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Status Updates posted by feelinggood

  1. Merry Christmas and have a happy new year! :D

  2. Merry Christmas to you too. :D

  3. lol ik what ya mean tho! all i ever really come here for anymore is the doctor who thread :chuckle:

    I've been good actually. School is still killing me (not enough sleep, evil homework) but otherwise good. and we've only got like 15 days of school left!

    I actually met a girl who like muse! like actually loves them! :awesome: and the best part is she's a matt girl! :LOL: I also met a guy who likes 30STM as much as i do! he came to school with the pink marshawk jared had, so of course i had to say something to him. and im so proud of myself coz i got over my shyness and told a guy ive never ever met that i like his marshawk! :awesome: lol

    so how've you been?:happy:

  4. its weird coz ya know i used to be all musemusemusemuse now im not as crazy... i havent been on here in forever! still love their music to death tho.

    :LOL: so true!

    :LOL: its great coz it doubles as a flashlight so i have an exuse to use it! :awesome: lol thats great

    ikr! they won a lot of technical awards at the Oscars, which they deserve! yeah, i like how stuff sounds in theaters coz its more in your face and awesome :chuckle: ik i loved it!

    Nope, yeah me too, its like who cares....... lol

    so ya know how the nme awards just happened, W.A.S. was there and omg i love them: http://www.nme.com/nme-video/we-are-scientists-interviews/808574518001 and amazingly Keith doesnt sound like he's been sucking on helium! :eek:

  5. :chuckle: yes blame it on dom! dom does everything! :ninja:

    lol really, uh i love sleep! sleep is the best thing.. well right after chocolate and music :chuckle:

    me either, my mum kept calling me scrooge :facepalm: thats awesome! mine was really good, hanging with family and getting lots of muse/music related stuff! my dad actually got me a sonic screwdriver! i culdnt stop sonicing stuff :facepalm:

    ok good! i cant wait!

    yeah me too! i love dream related stuff so that appealed to me. well my mum was like meh and i was like ehh so we never went to see tron, ill just have to watch it online maybe sometime :LOL: speaking of movie, i saw the dark knight tonight! woh! :awesome: movie!

    :LOL: oh boy, knowing me and time lately, ill prob never get to exploring it ha

  6. no no no! u shuldnt! i took forver! to reply the last time! dont feel bad! *please* :happy:

    your welcome! yep i loved winter break! i actually got to sleep! :LOL:

    Its crazy how fast 2010 went by! i really cant believe it january. so how was ur new years eve?

    lol ya know thats so ironic, coz im listening to the killers right now and i thot of u and went onto .mu and BAM! :p

    I know, i cant wait either! is it sad that i actually cried a little bit when dobby died? :$ i havent read the 7 book yet, so i am completely clueless as to what will happen.

    :awesome: ya like it!? no i havent seen tron.. im debating wether to, ive heard the plot and such is crap, but the visuals are awesome. (and it has a cillian cameo *squuee!*)

    no, i dont have a tumblr, i just found an awesome one filled with keith... lol i really dont even know what tumblr is :facepalm:

  7. Merry Christmas!!!! :xmas:

  8. Merry Christmas to you too!

  9. ok i can finally! reply!

    :chuckle: im exactly like that now! like i have no time for this place anymore :(

    well they havent played a new episode of house in like 3 weeks! crazy tv programming! :fear:

    :LOL: yeah my mums like "ya know you should save your money!............... that way you can buy me an expensive present!" :LOL:

    I'm not sure, gotta wait till xmas to see what he got me! but i cant believe xmas is almost here!!!!!!!!!! it feels like it was just the beginning of the school year! :eek:

    THANK YOU! hot fuss was amazing!!!!!!!!!! :LOL: my mum and i watched the video for Brightside on ondemand today, there was nothing on tv so i started to look at free stuff! :awesome: and there it was! along with a 10 minute muse thing, and that had OoS era performances in it! :awesome:

    i do...... :LOL: i found this tumblr totally dedicated to keiths hair! its awesome! and the title is great "do you wanna touch?" which reminds me *runs off to check it*

    Me too! like before i know it ive got a hundred some pics and i go "well if ive got this many, what harm can another 100 do... i mean :phu:" lol

    i got black ones! i love em, i wear them down most of the time, like matt does.

    OMG have u seen HP7?

  10. OMG! i havent replied in forever!!! dang school!

    well i see ive missed your birthday! :eek: * how could i!!!!!!!!!!* so

    HAPPY LATE BDAY! :happy:

    and ill try to reply to the rest tomorrow!

  11. Hi Tom,

    I am a freshman in high school, and for my honors rhetoric class i am doing a career project. For the project i am required to conduct a short, ten-question interview with someone who has a career in or related to the field i am interested in. Since I am doing mine on photography, I would love to interview you.


  12. thanks it was actually really easy... :chuckle:

    omg i had this horrid math teacher last year! he spent all hour pretty much in eHarmony! :LOL: but like hed teach for 5 mins, then be like ok do these 50 pages (no joke) of hw! :rolleyes:

    rite like all day ive been having mystery jets lyrics running through my head! its kinda hard to do math with that! ill be like ok so if this is congruent to that then.... "coz when ur in pieces you pick up the bits and nothing fits" *listens to song in brain* :LOL:

  13. ha! me too! :chuckle:

    it is! i have a spanish quiz tomorrow :indiff:

    It is! we do work all day at school! and then we have more work at home!

    i'd much rather listen to music and look up new bands, instead :LOL: like that'll happen

  14. i know!

    it is it is... yeah weve had a lot of tests and crap, i dont thin we had this many this soon before! :chuckle:

    sounds about right! Like i always have homework! :eek:

    what grade are you in?

  15. It is always awesome to be back here! i dont get to go on as much anymore.... its really weird i used to like always go on, i prob havent been to the pmt in like a year! :eek: lol

    oh yeah when u go OH! i know how to do that! :LOL: its :awesome: so far!

    yeah, i should prob save up a bit! :chuckle: looks like everyone's getting $5 xmas presents :rolleyes: I asked my dad for 1 muse dvd, 1 WAS live and other stuff dvd/ rarities and such cd, and 1 WAS live cd.

    I think some parts are really Day and Age-y but like some of the extras and a few remind me of sams town, but overall its pretty great! oh the extras awesome coz there are 4 extra songs! and i love em al! :D

    OI! i dont have.... that.... many pics of keith.... :LOL: hes pretty easy to embaress myself over tho... loloh and when i go to the mall this weekend imma get some black or white braces (like mattehs!) :awesome: i just cant bdecide on color, coz im getting (hopefully) 2 muse tshirts for xmas one white one grey.

  16. Right, but this year my school starts the earliest in our area, so instead of waking up at 630 i have to wake up at 545... not fun... :indiff:

    yeah, i know what ya mean, like right now i really should be doing homework, but im taking a break after finishing my evil rhetoric homework. :rolleyes:

    so hows homework been for you?

  17. hey! :D im doing well, schools a bit much but what can i do:rolleyes: how about you?

    thats fine! i havent been on much either...

  18. thats horrible! :eek: i wouldnt be able to survive! thats fine! :happy:

    i dont like hoemwork at all. yeah like right now im watching house (its finally new! :awesome: ) replying, and trying to study for spanish and health...:chuckle:

    ohh i see!

    YES! they is awesome! lately ive been interested in 30stm, so now i got 2 of their cds :facepalm: i spend way too much on cds.. lol

    IT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i almost cried when the guy got it for me! i asked if they had new releases and hes like what ya looking for, me- brandon flowers, him- oh we have that! *runs off, comes back, hands it to me* me- :awesome::D:eek::awesome:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and it was the special edition!!!!!!!!!!!!! its like awesome! and it sounds killers-y but yet it has something brandon to it, ya know.

    naw, the rest was just me embarrassing myself over keith........ :LOL:

  19. OMFG!!!!!!! i freaking love this song!!!!!

    playing with fire-brandon flowers:

  20. i would watch it but ive been so freaking busy with school! i hate it! i have been really wanting to do this sorta bliss video inspired oil pastel picture, but stupid homework has gotten in the way. and there are like two, wait three movies i really wanna watch... ah i cant wait for the weekend! :eek:

    :LOL: thats great.

    "normal school" ???

    cool :chuckle:

    I know! i saw one at St. Louis Bread Co. the other day and i got really jealous! she was beautiful and looked all fluffy! :happy:

    RITE! i love the beginning "what do i think is sexy.... hmmm" and i love his answers, they arent all pigish and stuff but nice and ya know! :LOL:

    i think im doing that right now... hahahha ive spent so much on cds lately! well im kinda like rebuilding my music collection, before 2008 (when i found muse) i like all that rap hip hop stuff coz thats what everyone listened to. so i threw all that out when i found muse and started my new collection! so i just bought an MGMT cd yesterday :awesome: i think its oracular spectacular, i still have no idea how to say that! :LOL:

    :LOL: oh my mum has no problem voicing her opinions!


    right!! uh i was so happy!

    :LOL: thats great, well ill keep my gay version of it! :LOL:

    i need a keith fic...... god why is my brain like this! oh keith and brandon.... thatd be good for me. coz for some reason i find keith insanley sexy in this picture..... :$


    i have no idea why..... chris not so much, but keith....


    i heard Mr brightside on the radio during biology today! i was so happy! :LOL:

  21. what does that mean? lol

    OMG that is so weird! :chuckle:

    oh well yeah at first it was kinda weird at lunch but we've been getting along well lately, and i also know this other girl who came to sit by us. so lunch is good. but i have SOO much homework at night! i dont know how people do stuff after school! :eek:

    :LOL: i probably fail to, but i never tried... lol for some reason i just cant get into watching sports, i think i like playing them more. :chuckle:

    well capa was his last name and everyone called him that, but i sooo want a little boy puppy *ive decided a husky* thats name is Capa! :happy:

    i know! like my mind is always in the gutter.:facepalm: i know rite! i have this obsession with stuff in B&W oh and i found a color one:

    i love at like 1:19 when he licks his lip..... huh *fangirly squeal* i cant tell you how many times ive watched that, and paused it, and stared..... :$

    I need to go to best buy soon, but im like using all my money on cds :LOL:

    :LOL: yeah, but ya know i can never find anyone who shares the love *except my mum thinks cillian and david are hot! and oh yeah! she said that Keith looks like George Clooneys son! so thats a big step up from rat boy!* :chuckle:


    i was in my room and my mum was in the other room and i was like hmm flowers *brandon pops to mind* then i started reading saw the wedding band, then his name and i swear i jumped up and down and was like WOH! YES! :awesome:


    you know i always thought Andy Your a Star had a bit of a gay relationship undertone to it, dont ask me why :facepalm: that probably seems really weird!


    ph at school we have this news channel and they used one of the SMBH riffs as the opening credits!!!!!!!!!! i went from :sleepy: to :D i seriously couldnt wipe the smile off my face!


    ok i just read this and had to tell you coz the ending sounds so much like that one thought you had....


    oh god i just found belldom with a surprise guest :eyebrows:


    i am at a loss of words


  23. :ninja: ill have watch that later...

    i know/knew how to say good morning i think..... i know its guten taug :LOL: *spelling FAIL!* lol thats more like pronunciation in my world....

    Cat Face?

    Well one of my friends knows a girl who has my lunch and doesnt know anyone in it so we started texting today :) and it seems like ill actually know someone! Im going to a new school but with everyone ive known and some new schools. it ridiculous how far apart classes are! :( walking from class to class is pe! :chuckle:

    :LOL: yeah ill end up rooting for psychopaths. Well im not really a sports fan so i dont ever watch anything like that :p

    thanks, well i got Capa from sunshine. it was cillians character :facepalm: but for some reason the name makes me go :happy: so i like it! :LOL:

    :LOL: ok that sounds wrong when u take it outta context! they is. :yesey: I am like mesmerized by this video

    i lobe how his eyes are still so captivating even in black and white. :chuckle: i cant wait for those pics to come out.

    I know! its like ok i have to look away! yeah i like Franz :) ive gotten their album tonight, i want the others but target didnt have them!

    lol oh i cant help it, it just comes out!! :LOL: coz ya know i wanna spread the love! but that never seems to work.... darn

    Whyd she think that?

  24. ill have to look that up then :LOL:

    yeah, i always end up making fun of their accents tho :facepalm:, even tho i am a lot german.

    Right! i was watching this like whack-a-kitten. it was cute and it has all these tiny little kittens running around :happy: (i cant say or think the word kitten without seeing cillian playing Kitten the transvestite :facepalm: )

    I really dont want to start school! Homework, teachers, getting up at 5 in the morning to catch my ridiculously early bus just does not appeal to me! :( and i have no classes with my best friend.

    That feeling is great! If i see someone I cant wipe this smile :D off my face! and i always end up rooting for them in a movie, even if they are the bad guy! :LOL: yesterday my mum called me into the other coz she saw matt and kate hudson on ET :rolleyes:

    Thats a cute name! :happy: if i EVER get a puppy im going to name him Capa :facepalm:

    I just like his lips coz of their shape and fullness lol

    Ive become interested in franz ferdinand lately and i cant help but think that alex looks kinda like a pervy stalker in a lot of their videos, like in No You Girls. :chuckle:

    I saw it on Syfy a couple of days ago. My mum woke me up to watch it coz it had Cillian in it :LOL:

    awh! i hope you get to see it! it was amazingly awesome!

  25. :LOL:

    I'd be like matt, i wouldnt know how to use it! :chuckle:


    if i had a german bf id end up laughing at his accent too much tho :chuckle: coz germans always sounds angry r like they're spitting....

    Its so addicting! inst it! :LOL:



    i know what ya mean. :chuckle:




    well i start school on the 16th!!!! thats way too soon! :( summer has gone by way too fast



    Your quite welcome :happy:

    i know! i was like Mum! Davids on! davids on!!!! lol and i was all excited and texted my friend "davids on the tellie!" and she was like :wtf:


    i opened that and went "AWH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" really loud! Your puppy is adorable! whats her name? :)


    OMG i am in love with that mans lips! :LOL: i have watched

    way too many times, just staring at his lips... :facepalm:

    Red eye was an awesome movie! Have you seen sunshine?


    OMG! inception was :awesome: :awesome: it is like nothing you've ever seen! and Cillians eyes are really blue in it and pretty to stare at, specially on a big screen :yesey:


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