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Everything posted by S.A.A.R.A

  1. Hello! :) What's up? haven't heard of you a while.

  2. Thank you :D You're right,it should refer to HAARP.I was obsessed with it,when I joined the forum :) I assume you like MOTP too :) Nice to meet you by the way :D

  3. Physically I'm fine,but I'm so bored.My holidays are rubbish.The only intersting thing I do is playing guitar :).Good luck with your mixing and recording :)

  4. Like always-boring.I have like two months of my summer holidays left and i dont know what to do.I'm freaking out :wtf:

  5. Don't be sorry.(Me and my big mouth :p) When did they say that she's his wife?though Amy asked in the time of angels.But i think you can see that the doctor is another man after regeneration.The 11th doesn't even remember Rose(who the 10th obviously loved and the 9th i reckon),Donna etc.



    A new new Doctor :D

  6. Well,Amy got River's diary as a wedding present(Rory said that a woman gave it as a present).And then River said he will soon find out who she is and they really look very similar.How could you not notice that? I started getting it when the Doctor was in the Pandorica ready to fly into the center of the Tardis explosion.And who mentioned Rose and them? You are really confusing me :)

  7. Holy tooL!!! I've just watched Doctor who and it was brilliant! I can't believe that Amy is River.Now I can't wait for the Christmas special too :)

  8. Well as you know i dont have bbc,so i have to download all the episodes which i usually do on sundays.That means i havent watched it yet,but when i do later this day ill let you know what i think of it.We have to discuss the last episode of the 11th doctors series :D

  9. Ma prijavila se kad sam skin'la HAARP s intiša i očigledno je ostavio dobar dojam na meni :).Ja sam iz Bosne,Prijedor ako znaš gdje je (sjeverozapadno od Banja Luke).

  10. Hello!Sorry I'm answering now,but I've been busy with school.But finally it has finished,no school until September :D.Nothing much interesting here.What about you?What have you been up to?

  11. hey sta ima komsinice? Jos nisam nikog srela s prostora bivse yuge. :D

  12. Hey!Ive been busy and stressed.Too many exams :(.What about you?? Anything interesting?

  13. trying to be calm and to get some good marks in school.Really stressing.But don't give up the fight,you will be alright;like a wise man once said :)

  14. your signature is brilliant!Well done :awesome:

  15. thanks for the add.Nice to meet you too :).Whats up btw?

  16. I usually don't argue about things like this,but at some point i have to say my opinion.For the peace in all our souls let's say MAVID (Matt+David = Mavid ).The best answere
  17. Hello there!Whats up?Yup,the who episode was amazing.I'm not sure about the next one,but i can't wait.:D I've read you write poems.That's great.I kinda write too(but it's not that good though no one has ever read it).About what do you write?

  18. Your username is BRILLIANT!I love it :D.

  19. I can't wait to watch it.It looks thrilling.

  20. Me and something interesting?lol.I'm totally bored and i've got no inspiration.The muse hasn't kissed me yet.And the only thing i'm looking forward to is watching dr.who tomorrow.Can't wait:)

  21. I know what you mean.My class,except for two dumbos, didn't turn up either for an test and we were really screwed.Good experience though :p .:)

  22. Hey!Well,I've had a stressing week,and the others are not going to be easier.Nice you like my profile picture:),I had to show my love for TooL:D haha...How about you?Any interesting events?

  23. Hey!What's new?I bet you're going to watch dr.who tonight.enjoy:) Cheers!

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