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Everything posted by feelinggood

  1. i know! :LOL:

    OMG thats great, i knew he had a cabasa that someone thought was a shaker, but i didnt know the whole thing :happy:


    omg exo 4: i was sooooo confused, coz it wasnt april 1st here yet, so i was like :wtf: is this crap!!!


    oh god im using those pictures as a threat against my friend in new zeland we joke around so much and she sent me this piccy with some guy puking up his lunch *animated smiley thing, but bigger than the one on here* and it was ssooo nasty! so i told her id send her the excited pics if she ever did that again! :LOL: ah she loves me soo much :p




    very much da man....... im watching HAARP right now and am having a hard time keeping my eyes off his ass! :chuckle:

    very nice surpirse

    oh well i know what thats like



    well my thingy says you posted this at 1 am, that isnt that early for everyone to be sleeping :erm: i dont think

    so how was it?

    :chuckle: which song??



    both! ok... LOL:eyebrows:

    i know i dont think i could ever go to school if that happened, good thing neither one of them has ever heard of muse! :eek:

  2. :LOL: i know and i mean muse abbey road was just HOT!

    i know, but some of the conversations ive had about brandon are just :noey: and some involved matt also :eyebrows:

    I cant think of chris in the same way because

    1) i dont think hes hot

    2) hes married and has kids

    its just kinda weird to me, but oh well. its not my fault brandon is hot :chuckle-

  3. ive never really watched it except like maybe once.

    i know :phu:

    lucky we dont have cd's at our book fairs and they probably wouldnt be good ones if we did

    i love the abbey road version, i think abbey road versions just make songs better :LOL:

    i like spaceman, i find myself dancing like an idiot to it and joy ride (another fav)

    why yes he is :eyebrows: god hes married and has 2 kids i shouldnt think these things

    sweet talk's a good one

  4. :awesome:

    i know his face is messed up and he looks creepy, dont tell her i said that, shed kill me! :LOL:

    mine too! my mom thinks hes a weasel who is a couple with dom :facepalm:

    oh god my fav. thtas hard ATM im really liking this river is wild, bones, and leave the borboun on the shelf. but i absolutely love jenny was friend of mine and on top.

    he has! i dont think he looked that good during hot fuss and when he had the 'stache he looked good, but i like him better clean shaven :yesey:

  5. well yes you are, my 11 year old cousin loves the beatles, but also mcr (i cant stand them) and she thinks gerard way is hot :eek:

    i cant get her to see the sexiness that is matt bellamy :phu:

    im in Illinios, cool :happy:

    I LOVE the killers (Nataly on here turned me on to them and brandon)

  6. :LOL: oh yeah your like 11/12 you said

    yeah im in the us too, but im on my laptop still :chuckle:

  7. yep, i was looing at the aMUSEd series and i clicked on it and it wouldnt go away :supersad: so i had to restart my computer *shakes fist*


    well you could always kidnap him and take him home :eyebrows: and make him do some stuff

    :LOL: ive got to stop thinking about these things, im too young, but hes taken away my poor innocence


  8. How dare he! :phu: Matt smoked just to impwess him!

    cabasa! :awesome: (you know i really dont know the story behind that) :facepalm:


    yea!!! he does love us after all :awesome:, after tonights april fools day prank, my mom was having doubts :shifty:

    ikr! computers can just be horrible sometimes



    oh well the first time i saw that pic id gotten home from school and my mom was still at work, that is a good time to come across those pics :shifty:

    :LOL: i think id die if she saw one of them...

    oh well at least they said nice eyes, my cousins and friends just go "eww he looks creepy/old/weird" :phu: they just dont know what a real man looks like! :LOL: drooling over their young people...

    yeah you just start to ramble and stop yourself halfway through



    lock the door! :LOL:

    yep john barrowman, i have three songs on my zune :facepalm: but he does have a good voice!

    :LOL: thats cool.......


    :eek: wait which one- forest, nick, or both:eyebrows:

    id be traumatized if either of them ever saw this :eek:

  9. :LOL: that actually creeped me out the first time i watched it, mainly coz my mom was sitting rite there!

    nope no links, i fell for that already :facepalm: just my thoughts of what else you could do to matt. :eyebrows:

  10. :facepalm: those creepy hully extras i never wanted to see are slowly creeping back to mind.

    tbh i had something completely different in mind :ninja:

  11. lol i love him making noises with balloons though, its funny! :LOL:

    really now, do tell :eyebrows:

  12. oh yeah feeling good was :awesome: i think that was the only good part of the download :LOL:

    GL chipmunkified was also interesting

  13. oooww, well it was quite erm interesting :LOL: i liked the begining then my mom and i just looked at each other like :wtf: when creep started. when i finally realised that it was creep i was like oh i knew that sounded familar :LOL:

  14. you didnt get to download it?? :confused:

  15. i know its just so brilliant though! :D

    they are just great :LOL:

  16. hey! thanks for the request :happy:

  17. :LOL: pwopa wock is good!

    thanks :happy:


    i wonder if hes like "oh god what are those PMTer's gonna do now!!" :LOL:

    i know like last night my computer was going ssoooo slow! then i run a scan and nothings wrong! :mad: I hate that!



    I know! Its like "shut the pmt! go to another web page! shes coming!" :LOL: i always flip the computer so she cant see it and change my position when theres something interesting on the page :eyebrows:

    oh yeah i got that from one of the old pmt tags.. :LOL: i was like woh! and its stayed in there ever since!

    the riskiest titles i have are zbluebum, sexy matt, and big matt *but those are just big pictures, tthat dont sound rite after pmt* i try to stay away from things my mom mite find.... :ninja:

    i tried to explain a dom pictyure to my cousin i went "and this is just some random banging pic... um i mean that hes banging on the drums.. um i mean, well i think i should just shut up!" :LOL:



    yeah alone is better! :chuckle:

    i am loving This River Is Wild and ive started to listen to John Barrowmen's music :facepalm: that is what david tennant leads me too.... :LOL:

    and i found out i have the same birthday day as Brandon! :awesome:



    i know, i love that kid! :happy:

    i think i kinda leaned into his hand a bit tho... :$

    me vewy lucky! :happy:

  18. My dad is more of the heavy metal headbanging music type of guy. He listens to disturbed and korn and stuff like that :LOL: ok :happy:


    ok weel its good to know im not the only one! I mean you just have to wonder what does he think about that! :LOL:

    i never trust the computer :shifty: they're out for you.....:LOL:



    well ive never really thought of that, but idk :erm:

    oh well my mom doesnt know how to use my computer so if she tried to find bum pics she wouldnt be able to search for them! :LOL: but like the one were he is spinning with the red pants and its banana time *lol* i saved that as twirl coz im not gonna type "zunnaturalerection" :LOL: thatd be bad!

    :LOL: not as graphic



    this is the first chapter: http://millionstar.livejournal.com/88007.html

    this one is were they find that out: http://millionstar.livejournal.com/91317.html after he talks to tom hes reflecting on the day, and adds his own little comments that i love :LOL:


    Forest is my buddy with th bellamy eyes and dom hair, yesterday he said i have pretty eyes :happy: and today he touched my hair, like ran his hand like down one side of my hair/head and was like ":eek: YOUR HAIR IS SOFT!" :LOL: but he is just so cute and adowable! :happy:

    uh! :phu:


  19. I never actually conciously have heard Jimi Hendrix's music. :eek: i think i need to discover more stuff :LOL:


    i was looking at it and wondering what matt must think after he gets off stage! I mean you dont see that in the past photots from gigs and from therr bands *at least i dont think so...* but anyway, i mean im just like wow,i wonder whtas going through matts head at that moment :LOL::LOL: That probably sounded realllyy weird..

    If my mom found them... id be dead probably.... um she saw one of the bum pics on pmt and was like :eek: WOH!

    thats why i always save like every minute, im paranoid its gonna get lost or something :chuckle:




    lol i sent that to my friend in New Zealand, i told her shed love the pics so, she was all "thank you... turd!" :LOL: she said the butt made her day...

    i love ma filenames! :awesome:

    i think the Pmt is nicer maybe.. idk



    I found out that dom insured his cock for like 1,000 or 100,000 dollars and i just burst out laughing! :LOL: i love doms character in that one.


    i need cpr! That is just.... ahdsfefbvppsafduf!!!


    i hate the eyes and the legs, yuck... ok

    i know hes so cute :happy: i got a hug today :dance::LOL:

    Nick is MINE! :fear:


    if he'd stop flirting with a taken girl!

  20. I like the name Hendrix (just bcoz of dommehs puppy!) :LOL:

    I know they can look really cute and pretty then you get to know them... :shifty:


    i think i looked at that picture for too long :$ i love that picture..... i probably shouldnt be staring at it, but i am.... oh godbut i actually started saving those pics, *i need to get them on photobucket before anyone sees.* i title them something like "zbluebum" so they are in the very last place in the very last folder alphabetically! :LOL:

    did you save it???



    thats the magic of the mushrooms :awesome:

    which lovely photo.... *too many are flooding my mind to decide which one* :LOL:

    i know what you mean.... The PDTers scare me sometimes :noey: I havent been in there for a while



    I went on that lj last nite hoping for more, but instead i got some of this other chapter story and it wasnt anything "fun" so i was like "im happy that matt has friends and its great that dom might have insured his cock, but damnit i want belldom fUn!" :facepalm: (im reading one were the boys are in the porn industry and dom is a COMPLETE diva!)


    oh, im sorry.

    *explodes just at the thought* I want that dream


    They were always in my room for some reason when i was young and i got phobic about them

    bertha was beast! :chuckle: i never say that.. My Dom haired and Bellamy eyed buddy is a Killers fan! :awesome: He loves to pause my mp3 :rolleyes: and he was like watya listening to? and i was listening to the Killers and he was like i like them too theyre on my ipod. I think im in love with his beautiful eyes

    that was awesome, and there might be a guy who likes muse in my school and i think Nick is friends with him....

  21. Slash sounds awesome! I would have made sure i got a male then.... :ninja:

    I hate that it just sends shivers up and down me! :eek:


    I know! :LOL: im loving all the hands and banana pics and bum pics on the new pmt! but there are like a gazzillion pages that i hadnt seen yet.. it goes so fast!

    ohhh!!! that sounds :awesome: *iz waiting patiently*



    usually its all 'dont do drugs!" but were like "woo! go magic mushrooms!" :LOL:

    Oh god that tape... im not sure that i ever want to see that :stunned: i think the pdters would have a field day with that........ i rememeber someone paused Hully at some point and they got a clear shot of dom's "willy" *lol matt* and all the pdters were like "OH! LET ME SEE IT!" :facepalm: if that happened with matt.. um.



    I know i was like NO! that cant happen to dommeh and hhis wonderful sister! Do you know someone with cancer? :(

    Poor poor innocence! :eyebrows: i think all the images that PMT and fun fics create have killed it! :LOL:

    OMG your dream sounds very nice! So it was Matt and Brandon, instead of belldom? :eek: that sounds actually really hot........ it probably shouldnt but it does! :stongue: (i havent used that in a while, so i thought that mental image was appropriate for it)


    I do to!!! :'( i hate spiders! I wish the gravity was less so they would fly away into space! :fear:

    if I see a spider I go :eek: and yell "mom!! KILL THIS SPIDER!"

    i was going to post last nite, but I think Doris hates me! *thats all right coz i hate her!* I liked Bertha better. :LOL:

  22. Fergie :LOL: my cats are nutz.. i swear one of them is a ghost seeerer person/cat! she looks at the walls at nothing :erm: quite scary when im home alone! :LOL:

    :LOL: thank you.... evreyone needs an overture!


    ah! too many guys to keep straight! :LOL: well ive nevr seen brandons hands actually, like really noticed them, i just looked back at that pic and he does have quite distracting hands, so does tennant! I was watching some Hamlet clips and he had his hands on his face and im like :eek: those hands are amazing! god, i think i have a hand thing



    I know the shroomz which are a good thing for da matteh! I mean we got OoS from them! :awesome:

    i know but she says he is a crack addict and all the bad hard drugs!!!! She got me really upset one nite :facepalm:

    well i was watching it and she was just sorta watching some and she saw that! :eek: I didnt know what was on that dvd! :eek: so i was like OMG NO!i thought matt hadn't released that!



    i love the role reversal in it! Matt is really happy and is quite positive despite his father and dom! poor dom! I felt so sad for him! but lucky him he got matt, and i totally love how they are just so sweet and cute together.... and also quite :eyebrows: is that bad i know Nova gets a front row seat! :indiff: i know! I love that fic, four questions was just... i dont have words.


    i had the best and worst dreams last nite! I had a good one with matt and dom... :ninja:

    and i had one were i was talking to matt on stage and i was watching myself talk to him on a video : erm:, but then he all of a sudden had one of those "moments" hes been having lately... :$ in my dream.......

    then i had like 5 diff ones about huge and small spiders falling from the ceiling and swarming my room from all the corners and i couldnt scream or move or wake up! it was horrible :'(

  23. ahww where they good animals? :supersad: i want a doggy weally bad!! my mom wont let me though, she says their too much work.... :shifty:

    i was listening to Exo part 1 and it was the first thing i heard! :awesome: but he's my favorite! :facepalm:

    i know i was like "WOH! THAT IS AWESOME!" :LOL:


    omfg even by the mention of those hypnotic hands im lost!:stunned: if i ever saw him in person i dont think id be able to stop staring at his hands, its like hey matt can you sign that again *watches hands move intently* :LOL:



    i got my dad to buy it on amazon for me! :awesome: its an amazing gig! my mom thinks matt was high tho and says that he was a drugy in those days! :mad: i refuse to believe what she says tho! :phu: oh i mite have to re-watch darkshines then...

    oh warning if you ever get hully dont watch the extras with family members! :eek: I made that mistake watched it with my mom and she was not happy with the content of that dvd... (the dom porn and stripers....)



    a family of matt droolers! :awesome: lol, i already have a gazzilion pics :$

    NO!!!! in their back yard!!!!!! have you read it? I love what dom says about i wish you could see him standing here in the rain with it rolling down his bare chest and body rubing his neck and his hair and the other stuff he's doing to himself and....... ok im dead


    thank you :happy:

  24. Nah, we talked about why i had picks, seeing as i play nothing! :LOL: and then some school stuff and our evil math teacher! grr! :fear:

    I have three cats, but i hate them now :LOL: I want a dog! one like dommehs!! :awesome: Hendrix is ssooo cute! :happy: I think i'd name him that or overture


    I have an imaginary cat named overture, hes the only good kitty! :LOL: made him up one morning, my mom and i were joking around she called me physco and nutz so i created overture! :LOL:


    i love that jacket! I like the ones he wears in the video for The world we live in. :yesey:


    god i love hully.... its just soo uh! i dont have words...



    IKR! id be like "no no mommy wasnt just looking at those sexy pictures of matt belamy! no not at all!" LOL

    yes he did! it was.... :stunned: i know it does tho.....

    four questions: http://millionstar.livejournal.com/86362.html#cutid1 matt in the rain, then dom in the rain...i think i mite read it again before my science homework


    those were good! :awesome: its actually coming along better than i thought, i usually draw nature stuff, trees and lanscapes/seascapes and stuff

    this is my bored in ss drawing: http://s1014.photobucket.com/albums/af263/bellsmuseiK/Other/?action=view&current=theTARDIS.jpg

    ma twee: http://s1014.photobucket.com/albums/af263/bellsmuseiK/Other/?action=view&current=atwee.jpg

    ma seascape (inspired by exeter): http://s1014.photobucket.com/albums/af263/bellsmuseiK/Other/?action=view&current=seascapeExeterDevon.jpg

  25. lol, well he wanted two of my fender picks and i texted him that i got them and then we were just talking. :happy:


    ok i officially LOVE brandon flowers choice of jackets!!! i love his love of feathery and shiny stuff! :LOL: sounds familiar...


    god matt! why do you make me thik like this :eek:

    ok i think im dead :stunned: i love that .gif its juts so damn sexy!

    do you know when thats from, I cant see his hair well enough



    oh my :eek: id be like "now huney haven't i told you to let mommy take care of that." *runs to pmt*

    omg that sounds...... :stunned::LOL: that reminds me of the one where dom fucked matt in the rain :stunned: images are slowly creeping back :eyebrows:

    now that was an interesting belldom...



    im trying to draw the TARDIS since i have a half-day and its harder than i thought :facepalm: to many angles and inset boxes and oulines of doors and windows :LOL: BTW do you draw? (anything artistic)

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