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Everything posted by feelinggood

  1. i know! that would be the best game eva! :LOL:

    thats ok :)

    no my mum wont allow me a facebook and i dont have a twitter account. :(


    YES! england, scotland, and ireland :yesey:

    I love that bit. especially when he starts to growl at the flag :chuckle:



    i have the same thing! like i dont like it when some random guy does but if like matt does its funny *his voice just..* and then if brandon or david or keith or cillian murphy does then its like cute or sexy :yesey:




    :LOL:! i always wanted a hamster :chuckle: it was doms fault! hes the one who stuffed it down his pants!

    i think ive been reading too much of that latelt, but school is almost starting here so ill have to be focused on that instead :mad:

    :LOL: well i scrubbed with soap and my nails to get it mostly off, it was like one arms veins were a lot darker... :chuckle:





    it wont load right : (


    OMG! how could i forget the sexy accent and glorious cheekbones!!! that is like the definition of cillian murphy :LOL: he is like my mum and i's new thing. hes a hot irish actor we saw in the movie inception and we both like fell in love with the mans face. lol


  2. i swear i was being an innocent girl on youtube giggling at brandons adorable giggle when i found this :eyebrows: *warning*




    i just found this and had to share it......

    ok yuop just found this too


    why couldnt brandon have been losing.....



    well u thought rite! david's accent= :awesome:

    oh and horny keith= awesome



    right, ive noticed that. alot of things i think are annoying i find cute on "my guys" as my mum calls them.. :chuckle:

    that video was awesome! brandon looked hot...



    i love those tweets! :LOL: i loved his oxegen outfit. it looked like he had stuffed a hamster down his pants :facepalm:

    well thats probably because like everyday i check to see if millionstar has updated her lj, so like i get so excited when i see an update! :LOL:

    but marked was really good! i was testing out markers today and i tested this navy blue one on my arm... so i started to draw my veins then noticed it was permanent :facepalm:



    well i have a website that givees u megavideo links. it has all of the series. would you want it? :happy:

    well yeah, that scared me when i saw it i was laughing at th other gifs, so my face went from :LOL: to :eek:!


    ok :)

    yeah and there are all things about them that i "look for" ya know! *oh i say that too much* :chuckle:


    well lets see:

    1. awesome hair!

    2. prominent jaw line

    3. collar bones that show up well, ya know they dont hide :chuckle:

    4. neck that is :stongue:

    5. nipples :$(damn u bellz!) :chuckle:

    6. and pretty, deep eyes



    you now just how to satify a crazy fangirls heart! that was awesome! :LOL: the "oh god" was great, especially since its his sexy scottish accent! :awesome:



    :chuckle: he is adorable especially when he talks.... oh i love that giggle! he has such a small speaking voice and giggle for that beautiful singing voice of his!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vj6X5FfsxjA :chuckle:


    woh stumbled across this and i agree with everyone's comments that its way sexier than it should be!


    ok just found something else: franz ferdinand and brandon :awesome:


    at about 1:32 he looks like Ianto from torchwood!




    i know! hes such a diva sometimes, but i really love the shy dom thats comming thro :happy:.... on have u read her newest fic Marked (red matteh, vein drawing, and a solo :eyebrows: )

    i know! i like fluffy.......



    haha thats great!

    umm well the doctor is an awesome timelord, the last one, and he travels thro time and pace :LOL: so he stole the tardis from his people and went to earth! he loves us little himans! and he well i mean he saves everyone. he hates it when people die. and prettymuch everything after that gets complicated. so this: http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/The_Doctor is a good place to read up on the dr and all things dr who! :happy: coz if i tried to explain wed be here forever! :LOL:

    that is david as an old man doing his awesome old man dance! idk its from some episode in season 4


    awh! i want a puppy... whats she like?

    i know just the other night i was noticing all the things they have in common (like the things that are turning fettishy), and most of them i have the bellz teh blame for) and i was cracking up!

    they have a glasto cd!? :eek: must find!

  5. thats ok!


    awwhh! why thank you! :happy:

    dont feel terrible about it!





    the dvd is awesomely amazing! :awesome: brandon looks so hot! and he is so cute with his little rambling in the middle of songs!i think i mite watch it again tomorrow



    uh me to! ive been waiting for an update on that, but weve been getting mostly the pleasure principle which makes me giggle like a little girl when dom and matt are together! :chuckle: the name was sweetness revisited.

    when i saw his hair i sent an email to my friends titled NNOOO!!!! and i rambled on in it about matts hair :facepalm:

    i know rite it was so... open




    :LOL: nice...

    i know! but i do stuff like that all the time. ill just randomly make up a word like instead of wait a second i say wait a secondai! :chuckle:

    mine has been real all over the place lately... stupid charter internet.... *grumbles on*

    well thats a lot of stuff like where do you want me to start? like who the dr is... or something else, co thats a long explanation.... lol

    speaking of the dr i found this on the dr who thread:


    david as an old man!





    me to i want one so badly!

    hes got places on my walls now too! :LOL: i think hes made it to the top of my hot guys list now... lol

    Ive already ripped it and put it on my zune.... i seriously cant wait.... ive rediscovered how amazing his voice is!

  6. that is alll to right....


    id love to see fawmew matteh!!!!! that'd be :awesome: hed be sitting in a field with his sheep,cows, and chickens! :LOL:

    oh my mum and i went out today and she got me the killers at RAH but i have to wait till my birthday to be able to watch it!



    the last thing she posted was something sweet :happy: it was sweetness revisted, i loved that one.

    i know! i was like OMG i shouldnt read this..... but ya know... im going to! :LOL:

    yep that interview. now i forget what i was going to say about that. but omg have u seen matteh's hair! its horrendous! it was so fluffy in that interview, but now its all chopped off!!!! NO! :eek:



    well yeah i know wat ya mean, sometimes i dont mind the :erm: looks!

    :LOL: thats great! my dad said "vominoso" or something like that the other day, and im thinking "NO! its Allon-sy!" :chuckle:

    well yeah... my internet has been acting weird lately, its been conected then all the sudden the flux capacitor isnt fluxing! :eek: *lol at my so scientifical terms :nerd:* so i was tryong to watch blackpool one time and the other i was watching keith murray get pelted with chocolate eggs and it stopped fluxing!!! :mad:

    i dont know! why does my mind think of these things! :LOL:.. and on that fact :party: Woho!

    omg thats something i could just see happening!


    i love cute cats, unlike mine :indiff:

    ok well i saved about 100 in just an hour or so.... so :chuckle: and keith has already made it to my desktop.. it usually takes a bit longer for that..


    OMFG! that picture is :awesome:ly cute and embarrassing! dom looks kinda... well lol and Kirkeh!


    EDIT: OMG have u heard crossfire by brandon!!???

  7. i love that site.... almost always has what i need :chuckle:


    can't wait! but that means dom will have to find himself and matt will have to embrace his farmer side first :( u know im really dreading that! i was so happy to see new twitpics after so long, think what a year without twitpics will be like



    i dont know!!! i was looking for more belldom stuff, but i cant seem to find stuff of the quality of millionstar! but i was reading it and its one of those things, where its just so weird you just have to read on, ya know, the weird is just like wow, but for some reason it compells you to read on, ya know... ?:erm:

    :chuckle: have u seen the Rock am Ring * i think* interview?



    I know rite! :awesome:

    :awesome: "Allon-sy Alonso!"

    my favorite Doctor catch phrase thingy! Was the episode Voyage of the Damned with Bannakaffalatta? I love that little red man! :LOL: also david in a suit! *hot!*

    hes always freaked me out, i could never watch McDonalds commercials..

    oh well yeah my dad *IT geek* told me since it was new it'd have some problems..

    :noey: i know!!!!!!!!!! i had a weird doctor who dream last night tho, it was like an episode of the show. The doctor *david's* got stabed in the head by rose's clone. *idk! :eek:* then the doctor speared the clone like kevin bacon in friday the 13th! so by spearig the clone it reversed everything and the Doctor and i walked off into the sunset to the TARDIS. :LOL:

    OMG! where is that video coz i need to see it! :LOL: the funny thing is i could so see them doing that. i can even hear dom saying that then matt giggling that adorably hilarious giggle :eek:


    yeah! :party: someone who agrees with me on Keith! my friend says hes ugly and in his 50's or 60's coz of the gray hair! >: ( i love the gray, because its more like silver and prettyful :happy:

    Is it sad that i have saved 119 pics of Keith and 51 pics of the band *coz of keith*? :facepalm: im pathetic sometimes...

  8. yeah! but ive been kinda bored and cant find anything to do! so i go and look up we are scientists videos :LOL:


    I hope! well they said they'd make up for it their next tour :awesome:




    it was so weird! :LOL: this is part one: http://mjartrod.livejournal.com/4018.html its really weird tho..... :LOL: NO!!!!! its already cheesy enough!



    I asked wat songs she listened to and she of course said " i dont know!" :facepalm: but she may come over sometime soon.. so i can implement my plan... :ninja:

    waits patiently to make her move.....

    :LOL: wat the hell! that guy creeps me out...

    Ive been spending soo much time on youtube lately! Ive switched to firefox because it goes faster :chuckle:

    well they make me think like this! :LOL: well h came over to me and then we were in some hotel room, i ripped his clothes off and it involved kissing, licking, um lots of otherstuff that some belldoms instill in my mind... :facepalm:

    i know! there was some magazine interview that asked matt if hes ever read muse slash an dhe said no and asked wat it was, they told him what and he was like "oh.. well might check that out!" :LOL: and what if they really were gay! :eek: but i dont think i would actually mind...



    well i just found them Tuesday listened to their stuff all day and am in love with them! first their music is great. Second they are freaking HILARIOUS! Third Keith Murray the front man is kinda hot! :LOL:http://paulsmithphotos.co.uk/PortfolioGallery/images/We_Are_Scientists_jpg.jpg

    amd i think ive listened to this like 15 time now and am still loving it

  9. sorry about such a late reply. i kinda took a break from here and have been watching david stuff and doing all sorts of things :)


    yes Chris couldn't keep it in his pants so i have no gig to go to! :( i mean of course im happy for chris but, darn, but im better now. ;)

    yeah i was texting him and he was like wanna know a secret and of course im like yeah! :LOL:

    but that was his secret he had to tell me, but then i told him she was moving in the first weeks of june *which she is* but that made me feel better. very shallow but the hell with it! :LOL:



    ive been reading some new belldoms but i found this really weird one were matt and dom shagged then they both got back together with their gf's and matt got married i think 0_o




    ive got to approach this carefully.. :ninja:

    sounds like a plan... .... :ninja:

    ive switched to firefox now and im using a david tennant persona :facepalm:

    well ive seen like 4 episodes of Blackpool, it takes a long time to watch these things! :LOL:

    ahhaa like david and matt both just ripping their clothes off.. ahhh :stongue:

    oh that reminds me of my dream last night :eyebrows: exceot i was the one ripping those clothes off :facepalm: my mind shouldnt think of these things! :chuckle:

    :LOL: well he might just come level with dommeh .... maybe

    oh now that is where the TARDIS would come in handy!


    mine were like that too! :LOL:

    have you ever listened to we are scientists?

  10. i cant wait to see that!



    i am completely heartbroken! my muse show has been canceled! and nick likes my best friend! i was kinda sad about the thing with nick, but then when i read my show was canceled i starting bawling! i just got done.... :'( dammit!



    it would be something to see... kinda weird though like how would that happen :eek::LOL:

    i know, super chwis would need to be the principle so that matt would be understood by someone and not get into too much trouble :chuckle:



    shed be a hard one to convert tho :shifty:

    :LOL:i dont mind..... yep! to meet him would be amazing, and randomely on the street so he isnt all make-up-uped for tv.... :ninja: thats why i need to steal him from his bed at night he has cute little freckles tho! when he doesnt have tv make-up on u can see them :happy: adorable

    :LOL: well u better get started

    ok now i have a picture of david stripping and my mind is wandering places it shoudlnt :eyebrows:


    i love it when john barrowman flaunts his gayness :yesey: on "never mind the bozzcocks" one time he went "talk to the hand cuz the wrist is pissed" and he said it in the gayest voice ever! :LOL": then he said "lets have a gay off! ready, lips pursed, hands on the table, go! :phu:" :LOL:

    too bad they dont play it anymore, czu that would be another thing too see


    i had these ridiculous glasses when i was younger :facepalm: i hated them.... they were so yucky :'(

  11. ohh :awesome:

    as much as i love blue eyes, i have to say i really do adore his brown eyes :happy:


    :LOL: u asked people to help u rape ze maffoo

    omg i actually had a conversion over texting with Nick last night! :awesome:

    we talked for like an hour! woho! i found put he is much taller than me at his 5'7 :chuckle:

    i just sorta randomley asked him how tall he was... :ninja:



    that was hillarious it made me burst out laughing... but really that would be something to see :LOL:

    thatd would be the best class eva! and matt would have to teach it :awesome: that might be a mess tho!



    yeah, she listened to a couple of songs and she said they were ok and im like well at least she didnt hate them or run the other direction screaming and covering her ears! :LOL:

    i really dont know except that i was explaining what most of those popular/rap/popish songs are about and all that stuff :\

    i know he took the rest of my innocence :eyebrows:yes i did.... make that 3 times! :eyebrows: Its called Recovery and is a nine part movie on youtube: Part 1 -

    well i was like "awwhh look how sweetly he opens it... NOW rip it open the rest of the way and throw it to the wind!!!! :awesome:" yep i like my men with their weapons... :LOL: idk but that reminds me -

    "U wanna wip out my weapon and empty it out all over the floor :eek::eyebrows:' John barrowman i will forever love u and ur gayness! :LOL:

    yeah, all i do is watch is watch david shag people and run around butt naked... nothing serious!

    dont we all...


    my mum wants me to go to the eye doctor, i dont need glasses! i dont want them again either!

  12. I know i have yo wait till june tho! :( i want to sseee!!

    :LOL: i love his eyes :happy: they are amazing!


    HOLY CRAP! :dead:



    :LOL: :LOL: OMG! that gives me a whole new perspective... lol MORE THAN ONE!!! LOL run my hands........ lol from locks to cocks!

    I know its the best language a little hard to master and learn, but its quite worth it :LOL:

    oh thats great. its soo true!



    I KNOW RITE! so i went off on her about her "music" it was kinda funny, i started rambling on and i got to use the word shag :awesome: lol but then i finally said "dont even get me started" :phu:


    oh yeah it should have been :i died:

    lol not that i remember but i didnt need them, i saw david tennant's ass on accident! As fate would have it, i find a show with him in it that sounds intriquing and clean but then hear he comes out of the shower with his ass in the camera! :eek: then when he was getting dressed again there it was! i wasnt watching that show to see that!! :'( i promise, but on the other hand he does have a nice ass :LOL:

    i wanted to watch the ovie recovery because he was suppossed to be a guy who got hit by a truck and he went into a coma. then after coming out of the coma he cant remember anything even simple things like making toast or taking a shower. so they had a shower scene. and when hes done he runs out and you can se his ass!

    oh yes, i love that speech. my fav. line was something like "ill drop my pants now and have a measuring contest and ill win" :LOL:

    yeah... my mom would be like :eek: but she knows tennant did casanova and had to bed 20 women.. but im not sure if she knows ive watched it... :ninja:

    oh well appreciate is my new way of saying such things, like i wont stare at something like that ill "appreciate" it :eyebrows:


    awh.. too much looking at the computer screen?

  13. i still avent watched it i need to coz that sounds hot! aha that would just be..... :LOL: i know blu eyes are amazing, but tennant has the most gorgeous, big, brown, adorable, sweet, loving, puppy-dog eyes ever :supersad:


    i remember something about raping him but that would be horrible if he found that! :eek:




    I cant help it! :'( its just so freaking tempting

    and its just calling out saying "touch me, run ur hands through my gorgeous locks!" :LOL:

    i know he speaks Mattanese and it originates from his home planet Mattasia :yesey:

    yeah thats sweet that he does that :happy:




    :LOL: i was on a bus for 18 hours friday night and i was listening to my zune trying to convince my friend that this was not music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljMBnlAzfyY and that the killers and muse are not "old people music" as she says, she doesnt know wat shes talking about :phu:

    i thiink i died again.... :awesome:

    he had to shag like 20 women tho! could i just be all of them! lol

    god i better have good dreams tonight

    speaking of casanova i love his speach he gives to his arch nemesis who stole the woman he loved: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMGDUbaQWeA&feature=related it starts at like 2:50 when he pulls up a chair and my fav. line starts at 4:02. I strongly suggest headphones when listening

    ur going to buy casanova!?

    yeah ill run away a few feet, so he cant see me :ninja: but i can still "appreciate" :LOL:



    here its starts with his 2008 much younger than him girlfriend then goes on to tell about him being a real charmer and all :chuckle:

  14. :LOL: ive just got the hully ones of matt and that one were he was in a tub sorta: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_lLsdaCVk3Kk/Sj9xJLUBSqI/AAAAAAAA7ow/KkjcbtsD8lI/s400/DavidTennant04.jpg and i found a david tennant website with lots of pics, and they have screencaps from casanova :eyebrows: usually david has brown eyes but in casa. he has blue :erm:http://media.photobucket.com/image/david%20tennant%20casanova/reiko7176/who/david%20tennant/c147.jpg?o=52


    that'd be bad...



    i love it, i just wanna pounce on him and run my hands aalll though his hair when its like that.

    rite! it took me awhile to gte accustomed to his speediness, even tho i talk fast and ramblw on endlessly sometimes :LOL:

    yeah.. i know chris is always a little left out but i mean he is like never there :( so...

    yeah tje gay stuff i always associate with the belldom! :LOL:

    OMG thatd be great to see :eek:




    sometimes someone will say one word and ll have a song stuck in my head and ill start drumming my legs :LOL: and all that stuff.

    :eek: :* falls of chair and dies* omg i don thiiink i can typppe thats justt ooohhh god! dont do that to me! i wouldnt mind if that were true tho... :eyebrows:


    that is why i love casanova :stunned: he shags a lot and has his shirt open or off alot...

    :LOL: that'd be awesomely :awesome:

    i just hope that doesnt happen when i go with my dad!


    :LOL: like USoE

    oh yeah.. :LOL: i was reading that article tho the beggining about his lady charmerness was funny :chuckle:

  15. oh i know! i was thinking please don't find zblue bum or interesting pics :eek: oh and dont find shirtless pics of matt or tennant!


    i know :happy:



    i know ruffled hair and messyness is just :stongue:

    I know. its like slow down ... just abit, but i talk fast like him sometimes. Ill just start to ramble on and on and on! :LOL:

    well yah doms suppossed to be the gay one but i always think of matt :chuckle:

    oh god! :LOL:



    :LOL: *starts to hum* :dance:

    i know ud have to mad in the mind :noey: god why is it that all the shows i want to watch of david have him shagging someone! i mean in the first five minutes *literally* he was ripping his clothes off and shagging someone and it was hOt! he was hOt! hes got nice legs! :LOL:

    ahaha just found this: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/06/06/article-0-025A16C90000044D-448_233x423.jpg i love how far open his shirt is.... :stunned:

    omg would be amazing! :awesome:


    thats ok :happy:

    me too im like when will it come!

    ok thsi just made me laugh:


  16. I know, i was hoping my dad wouldnt find anything interesting:ninja:


    OMG thats funny,

    oh and today we were trying to stick tape on each others backs! it was funny :LOL: Nick stuck this huge piece across my lower back and i was like "WAT is that!" so then we were going around trying to stick tape on each other :LOL: i got a piece on his back and it stayed till the end of class, so my friend and i were laughing, but then when the bell rang he ripped it off and i went 'NO! you werent suppossed to kow about that! we wanted u to walk around looking like a dork with tape on ur shirt" :LOL: so it was funny



    i know rite... uhhh i hate how his hair is in the begining tho! its all plastered down and stuff, it looks a lot better once he ruffles it. Which mite i say is quite hot and :stunned:

    i know matt talks like light speed... :LOL:

    i always think of matt in the girly things tho :chuckle: but big man chris in a dress :LOL: ahahha



    i know he is all too blame *crashing down to earth.. lol got deadstar stuck in my head.*

    ahaha lovely cocks! :LOL: i like that :yesey:

    oh i know! i love darkshines its ssooooooooo :awesome: and sexy! :yesey:


    ill be waiting... (lol that sounds kinda ominous)

  17. yep! i have it! i missed it sooo much



    omg in science the other day, we had to build kites and i was working on the frame and i was trying to cut one of the sticks, and this one kid said:

    "here let me see"

    me: "NO! dont touch my sticks!"

    him: "eww.. i dont wanna touch ur sticks, i didnt know u rollled that way"

    me: "wat!! :eek:"

    so after that Nick and him were making jokes about "my sticks" :LOL: Like nick said "having a sword fight there" i had the two sticks crossed like a t. it was hillarious tho, i mean i think like that alll the time so i found it quite funny! :LOL: so my science was filled with perverted comments! :awesome:



    well its amazing

    wow he does have pretty blue eyes! and he talks kinda slow, but he does have a nice voice! :D

    oh god! matt in a cinderella dress popped to mind! :LOL:



    omg thats... probably what id think :LOL:

    i know i was watching and rolling on the floor! :chuckle:yes he and david both, my mum was like WOH! he has hige feet! while we were watching Hamlet the other night :LOL:

    i know! me too :LOL:


    oh is that a new song from him playing in thebackground??? :awesome:

  18. I mite try that, but i get my computer back tonite :dance: oh yeah mozilla's good for those downloads :ninja:


    oh.. im not sure all i know is that laurence fishburne plays him. I dont watch it anymore



    you should its absolutely wonderfully meltingly hot! :stongue:


    never heard of it, what is it? oh so the guy talks in that hot, low, moan, melting voice :LOL: that sounds quite nice

    poor chris alwasy having to clean up matts messes :noey:




    oh when i first read "belldom and david stuffs" i imediately thought of matt and david... together..... in one area :stunned: if i think about it anymore i may risk the possibility of explosion :chuckle:

    omg i just watched a little clip with david in it and about a minute and a half in it got a little dirty, they were complimenting him on his roles in shows. so this woman complimented him on the size of his feet :LOL: czo man he does have big feet and then they strated to talk about his "lovely cock" and johnathan ross said "its like the TARDIS, it feels so much bigger when its inside" :LOL: and davids just like :eek:&:LOL:

    I kNOW!!! theyve taken away my innocence of mind! :LOL:


    awh! I hate copyright! :mad:

    he has a solo album!!!!!!! NO WAY!!!!! :awesome: *runs to google* i like the name!

  19. See i started using IE, and never really got acustomed to mozilla, but i think im going to start using that. I just have to transfer my 18 million favorites over to it! :LOL:


    sorry i dont follow? :confused:



    this is Act I Scene 1 and the next part is in the description :happy:

    arent i already suffering just seeing you standing there! :chuckle:but i can hear that alll to clearly... with that "tell me to stop and ill stop" voice:eek:


    OMG id love to see that matt just siting there talking politely then going like " ok, now would everyone please...*pulls out mask* SIT THE F*CK DOWN!" :)




    i know.. she just loves myy mind :chuckle:

    lol i think when i started to delve into the world of muse and such it all changed :chuckle:

    i know, they always leave you wanting more...:noey:



    ii know i woke up all :(

    what about us by johnny barrowman.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xs1hk_o_SuY

    oh god hes on desperate housewives now, and i thought he was gonna kill someone so i was like "kill her Johnny. KILL HER!' :LOL: so now my mum and i say that :yesey:

    omg im watching this right now and am dying of laughter:

    its john barrowman :LOL:
  20. well thats good! but mine just had meltdown! :eek: it started popping up messages from this "security" thing i dont have on my computer, so it infected internet explorer and i cant use my lovely laptop :( im on the desktop and this keyboard is ssooo weird

    but i know im like ssooo excited!!!! :awesome:


    i loved CSI!!!! then grisom (idk spell) left, i was so sad when he left, so i stoppe watching it coz i didnt think it was that good



    oh yeah, Hamlets on youtube, you want a link? :)

    *kidnaps david and brings him home* omg i just thought of matt asking what kind of discipline was this one girls fav. and david going something like you've been a bad girl, now what kind of discipline would you prefer :eyebrows: that sounded a lot better last night :facepalm:

    IKR! i think my brain just looses it after a certain time! :LOL:

    :LOL: now that would be someting id pay to see!



    No, she knows my head to well :yesey: she said that my mind is the only place she'd go with a mace and a bear :LOL: (shes a very gentle person and doesnt do that thing, so thats how much my mind scares her! :LOL: ) i love her :happy:

    :LOL: yeah...

    oh yes, i think my imgagination can make something up


    never listen to What About Us before going to bed! I listened to it like 4 times and had one of the worst/best dreams. I dreamed that Nick asked me out then i "woke up" and realised it was a dream (but i was still dreaming)and then i got a text that he asked me out and then i "woke up" again and then the same thing happened another time, until i actually woke up and turned my phone on :facepalm: and realised it was just a dream:(

    but for some reason when i got to school i was really happy and it was a monday! :eek:

  21. OMG! IM GOING!!!! AH! :awesome:

    my dad got tickets today! :awesome: I dont think i can think straight! :LOL:


    i love them! my mum hates bones and NCIS *two shows i love!* and she always changes it to some house renovation show :mad: while im watching it!



    I cant wait so ive been watching it on youtube and am quite impressed at how many lines i can remember! :LOL:

    lol... well if we are bad then we have to kidnap david :eyebrows:

    :facepalm: lol

    ikr! hed be very good at helping others control their madness! :chuckle:




    She didnt get it at first :facepalm: then i said think like me :eyebrows:then she got it :LOL:

    yeah! the day after my dream i couldnt think straight, my thoughts werent good for speaking! :LOL:

    oh god i shouldnt like the sound of that! but my mind doesnt agre with that... ok woh! i had a good dream with tennant, but all i remember is him crawling into my bed! :'( nothing else!


    it was freaky! some dude ate one and the got one from this place and i thot he was playing with it :LOL:

    omg this is awesome

    i think im in llve wit that jam!
  22. HOLY SIT THE F*CK DOWN! muse is coming to st louis!!!!!!!!!!!! :awesome: YES! now all i have to do is convince my mom to take me, we live like really close to st louis :awesome: i found that out and screamed and jumped up and down and emailed all my friends :LOL:


    yeah they had some guy who'd "fallen" out of a plane and the one guy who is like matt with the whole conspiracy theories stuff, he started talking about mk, i was about to take a bite of pizza and then i heard mk and went :eek: *drops pizza on plate and watches intently* :LOL:



    dont we all....

    OMG im so happy, my mum researched david tennant at work today :LOL: and she found out that his portrayal of Hamlet is going to be shown on PBS here on April 28 at 7 pm! im like ssoooo happy! I finally get ti see it! :awesome:

    yes, very bad :eyebrows:





    my friend asked me what i wanted for my birthday and i said "um could u get me David *with chocolate*" :LOL:

    OMG that sounds :stunned: dont you just love it when stuff happens, and the good thing is those dreams stay.... *i still remember my david one, tell me to stop and ill stop * :awesome:

    I like the idea of matt and brandon kissing :ninja:


    i know! My mum just looked at me like "wow" but thats the first time ive done that!

    i miss him :'(

    OMG i think House is playing with a cow eyeball, bouncing it off the glass window thingy between his office and the room with his white board! :eek::LOL:

  23. I dont think it's getting boring, but I like Hugh Laurie and Dr. House himself so :LOL:

    I know, i need to look up their cds and maybe get some :happy:


    ohhhhh... :chuckle: I get it,

    i dont usually think of the project anymore, just the awesome song.

    except when they talked about mk on bones :awesome: i love that show!



    :ninja: thats cool

    I know, i asked my mom if shes seen it on tv, but i cant find it anywhere! :( i know hes a cool bad guy.... :LOL:

    like matt said "if someone calls me a skinny, pretentious, wanker ill be like ok i am!" :LOL:



    OMG :LOL:

    I know i want a bellamy for my birthday and a tennant for christmas (or maybe some earlier holiday) :chuckle:

    my mom was in the shower so shed never know :shifty: I also put John Barrowman on my mp3 and she laughed at me! :eek:

    is it sad that i just listened to it again and melted, i kept replaying that part.... its just so.. jdsbfaerhlfdb!!

    i know right. come on brain!


    omg i watched the last episode of dr who that david is in, the one where he regenerates into the new guy. i cried, it was ssooo sad! :'( my mom was watching it from the other side of the couch and asking me questions and i couldnt answer because i was so chocked up and couldnt talk. then i started to cry infront of my mom about a tv show :facepalm:

  24. i was ssoooo happy! they hadn't shown house in like forever!

    :LOL: i know, but everyone always says eww... coldplay. but david tennant likes them and matt obviously does always saying chris is amuch better singer :LOL:


    holy crap! ARE U SERIOUS! i cant decide if it will be better, or if mk is already so :awesome: that this will be bad.. hmmm

    well were did you hear this???



    :LOL: matteh's friend! whats it look like then, if it looks like its something else :ninja:

    ikr! i need that movie... i was watching clips and his eyes look all wild and he does that tongue thing :shifty: he makes it look good... :LOL:

    :LOL: i wouldnt take that as an insult tho! id say thank you, like i do with people at school!



    whos Pamela De Barres? :unsure:

    yeah, come on!

    I put it on my mp3! :facepalm: i played it this morning and some how got done earlier than usual :shifty:

    dont think about it, dont think about it, dont think about it... oh god I thought about it!

    i know! :'( come on stupid brain, think up some pervy dreams! :eyebrows:



    I am in love with Shakespeare! I think im going to ask for some plays for my birthday.... (it doesnt hurt that tennant does a lot of his plays also...) :LOL: but really i like love shakespeare!

  25. :D yes!!! House is actually on!!! Im so happy :awesome:

    :LOL: it can get annoying during certain songs, but its cool

    I love coldplay!!!


    :LOL: brain wash! yeah!




    what? the ava itself, or "matt"... :ninja:

    ReaLLY :awesome: , hes just too much to resist, and i love his scottish accent, Sexxay :eyebrows:... :LOL:

    oh i get called crazy allll the time by my friends! but its all good :yesey:



    i know right! :LOL:

    i know come on scotland and england give us some belldom tennants!


    OMG i know! I love it when he says"Tell me to stop and I'll stop..." its just so damn :stunned:

    OMg are u serious.... hmmmmm :eyebrows:

    i know i want another :'(


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