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Status Updates posted by BassDementia

  1. :eek:what do you hate about megalomania!!!???

    it's freaking amazing! :awesome:

  2. *impersonates Matt*



  3. Ah so you're finally on the board!:awesome:

    Yep, getting geared up for it:D

  4. believe it or not, i'm from Wales!

    but i live in Scotland

    you're in Germany?

  5. Cheers for the add!

    You're from Glasgow!:awesome:

  6. chris, how do you embed youtube videos into posts?

    thought it would be best to ask you, seeing as you do it quite often:awesome:

  7. cool, i'll watch it soon

    wasn't the last one top 10?

  8. don't see what's wrong with them...

    are you extremely religious or something?

    (it doesn't bother me if you are btw)

  9. good luck with having a GCSE the day after a muse concert.....

    god tht must be gutting

  10. Haha, cheers i thought it would make a good subtitle, i seen the episode a few days before....

    You like South Park then, yeh?

  11. hello thought i'd add you coz you're in Scotland (so am i)

    and you play bass (so do i !!!)


  12. hey man, i was looking at the list of gigs you've been to, quite impressive!

    if you are 18 then that would mean your first muse gig was when you were 10, no?

    if it was then i have to say that's pretty incredible!

  13. hey man, when you gonna update the bracket?

    end of round 1?

  14. i actually been thinking of getting rid of it coz i've had it since July!

    but it's what to replace it with, i would still like a humorous pic.......i dunno

  15. i am very well thank you!

    and yourself?

    i'll assume you know i play bass because of my youtube channel?

  16. is this you john?

    sorry if it isn't

  17. me is fine

    u is fine?

  18. me is good

    you is good?

  19. nah, long(ish) hair FTW! my hair is about the length in your pic just now

    i don't want it cut until the muse gig for some reason.......dunno why :LOL:

    i was wondering what language you speak.....is it German? coz you seem to speak really good English! i can't speak any German at all

  20. no way, you're on the board posting in English

    you must be good!

    the only language i can kinda speak is French, but i couldn't hop onto a forum and start posting in it

  21. Of course, i'll doubt im gonna forget that night!

    Or this week actually, was at Kasabian last night:D

  22. sorry sorry sorry, my bad, i kept forgetting to message back:$

    now : hello :D

  23. t'is going good

    how's it going in Switzerland?

  24. thanking you - Mr Stubenhocker :D

    i can't post vids as often as i would like tho, coz i don't own any of the cameras :(

    they belong to parents and are full of pointless photos, so not enought space on 'em


    just thought i would let you know, thanks for teh sub again!

  25. That is just seriously awesome!

    Just shows what you can do when you know people....

    oh and Merry Christmas!:xmas::D

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