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everyone's cup of sunshine

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Everything posted by everyone's cup of sunshine

  1. not much. got back from camping. . . . i was a bum most of the time. now i think that a friend is mad/creeped-out by me. she hasn't talked back on here yet but she has been on muse so. . . idk. just sad.



  2. Did i offend you in any way? i'm sorry if i did... i understand that we could only be friends don't worry you don't have to tell me. :p but if we could i would. . . it would mean the world to me if you would agree. . . if not. . . well, i'd be allrighty with that. . .


    Did i confuse you? i hope not. . .


    With all my love,


  3. :eyebrows: you're HOTT! Me oh me oh me oh my!!!! WOW!!!!!!!! *whistles* :eyebrows:
  4. HAHAHA i personally made it my buisness to raid your new album and comment on EVERY pic! :D hahahahahaha

  5. umm. . . . . . . ok. . . . . well, i'm from Arizona

  6. lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm so scared

  7. lol! ooh! i'm telling on you!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. HEY! UR FRIENDS WITH SOME OF MY FRIENDS! how r u??????? what does ur title mean?

  9. you're back on!!!!!!!! i'm so happy ur back!!!!!!!!!!! What happened???

  10. hmmm . . . . rugby eh????????? :wtf:

  11. hahahahahaha yay! i'm not the only one!!!!!!! lol

  12. yay! we should make a group "the clutz group!"

  13. today was awesome. better than last week. i was sick. then i broke my arm. then i sprained my pinky toe. now i have a sprain, a break, and a cold. :( it sucks!

  14. r u kidding???????

    wow u crazy girl!

    i'm not fun to talk to! i'm an idiot! my life is like one huge blonde moment, complete with clutzieness! lol

  15. hey thanks for adding me! :D how's ur day goin'?

  16. lol thanks! wow! this is already turning out to be an awesome summer :p ! :D hahaha :LOL: ur awesome! everyone else here makes fun of me. sure it's all good laughs but it's nice to know u care! :) thanks!

  17. i like jack savoretti, MUSE, my chemical romance, paramore, and infected mushrooms those r the 1s that pop into my mind at the mo'

  18. hayy:awesome: thanks for adding me!

    what r u up tah gorgeous!!!!!!!!

    lol! :)

  19. my weekend was horrible! :3 i was sick! then i fell and broke my arm yester day, and to top it all off, i sprained my pinky toe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all in less than a week. i'm a clutz!!!!!! lol i'm glad i can still go on muse

  20. Drat! that weakens my chances! lol jk jk jk jk jk jk jk

  21. i enjoy bliss' music video.

    what other songs do you like?

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