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Triple C

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Status Updates posted by Triple C

  1. Yeah it's kind of disappointing, it does OK for pictures of cats and cars, but it's dreadful for concerts! I wanted to show off gig pics to friends and they were like "Um, those are just some blurry blue lights in the dark." I might have to buy a legit camera for the fall concerts.:-)

  2. Yes of course! I feel honored to be in someone's sig!:) It's like a right of passage.:LOL:

  3. Oh man, I gotta pick a favorite? Haha. I particularly enjoyed PIB on that night ... seeing Matt tear through that riff up close, holy shit, and behind his head like that. I mean, I'd seen him do it on video before, but in person, it was unreal. I was pretty excited when they launched into MK Ultra, too, since they hadn't done that at Philly, was kind of a treat. And Exogenesis Pt 1 was just insane ... I got a little bit teary-eyed, in an awestruck way. I could go through the whole setlist pretty much, LOL. Every song was a rush, even after hearing mostly the same setlist the night before ... it was that much cooler to see it close-up and in a mass of like-minded fans. Oh and one more crowning moment for me ... Man with a Harmonica at the beginning of KoC. I love Ennio Morricone's music, and Once Upon A Time In The West is my favorite (I've had the soundtrack since middle school, seriously). Muse + Morricone = I lose my mind.:D

  4. Yep, but I was pretty far back in the line. In retrospect I wish I'd shown up way earlier and hung out in the cold for a while. I got there about 5 I think and still ended up pretty close to the stage ... I kind of bounced around (literally) to different places during the show but always had a good view ... aside from when I got stuck behind 7-foot-tall guy for a moment. I don't think anyone would remember seeing me there, I blend in pretty well ... 5'6", brown hair, jeans and a Muse T-shirt LOL ... I had a pale pink hoodie on for a while but took it off. I thought our crowd was great though, I'm so glad I got GA. Next show I go to I'm going to make an effort to meet people. :)

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