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Everything posted by feelinggood

  1. :LOL: Im texting Nick right now so of course i have this stpid grin on my face kinda :facepalm: I like never text him tho!


    :LOL: when i was reading that i was thinking something else :eyebrows: when you repeated my "with my mouth" line... :$:facepalm: then i looked at the pic it went to diff thoughts... :$ I shouldnt think like that...

    Ikr! I know i just kinda giggled like a silly fangirl...



    i would have been mortified :eek:

    oh yes maffoo... ok thoughts are re-arriving

    did you say fun all throughout :eyebrows: ... i love this one- cydonian thighs

    http://millionstar.livejournal.com/2009/09/02/ its funny and good

    oh i know! I mite name some pet Nova now! :LOL:


  2. :awesome: Ive never heardbthem on the radio, well actually just some preview clip of things to come, ya know. I dont sing infront of people, im to shy! :LOL::LOL: If my mom has muse turned up REAL loud and shes singing Ill do some but it wont be my true voice :chuckle: coz i sing really looud when im at home. Ill have my music going and just singing and dancing! :awesome: its so much fun!


    what are these dirty thoughts on... :eyebrows:

    :LOL: Ive had them in my head all day! Some guy at my lunch table asked me "what if the guys from Muse walked up to you with their shirts off?" i just sorta went :awesome::stunned: then giggled a little and melted :yesey: I made a fool of myself (once again)


    I know i do that all the time! "Thats not what happened!! GET IT RIGHT!" :LOL:


    ill remember that then!

    I know its just so passionate, and i hate that guitar and floor :facepalm:

    I read one and i was mortified, coz i wasnt expecting it to be a belldom! :eek: I just licked on a link in the lolz thread!


    I know his character just makes me go :happy:, so have they done it yet!? :LOL:

    ahahha i cant believe I said that!


  3. One time I was vacuumming and listening to my zune, and some song came on so i was oidng that whole headbang/guitar/dancing/crazy jumps! and stuff and i walk out and there is my mom standing in the next room and she'd have to walked infront of the room i was in to get there i was like ; :eek::$


    thats stupid guitar... its so lucky! and it doesn't even know. You think Matt would notice if I took its place and just made guitar sounds with my mouth! :LOL:

    yeah i tend to like books better than their movies. I guess its coz if you dont agree with how the director see's it you can create your own image with a book. :yesey:


    I sjould have maybe put a warning on those pics, that is a dangerous combo after certain convos... :stunned: I shouldn't have just looked back at it!

    i know! Ive had the most horrible (well good..) pervy thoughts today!!!

    I absolutely love Tofu for that .gif. damn i wish i could use gifs as my background :facepalm:


    ok Ive been reading seventeen steps. I useed to freaked out by belldoms but this one is just so sweet and has those muse slash moments in them.... which are actually.. well :$

    this is her lj: http://millionstar.livejournal.com/2010/

    i love all of hers

    the first chapter is on Oct 14, 2009: http://millionstar.livejournal.com/69948.html#cutid1 this is the start, but later on when they get together is when the fun starts :eyebows:



  4. I know I'm just like dancing all around and having a good time and :dance:. then my mom walks in and I'm like :eek: No you didnt see that!

    i envy that glitterati a lot! I need to be in its place more often.... i know its always matt's fault!

    I havent read it yet, but i always hear that it was really good and that people cried during it. but i should get around to reading it.

    um yeah i have it, im uploading it to pb *runs to pb.... runs back*


    here it is


    ok yeah that is hot! :$ i know

    OMG that is an amazing question.. um wow, I'd have to agree with your answer! ok images! :stunned:

    why does this come to mind:

    makinglovebellamystyle.gif god i wish i was were that guitar is.


    of course PMT has to post this now (i looked for maybe a bit too long :$:



    Have you ever read any muse slash (seventeen steps?)


    I just read my horoscope and thought it told me to wear something kinky :facepalm: it said kicky.

  5. I know!! I dance like ssssooo much when I'm listening to the killers! I'll be like dancing around and just stop dead when my mom walks in! :LOL:

    oh yeah :eyebrows: "some stuff" sounds nice as i said earlier some licking may be involved :facepalm: I know rite! but its so hard not to go there...

    I know I haven't either, but i remember him :yesey: I read 1-4 and 6, i couldn't read 5. It was boring :noey: and i just never got to the 7th one. omg i know what you mean. that picture was amazing.. just AH! :stunned:


    take turns between kissing them! :LOL: oh no, i couldnt do that, id push brandon out. he's married duh!

    but these questions were nice pictures....

    how would you react if u was laid in bed tonight and someone got in bed next to you, and so you turn over and its matt laid there with his face soo close to yours looking sexy as ever ;D


    oh god i think i'd have to atack him! :eyebrows: kissing and um once again the shirt would have to be off!


    yummm.. matt kissing.. but WAIT,your chewing gum!! (god knows why you have gum whilst laid in bed) and by this point matt is taking of his shirt.. and trousers...


    I'd get rid of the gum, it'd get in the way! :LOL: but the rest.... thats just... wow. oh god its like that story is coming back.



  6. yes they are! I was listening to a Killers song (probably Joy ride) while i was sweeping the floor and I ended up dancing and using the broom as a mic :facepalm: but man that was FUN! :LOL:

    ohhhh..... kidnapping sounds fun, bring him home :eyebrows: He would stay in my room... :ninja:

    He's in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire the fourth one! :LOL: He does that little tongue thing which now i find a lot more...... um.. attractive :chuckle: like matt licking the Kaoss Pad! :stunned:(his arse looked good in that pic... also i cant help but look at David's when you get a clear view of it :facepalm:)


    I know!!! the images just came and rendered me :stunned:

    yes very good images :eyebrows: the arse, licking, and shirtless questions put the most images in my head :facepalm: oh wait the licking was my imagination lol. so i think i verbalized most of my dreams in those answers.... a bit was left out tho... :ninja:


    so wat did you answer?

  7. I love bones :awesome: Bling is a good song to run to I think and im going to start doing that this summer, so thats good! :awesome:

    I hope i will too :LOL: Dont they like South American fans tho! :chuckle:

    He is :yesey: I think I only started to watch Dr. Who because of David! :LOL: Hes got a great personality also. :happy: and hair..... i want to ruffle it... :ninja:

    oh yeah ive seen those before. ok so what would i say...

    [spoiler=what i would say] ok i have to tell you that right now im trying not to burst out laughing! :LOL:but here it goes:

    1. What would you do if Matt Bellamy saw you sitting on your bed, walked over to you, sat down on your lap, then started making out with you?


    Ok first of all, I'd like to be on his lap and once thats taken care of I'd start making out with him. oh yeah and run my hands through his ruffle-able hair, I mite also ripp off his shirt, i have a thing for doing that! lol


    2. What would you do to Matt? Would you kiss him back?


    Hell yes!


    3. Okay, so, Matt is kissing you, and you are in a really small tight space and have no where to put your hands except for between you and matt or on Matt's arse. Which one would you pick?


    One on his arse, one on his abs :yesey: Well actually maybe both on his arse coz I'd want to be as close as possible and have you seen that arse! its amazing!


    4. What if Matt got really hot and took off his shirt? What would you do?


    i already helped him take it off!!! but if I hadnt i'd just help him again and enjoy the view! (nipples) :$ I'd probably stare and run my hands all over his chest. licking may be involved...


    5. Okay...then matt gets really really tired and decides to go take a nap in your bed. He then motions for you to take a nap too- right next to him- would you? Then what would you do?


    I'd glady cuddle up right next to him and snuggle into his chest, maybe kiss his collar bone some oh and that neck! (he still has the shirt off rite!, also im not responsible for what would happen if you got me that close to the bellz neck...)


    6. he still keeps his shirt off, and asks you to nap with him in the same bed. So what's to be mad about? And what if he sleeps in underwear?


    good the shirts still off! :yesey: underwear is good... :ninja:less is even better


    7. Then he decides to wrap his arms around you instead of taking a nap. What do you do?


    well i'd snuggle into the embrace and kiss him on the lips once, then look into thos beautiful eyes. and id probably have one hand in his hair, can u tell that i LOVE his hair


    8. What if Matt then reached for his pants off the floor and took out a ring from the pocket and asked you to marry him? (i know the answer i yes! lol)


    pants on the floor you say :eyebrows:

    hmm.. that ones hard to answer, I really dont know him, but if i did all that stuff above and i loved him then yes.


    9. Then what if he put the ring back down and wrapped his arms around you even tighter and held you really tightly and started making out with you again? And btw what would you be wearing at this point?


    I'd want to wear the ring tho! :(

    the arms around me are good, tighter is even better!

    so were making out again, that means back to the hair ruffling, arm stroking, kissing all over, and clothes! what clothes?! JK





    i can't believe I just said all that.

  8. Oh my. I havent replied in while! :$

    god i hate how school gets in the way of my museing time! :mad: i got sams town tho and love it. im like obssesed with Bling :awesome::LOL:

    "with bananas and all" thats GREAT! it kinda did, but... :LOL::LOL:

    well i feel kinda better now, but its weird friday nite i was just sorta detached, not really sad or anything, but :erm: God i hope they come back.

    Why will you never see them?

    and i've added another guy to my list :LOL: (of famous peoples, matt/dom/brandon) to drool over. :LOL:

    I've been watching Dr. Who and im in love with David Tennant! :chuckle:

  9. now all i got to do is convince my mom. i told her we were going out this weekend and she was like "oh really 0_o" i hadnt really listened to Sam's Town before but i started to and LOVE it :awesome:

    Darn no he wasn''t that would be awesome tho! Pwofessor Matteh!:awesome::LOL: we could learn about how horrible the governments are and about zetas and conspiracies! :LOL:

    Canceled classes are the best!:chuckle:

    ok is it horribly ridiculous that i serioudly cried when i watched this:

    im like so sad now! i realized i could have been seeing them in like 8 days and i got really sad :(
  10. I think this weekend that im goignt o go buy Sam's town! :awesome: I have the other three cds but i still need that one.

    Thank you! :kiss: OMG we had to do a persuasive essay today and i was dreading it! :fear:

    then i looked at the prompt and had to stop myslef from laughing at how easy it was gonna be for me! It was over wether people should be able to download music for free on the internet because it is very easy now a days, so in your opinion should people be able to do this? :LOL: :LOL: I was writing like the whole time we were given!:LOL: I wrote about how it hurts the bands and how its hard for new bands to get started and about the whole ISP's thing!! :LOL: So matt bellamy found his way into my exams!!!! :LOL:

    well i liked the cold today! i had pe last hour and we had to run 18 minutes!! :mad: so it felt good!

    Thank you!! it helped very much! I tried it out and it worked!! :awesome:

  11. Hi! :happy: Ive been kinda busy the last few days :( I started standardized testing today fo this week :fear: but that means less homework :dance:

    Well i get to hear wbout how hot TI's "titanium abs" are! :LOL: Jonas bros= :noey: better not let my other cousin see that... :ninja:

    IMO cold weather is yucky.. Im more of a spring or fall person coz the temperatures are always in the middle and everythings either blooming and pretty or turning colors so the leaves are beautiful :happy:

    :LOL: i think my friend in New Zealand referred to it as "the epic battle" when i told her about dommeh being kissed. :chuckle:

    im all caught up on pmt so i think im going to post again. Can you tell me how you do multiple qoutes in a post? Ive never figured it out..

  12. Creepy but cute! :LOL: nah they dont like him at all. they are sure that dom is gay and one of them is scared of his skinnies! :LOL: (for certain reasons :ninja: ) and they think matt is creepy. eww i hate the jonas brothers :noey: I wanna know how/why anyone likes them...

    You've never seen snow! :eek: I couldnt imagine that! We always have snow, but it isnt always a lot. Im still sick of it tho! :LOL: its so cold. I have officially decided that i would rather be hot than cold :yesey:

    I know! I love how matt slapped him tho! :matt: go matt! :LOL::LOL::LOL:

  13. :LOL: Ill have to contain myself from just randomley cracking up now!

    OH she thinks he looks creepy!! :eek: none of my friends thinks he is hot/cute/ok anything... they all think he is ugly :noey::supersad:, but i still bother them with my love for him! :LOL:

    I am sssoooo tired of snow! :mad: I want spring!!! I know it really looked like it was natural or something! :eek::LOL: dom is ssooo not helping his lack of heterosexuality with that! :chuckle: It did look like a pwopa one! and poor matt :supersad: his man is getting kissed by someelse!

  14. I know I feel the same! :LOL::facepalm:

    My friend Katie and i were walking back from lunch to science and I burst out laughing coz Matt's shoesize came to mnd (well what size they look like) so i sent her an email of the one twitpic of him infront of the cannons and was like :eek: look at that!!! :eyebrows:


    not snow, we have Casmir Polaski day off. I just finished looking at the lolz thread and am loling so hard. I had to watch that video of Nic Cester giving Dom a kiss over and over coz i couldnt really believe my eyes! :LOL: It just looked kinda... weird :LOL:

  15. I should do that! but then id forget it after i changed it! :LOL:

    oh yes matt on that scale :eyebrows: I dont know! :LOL:

    [spoiler=my lunch conversation]I was askingmyself the same question at lunch! we have the worst convos... :LOL: but today a guys size got brought up:eek: :facepalm: I have no idea how and the next thing i know my friend asked a guy were do you put it? (like when theyre dressed) :LOL:

    then we were talking about the shoe size thing, and immediatley matt popped in my mind! :rolleyes:


    I have three day weekend,:dance: so hopefully ill be able to catch up on pmt, but i have lots of homework!

  16. I'm like on my email ALL the time so I can do the same! :LOL: I just hope no one finds it... :shifty:

    yeah! a level up on the perv scale. Well dom is the perviest of the group! (i think, but matts the one who would only answer the sex related threads *remeber that from some interview*)

    When I'm on the couch I lay so my feet are poiting in her direction and put my laptop on my lap, this way my mom can t see my face and doesnt see the screen! :D

    Oh god I just got that picture of dom in a leopard print suit in my head! :eek: (i hate that I cant attach pics from my computer on here) I think I might wear my leopard print belt though :ninja:

  17. Nice! :chuckle:

    I agree totally. They actually kinda scared me a couple of times. I try not to read their convos anymore! :eek:

    I hate that! the first time i read it she was like rite their on the couch! I had to contain myself... :LOL:

    I have picture day tomorrow and really dont want my pic taken :fear: I still have to figure out what im going to wear also...tehe! :chuckle:

  18. Well i saved it on my email!! :LOL: oh my good thing that didnt come on! :eek:

    See matt you deserve that award! you made crazy PMTers lose the ability to function rite! :LOL:

    i think it was while you were gone.. maybe. Why am I listening to Maroon 5 and reading it again!

    Its just too hard!


    (i mean to stop reading!!) :LOL:

  19. :LOL: I know! I couldn't function rite after reading that..... :stunned: I was trying to stop myself from reading it as i was putting it in the post :chuckle:

    Oh:eek: those are great! I'll have to browse through the rest, i just kinda skimmed so far. I know he is just OM NOM NOM! :eyebrows:

    I love his little smile! :happy:

    I know... that was just amazingly make my mind go nutz! :stunned: The pmt got very busy when that happened! OK i just read it again and am having a damn ard timee trying to type this! :stunned: oh god and a maroon 5 song came on and almost all of them are dirty and this one had hard breathing! :eek:

  20. OMG THAT WAS GREAT!!! I love their reactions. Matt just like "AAHHAA!!" at dom.. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

    I wanna see those photos that were taken whith Slash!!! matt looked so damn HOT:eek:! So did Dom!! I was either staring at Matt's jaw/face or dom's amazing outfit...I do that whenever I see matt/muse/dom are in a mag I get it, and my mom just :facepalm:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtQqyMU5VDw this is the interview. He's a lot slower of a talker than matt! I was like ok come up whats the next word youre gonna say! :rolleyes:

    I have it! ok its dirty...

    [spoiler=dont show anyone...]

    I dont have the begining but what happened was matt comes out of the ocean and walk towards you on this beach. Hes all wet, dripping, and sexy. He walks right up to you and pushes you down onto a chair and goes down with you...


    well there you are matt lying on top of you, you can feel his weight slowly pressing down on you, his whole body is now touching yours, and yet you both want to be closer. its getting darker and although its cold you cant feel it, all you can feel is matt and his eyes starring down on you like your the most perfect girl in the world


    (insert blurry pic of matt's uprising banana, the one that looks really big)

    thats what is lying on top of you.... then he slowly undoes his trouser zipper and pulls you even closer whilst taking off your clothers...its now midnight, the stars are out and all you can hear is the sea and each others breathing..


    then he kisses your cheek then neck softly and slowly. his arm moves down and strokes your legs whilst with the other arm lifts you up to his face....


    it starts to rain... now your clothes are getting stuck to your bodies and matt has to take off all of them now... the tension is growing and neither of you can hardly wait, both know whats about to happen and the suspence is becoming unberable. your now sitting up facing each other as matt takes your top of. then he starts to touch your hair, the whole time staring into your eyes intensly


    .... then you cant get any closer even though you try.... then matt leans back exactly like the picture ^ except, its not he guitar thats there... the moment could not get any better... the moment seems to last forever, neither of you want it to end,.. matt then leans back in and whispers into your ear" you are perfect in everyway and i love you"


    his hand touch all over your body whilst his other graps the back of your head and hair.. its becomig more passionate now. he throws you down now to the ground, unable to stand up much longer and once again presses his whole body on to yours..he kisses your neck and you can feel his racing heart beat upon your chest and both of you are breathing so heavily


    your both struggling to hold on but you know you must for it to keep going... theres nothing around to grip on to, so you have to grap matt... you even scratch his back and that seems just to highten the moment even more...


    his hands move down you body... his hands are now everywhere around your body..and your now gripping for life...


    [spoiler=plastic bag rockers,just something funny]he touching your body he leans back you think out of true passion...he comes back with a plastic bag and puts it on his head...now hes ready



    after what has seem like a lifetime..you both finally let go and reach the most pleasurable and body tingling moment... matt then roles over struggling to breath turns to you leaning himself on his arm stares at you whilst you try to catch your breath, neither of you move, you feel that you physically cant, you have never felt something that good and neith can believe how intense the moment was.. you cant eve notice the cold air on you. he then starts to kiss yout arm and says " that was the best moment of my life, i feel the luckiest guy in the world to have you as my gorgeous girlfriend, i never want tonight to end" at that moment you sit on top of him looking down at his face thats sweating and his whole body looks like its glowing. you lean in to kiss him....





  21. Im trying to get them to load, but nme's site doesnt seem to like me and i dont reallylike it! :LOL:

    I know like right away I emailed my friend "OMG MATT WON HOTTEST MALE!!!..... AGAIN!" :chuckle:

    I was watching an interview with Brandon Flowers on Johnathan Ross and he said something about a sandwhich made of salt and vinegar crisps with humus. So rite away I get that stuff and try them together! :LOL: Its actually pretty good! :LOL: I just got done with some.

    oH yeah... did you see the story sarah-x wrote? :eek: that was... :stunned: (in a good way i guess tho!)

  22. I couldnt find that on the nme site so i was wonderin! I saw it on their website just a few seconds ago!

    WOOOO! GO MATT!!!!!!! :matt: :matt: :matt:


    My mom was watching Oprah and she yelled at me "hey matts girlfriend is on Oprah!" I was like "WHO'S ON OPHRA!!:eek:???" and i got reallt freaked out that she was on there.... but it was lady gaga! I yelleed at my mom after that :LOL:

    Oh i know! Ill get off pdt/pmt and my cousin will say something really innocent and normal, then like rite away it makes my mind go :eyebrows:..... :LOL:

  23. I just learned that PMT used to be photogenic matt thread, but that some mod changed it to the other name! OMG NO ONE should ever know what the PDT :eek: (outside the musers of course)

    Ther are many things about being a muser that lots of people just go "huh! :confused:" :LOL:

    They look so good on matt tho! Lucky him :fear:!

    Just kidding matt *hugs matt* (and that is another one of those things that no else understands! :LOL: )

    I haven't had a matt dream in like.. um a lot of days! :chuckle: I need one tonight, maybe I'll sleep better and not be so tired in the morning.

    Right now I'm freaking out wondering if Matt or Dom is gonna win the hottest male award! :matt::dom: I couldn't decide and voted for both.

  24. :LOL:

    Yeah when i first told my friend she was like :eek:


    I need to catch up though, Im like 30 pages behind! :eek:

    The Mattnana. That sounds :awesome: Yes. Yes we are crazy! Aren't all muse fans though :LOL:

    I just remembered, I got this pair of reflective aviators, like matt's in starlight, I dont wear them though. They are like way to big for my face! :chuckle:

  25. *crosses fingers that muse will come to america again and the rest of latin america!* :LOL:

    She usually gets all my pmt perving:$

    :LOL: she has just gotten used to it and says ok calm down now! :chuckle:

    speaking of PMT I'm trying to catch up on that while I should be doing my math, but PMT is better! and I finally posted on there this weekend :dance:

    bananas are amazing! We have do acrostic poems for class and I told my friend that Im giong to do matt bellamy, so for the b I put banana :LOL:

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