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About Vader

  • Birthday 08/01/1993

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    Funky Town
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  1. three weeks?? i think anything over a week is usually too much for a holiday, like after a week you just get bored and it loses it's novelty :LOL:

    that said last time i went on holiday was like 3 years ago..


    i think i'm sort of moving through the decades from the 60's onwards in terms of taste (not fashion though, no money for buying retro clothes [N]) vintage is really nice, twenties and thirties i think are nice decades because they're before ww2 and the economy was good so art and culture got all :awesome:

    the 60's 70's and 80's i like because they really help with art lately.. i have these broad sweeping judgements of how each decade was like in my head and i end up pretty much inventing how society developed, and peoples mentalities changed and culture changed and it's so inspiring lol, i make up contexts for ideas and images and stuff and it just makes everything feel so much more relevant :LOL: like half basing stuff on reality and half on stuff i make up, t'is very fun


    this is what happens when i get tired :LOL:

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