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Everything posted by feelinggood

  1. That was hillarious (i can only play on easy,lol), have you read the muse uncyclopedia? thats the good thing about my laptop, my mom doesn't know how to use it! :chuckle: (i also got my dad to buy me it, but he doesn't even know about the existance of pmt. tehe) I asked my mom that if chris wore a lab coat would she go crazy, but she said "nah, the lab coat doesn't do it for me." :noey: lab coat is awesome! i showed her that chris sacks the security gaurd twitpic, and she was like "ooohh baby look at his muscles!" :facepalm:Then i showed her drummer muscles and she was not impwessed :(

    ah! my cousin just bombed me with smiling gerard pics, so i countered with dom smiling pics (love that sunsmile:D)

    (where do you live?):$

  2. (lol matt and his comp problems :D) ill have to go searching soon then! :happy:

    aw matt dressed up like a puppy, jjust like that blue paws twitpic! whenever i see that one i get this huge stupid grin on my face!

    (my cousin just txt me and said clementines=yummy! :eek:... :LOL:) I prob have like alot of repeats, but i see a really nice one and can't remember if i saved it, but i have my own laptop so my mom doesn't know (well too much) about my picture saving habit :ninja:

    ah lab coat, my mom thinks he looks stupid with it on :noey: its more like "hello doctor bellamy :eyebrows:".........

    thank you :happy: your name is pretty!

    (now to settle in with pmt and some earl gray :D)

  3. (ah! the forum signed me out and i had just gotten done with my reply, and my comp is going so slow! :fear:) I was looking for GH3 but could only find pre-owned which didn't work out to well :noey:

    lol when you said mind f*ck i thought of that matt pic :LOL: PDT takes up my time and i get way behind on PMT! :( they have good pics on there, but the conversations :eek:/:stunned: ( i saved over 100 dom pics, but thats nothing compared to my over 2,000 matt pics :facepalm:) i was trying to explain tight spidy dom to my friend :$

    Matt's marvelous moves and smbh glittery/sweaty matt :stunned: that isn't good for the mind! :eyebrows:or is it (:ninja: i need to stop pdt lurking, it reinforces those dom dreams!) i know exactly what you mean :chuckle:

    My name is Sara :happy:, Yours? (nataly?) oh I listened to attack, thats pretty good;)

  4. Oh you have GH3 I was gonna buy that, but didn't know how to download the extra three muse songs, can you explain to me pleaze?

    A dog? huh :wtf: ( matt with flopy ears just came to mind... wow)

    I have been on the PDT all day today ( a bit of pmt this morn.) I thought the PMT was bad, but i ended up saving way more pics than I thought I would :rolleyes:

    Vfestival version used to be my fav. (well out of the live ones) i guess coz it was the one that made me fall in love with that song, but now it's second after the *leavesmebreathlessandspeachless* studio version... now i really want to listen to it :LOL:

    Oh i didn't even look at Chris in that, although i usually don't. Chris you are :awesome:, but not my cup of tea :rolleyes: lol, i just tried to look at his hair, but couldn't tear my eyes from matt's mesmerizing moves! :chuckle:

  5. My mom hadn't heard of muse till I got all muse this and muse that... I can see how matt looks like a rabbit sometimes (rabbits are cute tho :happy:) I just dont see the rat :noey:

    Ceiling Dombie Kruger! i thought ceiling dom was scary (even tho i had that as my desktop for awhile :chuckle:) but ceiliing dombie kruger :eek:!!!!!!!! Omg that combined with Lady Gaga just on the news :stunned:

    My mom thinks I spend to much time on here (pmt mostly)... I think right now she thinks I'm emailing.... :rolleyes: I love it when he does those sounds, especially dead star! I can't believe that until christmas eve I hadn't heard the studio version :eek:, just the live V festival one!

    Oh yeah matt dancing! that was cute, but did he seem all that into to you?

    This is my fav. Matt dance atm:

    the way he moves his legs :stunned:
  6. Hey! I'm doing good, hoping for a big snow storm tonite:happy:

    I'm sorry but i must ask you, who do you think is hotter: matt bellz or ray toro? ( very long fight with my cousin over who is hotter, of course i say matt :p)

  7. well thats cool! I know the music thing is hard to do, but i hope that i will have at least some success on the gay thing (prob. not :rolleyes: I am listening to starlight acapella and i love his voice even more know! (if thats possible)

    OH god! domand freddie kruger! thats scawy!!! :eek: If dom is a virus i caught him...

    see i didn't like bananas before matt, but i swear i don't like them just because of matt!!! :ninja:.. :facepalm: My mom got this big thing of oranges a while ago and most went bad coz i only ate like one...

    I forgot my key to the house this morning so i ended up outside freezing cold waiting for my mom to get home. Once i was inside I ran straight to here! :LOL: (well pmt... :rolleyes:)

    lol matt just made this licking sound in pib vocals!

  8. hello! thanks for the friend request :happy:

  9. he is ssoo cute and adorable! i absolutely love his smile! I think that is when i go all crazy over dom, when hes smiling or wearing his aviators! :cool:

  10. Im a major drool over matt pics PMTer (but i don't get lots of chances to post:() but i also like dom (only pics from 2005 on tho... :rolleyes:)

  11. ah!... so are you a matt, dom, or chris person? (or undecided)

  12. Thats what I hope! How old are you? (i ask lots of questions... :chuckle:)

  13. thats cool! I so want to go somewhere like england or italy! my mom just wont take me.. :rolleyes:

  14. Oh thats cool. I have a friend moving there, so do you like it?

    Since you live in the states I'm wondering how you found out about muse?

  15. Thats alright!

    So i saw that your in the states (me too), where are you?

  16. Hey! Thanks for the friend request :happy: I love your profile pic! its beautiful :stongue:

    So how are you?

  17. So does your mom think he's good looking or he's a good choice because of something else? :confused:

    I just have to turn her onto origin of symmetry and showbiz (my favs ). I have to convert her into thinking that Matt and Dom aren't gay and are both good looking. she doesn't have to be pter, but she just needs to stop calling matt rat boy. :fear:.. lol

    Ah, i cant remeber my dream only that dom (of course :rolleyes:) was there!

    Oh god that oranges thing! :LOL: Last year that was a thing that came up on the bus, so that sounds familiar! :LOL::LOL: yeah i coulodn't eat an orange after that! but i couldn't give up the bananas! I love them, but my mom thinks i only like them because matt does... :facepalm:

  18. Lol, oh yeah the VMAs. they were awesome, but by that time my mom knew of muse. she likes them a lot (resistance, abso, and BHR, not OoS or showbiz).. we'll blast them in the car and air drum and all that! We prob. look like idiots to anybody else, but hey! if they were in the car they would too! ...

    Dreams are so mean! I wake up all disapointed! I had a dream that dom was fighting aligators for oranges... but that was after i saw something about oranges but didn't have the will to look through 50 pages and find out what it was about , but usually they are good and i find out that i was just dreamiing and that i didn't really meet/talk/other stuff with Matt/Dom.....

    but yet i still hope for matt/dom dream (since i know dom will be there!)... hoping to have muse dream in a bit!

    I would ask you to explain the oranges thing because the lolz thread wont(..... gr), but from the dirty thoughts thing, im gonna asume its something like the um "matt showing off" picture, correct me if I'm wrong...

    (darn i posted it on mine by accident, s i would have a gazillion smilies but they didn't copy)

  19. OMG thats scary your sis sounds just like my cousin! She say the exact same thing about the pink pants meaning that dom is gay and them being married! :stunned: i dont think ive ever let her see a muse funny moments vid *mental note: dont let em see those vids :shifty:*

    30STM, never heard of them, but Jared... was he one of twonkie's avs?

    My mom calls matt my boyfriend also.... :rolleyes:

    I know I'll be on pmt all night then have freaking dom dreams! Dom, I mean your cute and amazing (and sexy at some times), but i want matty in my dreams! :chuckle: Hot Dom and Matt dreams... :$um, yeah I know what you mean :eyebrows:.. :rolleyes:

    but do you ever go on PDT?

  20. Yea! You watch the Twilight Zone, i told my friends "yeah im watching the twilight zone" and theyre all "wats that?"

    My cousin is the exact same way. She is MCR obsessive, I mean we have daily fights about who is hotter- matt v gerard, ray v dom, and if dom is gay or not. she also thinks that matt is preg by dom, shouldnt have shown her those lolz ( had to much ski that night) :facepalm:

    I think anybody from MCR in my dreams would scare me :eek:, but muse in the :awesome:. Its weird though, Im PMTer, but Dom is always in my dreams. Just last night Dom was suddenly by my side, in my bed, and i was just snuggled up with him. He was so cute!:happy:

  21. Hi!!! I love your av.. so many :stongue: pics of matty!!

    oh and Happy New Year! :party:

  22. Yeah I'm not really in the "WO! :dance:party it's the end of the year!" mood.. I'm more like "wo.... :sleepy:" I didn't do anything to celebrate really, my mom and I are just sitting at home eating junk food and watching the twilight zone! oh, the one with zetas (well aliens) is on! :LOL:

    hmm Mikey Way.. I ca't really decide out of them, not really my type... :rolleyes:

    Your talkiing about being 60 and on the PMT, well my mom and i were just talking about Matt and Dom being old, and Dom still walking around in his bright skinnies... :chuckle:

  23. I wanted to wish you a very Happy New Year!! :party:

  24. wanted to wish you a Happy New Year! :party:

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