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Becca Of Cydonia

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Status Updates posted by Becca Of Cydonia

  1. Thank you. :)

    Aye, and I'm not lucky enough to live by the beach. ;)

  2. :)

    Aye, all le GCSEs are finishing now. :) Good luck! And yay, awesome. :)

    Great, thanks. :) I'm getting into the summer moooood. :D

  3. OMG I haven't been on here in months.

    So sorry, a very late Merry Christmas to you, too!

    So, how're things? :)

  4. It was brilliant, thanks. :happy:

    Yes, chiller last week next week for me. :dance:

    Yes, they have. :awesome:

  5. Aye, two weeks with the family and no school. :cool:

    Yay for no more exams! Well, for now.

    I'm alright, I have a feeling this will be a brilliant month. All three days have been fantastic. :awesome:

  6. :happy:

    I'm working at my family's business. It's on my birthday aswell, which will be cool. :)

    Thanks, and you, too! I've got Maths and Spanish speaking left now, so I'm alright.

    How're things? :happy:

  7. :awesome:

    N'aww, I have terrible aim.

    Haha, I've got five coming up, then work experience. Gah.

  8. Haha, I love when people's hair goes wrong. That sounds cruel, but it's their own fault for dying it so much!

    I'm not too keen on spray-dye, it just seems like too much effort.

    Anyhow, my exams are over for a few weeks. :happy:

  9. It's been sunny again, apart from the day when I had to walk to school, it typically rained.

    Haha, a girl at school has died her hair red, but it looks bright pink/purplish tinge and her skin is all pink. :chuckle:

    I'm not allowed to dye my hair, I might when I'm older, however.

  10. :cool:

    Haven't tried it yet, need more sun up here. :(

    Haha, I was supposed to have red hair spray for some 60/70s day at school, but my step-mum bought pink instead. :LOL:

  11. I wish I had an awesome accent. :(

    Like NZ :awesome:

    Anyhow, I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow, and going to try that lemon juice thingy to make my hair a bit blonder, it's gotten all dirty blonde. :supersad:

    My step-mum knows how to do it and says it works, so might as well give it a try.

  12. Haha, try having a Yorkshire accent. Although, sometimes my accent turns into a thick London one because I have family from there. Gah, annoying.

    Last day of the holidays. :(

  13. Malton, North Yorkshire. :cool:

    We didn't get to go. :(

    Haha, Southerner. :p

  14. :LOL: Ah, doing nothing. Wonderful. :happy:

    Hmm...Going to Flamingo Land, I think. Should be getting my hair cut, also.


  15. Wow, I'm really bad at this replying within a few weeks thing.

    Well I would be, if that was a thing.

    Ooh, I'm great. Holidays. :awesome:

    How're you? :happy:

  16. Wow, late reply.

    I vote for you to be PM! I'm so glad we're hardly at school in April, though! :happy:

  17. We're not sure. Maybe cross labrador and staffy or spaniel. She's had her tail docked, and because she's a cross it was probably broken as a pup.

    Yes, the weekend could not have come at a better time, however it's nearly over. :supersad:

  18. My reply's even later. :p

    I'm great, thanks.

    I'M GETTING A DOG. :awesome:

    I've wanted one since Bessie was put down in 2008, and now we're getting one.

    She's called Lucy, two years old, and was abandoned by her previous owners.

    Aww, she's adorable. :happy:


    Yeah, so how're you? :)

  19. It's actually not too bad driving into town on a weekend here. T'is boring up here. :(

    Ah well, strawberries and ice cream <3

  20. Ah, my dad's more childish than me. :happy:

    I live right next to a graveyard. I'm about a fifteen minute walk from the cinema and restaurants, so at least there's something to do at weekends.

  21. Oh, I'd love to be a kid forever! I doubt I'll ever grow up really.

    I really wish something eventful would happen where I live, it's so boring! :(

  22. Haha, I'm great, thanks. Just bogged down with homework. :frown:

    Ooh, I love asking this. What did you get? :happy:

  23. Happy Birthday! <3


    Such a long, long time no see. How're you? :happy:

  24. Haha, is that a good thing?

    It went...alright. Meh, I scraped an A for it, so I'm happy. :happy:

    I've never liked it nor seen one all the way through. As a kid, I only ever liked Teletubbies, Tweenies then it was Dangermouse, Hong Kong Phooey, Top Cat, Wackey Races etc.

    Haha, I used to dress up as Dangermouse. :LOL:

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