LOL:


    Actually you can't so :phu:


    Those commments are made of win!!!!!! :D LOL: I was in hysterics XD

    The bedroom comment, Hello...cupcake ;)


    THE PIN Is..... :p Also were you deemed too iresponsible and young (in reference to this mornings conversation) to own a bank card :chuckle:


    See being a schizophrenic again that is clearly an accurate descrpition of you :p

  2. I doubt anyone would have a clue what was going on and would probably think your a schizophrenic rapist :p That would have looked great if you repoted it and reinforces my schizophrenic comment :LOL::facepalm:


    I have one thing to say to you: DIE :chuckle: Awesome Muse reference by the way :yesey:


    My reply would be: YOUR feeeling good well screw you because I'm not feeling good :phu: I'm never going to post on your loveboat but I sure will drown your hate boat so let's hope your on the boat :p



    Please please please please please please please
    Let me get what I want!!! :chuckle:
  3. It was worth the risk :chuckle: and yet I'd only risk it when talking to you <3

    Okay have fun reporting yourself because your just that cool XD :LOL:


    Thank you for an awesome conversation my little ninja mobster. Goodnight and much love to you as well. :kiss:


    No "Who Do You Think You Are" followed by Mr Bellamy's uttering of "Fuck off you ****" :p

  4. You'd better start saving you've a lot of money to pay out soon :p

    I'm glad you enjoyed my response XD :LOL: See more evidence of our awesomeness :D:yesey:


    I was very amused cupcake ;) and it was an excellent impression :LOL:


    AND THE PIN IS... :chuckle: I love how even on the morning of a exam we can still be awesome XD

  5. Hi there. Your calling me a rapist. Rapist? Just because you have no life and are desperate don't try and blame it on your non-exsistent cousin!!! Love you,never GO HOME (:LOL:)!!!!


    The pin of my bank card which we almost announced in the canteen once XD


    Love you, I hate you!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also your cousin more like your alter ego which doesn't exsist which just leaves you b****h!!!!!



    On a seperate note I love you cupcake because those questions were amazing :LOL:

  6. Only you could manage that XD *pats on head* We are bizaare and awesome :LOL::awesome:

    You've challenged me now I'm going to say it lots on Friday ;)


    That was epic and I'll give a pwoper reply once I've recovered from my silent laughing spasm :LOL:

  7. It's ok your allowed to buy i quote "slob clothes" in front of me...but don't wear them :p I think this is time to quote mean girls/the muse edit about wearing tracksuits :LOL:


    I'm joking you must remain comfortable in your condition besides jeans wouldn't go with your special table so you don't have to get up :p


    Ok fair enough I'm glad you find me amusing :chuckle: I'll try and say it more often ;)

  8. Thank you for the awesome protection ;) You didn't insult yourself because I hadn't included you in the "people in Plymouth" description :p because I'm logical like that :LOL:


    Is the phrase "Go Home" a reference to something or is it just one of my random phrases? :LOL:

  9. :LOL: I couldn't go there then or you'd have to protect me because I struggle to understand people in Plymouth sometimes XD


    That man just needs to go home and take a leaf out of a certain writers book and get a life :chuckle:


    TIRO shuffling :cool: Also have I mentioned I'm excited about Friday!?! :D:happy:

  10. Well in that case I'll tell you about the moisturiser I use if you like :p XD

    I'm so sowwy Cornwall is an epic foreign country with a exciting/vibrant atmosphere :p:chuckle:


    Don't get me started on that man. *shakes fist* :fear: Speaking of school on results day do our parents have to be there for us to get our results? Because my parents can't get out of work? :/


    Awesome *cheers* we'll be TIRO shuffling soon :D:awesome:

  11. Why did I tell you about my conditioner like you care? XD

    Woah screw NEW YORK I'm going to that church tommorow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :LOL: Why go to the city that never sleeps when you can go to the county which is always asleep :p I'm joking btw ;)


    Defiently if were not the death of the teachers first XD


    Well in celebration of corruption we shall start with champagne after saving for a while :p:awesome:

  12. Well thank you and i've changed my conditioner recently that's made it less frizzy so it curls at the bottom more while the top is straighter :D Your just jealous i got to stalk priests and you didn't :p


    Too easy cupcake, too easy :LOL: Of course I have to keep my mind alert if I'm going to compete with a certain someone in EVERY lesson!!! :p Were going to kill each other XD


    I'm also looking forward to corrupting you completley :p

  13. Well in my opinion I think your hair is awesome/at the best length now :D Anyhow you can't complain have you not seen my hair sometimes? :chuckle: XD


    I thought you would take that back :LOL::p


    Sure, we shall make this happen once I'm eighteen :awesome::p

  14. I can't remember what you looked like in 2009 but I think your hair was long at the time? :D I know I look awful in all photos that are 2009 or older XD :chuckle:


    Well you enjoy your youth at home while we go and enjoy our new found freedom :p Of course your from the bronze age because being 16 makes you really old :LOL:


    I could take responsibility over you or I could jsut be a bad influence who buys you alcohol and corrupts your innocence to quote MUSE "Your innocence is mine" :awesome:

  15. I am beyond subtle I'm a assassin so i'm just so secretive/discreet ;) That seems so long ago :O


    Please don't remind me I'm going to be old!!!! :p Although one year closer to freedom and such :D You'll always be younger then me though even with your back etc. :)

  16. I know we are so uninnocent in comparison now XD *cough* wicked :LOL: I've just realised she's been writing before we joined the boards that's a little scary!!

    Swear Jar=:noey: I don't say that word so we have retained some innocence :chuckle:


    That's a bellamy inspired quote no doubt XD

  17. I have learnt but I still have to go back and change the awfulness *shivers*

    Of course it was awesome :D Ok that makes more sense :LOL:


    We were so funny when we younger and still innocent because we apolagised to each other if we swore XD If only the swear jar exsisted then :p

  18. Sure thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang cupcake ;):eyebrows:


    You acted like an idiot I highly doubt that. :D Have you not seen the way I typed it was evil and text speakish *shivers* why did nobody point this out to me!!!? Sometimes out of embarrasment I go back and change the comments into normal speech XD


    That gummy bear quote was epic and I remember that :D

    The second quote I remember the lesson XD but the quote has confused me who's saying what *has a halo* please explain? :)

  19. At least you didn't use the Lady Gaga lyric: "I'm your hooker...government hooker" XD :LOL:

  20. Eminem :D XD


    You were indeeed born this way (awesome) :awesome:


    :LOL: Was that about a certain indivdual who runs like a pigeon? :p We have been having epic conversations since about 2009 :D:kiss: What page was that on/how old is it?

  21. Guess who's back, back again!!? :p [YT]



    You do make it a little easy for me :LOL: I shall be waiting patiently for September :p:fear::ninja:


    Yep i'm that cool/have that much of a life I so didn't remember it myself...:chuckle:

  22. Well if your sure you can find such a huge fortune lying around :p


    Need I remind you of the rhyme/song YOU came up with: "The Ninja had the stealth,but quite poor health so the hopes for the assassin did look bright" so given your current condition because of your back I think I shall win :p:fear::ninja::awesome: Also I didn't remember the hyme/song I copied it from a note in my random muse book so i do have a life...sometimes XD

  23. Good go like the page :D

    Well in that case you'd better start saving your money because I shall be victorious with my awesome assassin-ness :p:awesome:

  24. Well you can 'like' the page "I'm a pwoper fucking pwoud muser" on facebook and see the awesome things they post and if they win who knows they might give us their winning tickets :p because it's the page of the girl with the awesome red hair I showed you on facebook who's going to Leeds and we were going to try spot her in the audience XD :awesome:



  25. I'm glad you enjoy my annoyingness :awesome: Actually I was checking something ;) Click 'feeling good' on this entry for the fantasy muse venue competition :D It's a facebook group's suggestion and it's a funny group so I voted for this one :D



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