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Everything posted by Ahkmed

  1. :phu:


    I love how we have 2 different conversations going on at once. Confusing, aint it?

  2. np :) I was half joking about Applesauce but I actually think it would be cool! That or The Savage Baggage Monsters. :chuckle:


    I still wanna see it :( Now YOU'RE the one teasing!

  3. Oh dude..those are awesome names! We need help thinknig of a name for our band though. I was thinking "applesauce" and our first album could be called "bad to the core" :LOL:


    There is no such thing as a bad shirtless picture. Well yes there is...but not of you.

  4. Sweet! I'm thinking of starting a band here with my brothers...don't know how well that will go down though. What are your bands' names? :awesome:


    Oh ok...I see how it is. :eyebrows: Just borrow a camera. Shirtless is a must! :supersad:

  5. yes sir :awesome: Irish dancing to be exact. It's called the Oireachtas Rince Na Cruinne! Do you play in a band? Or compete with other drummers or something :chuckle:


    Ah I see. Well I will do this then :happy: But you better send me one too! :phu: Shirtless woud be preferred. :ninja:

  6. I'm sure you're awesome! Everyone thinks their terrible at what they do. :LOL: I think I'm rubbish at my dancing but I've qualified for National Championships and my team qualified for the World Championships! WOO!


    But I gave you my bum aready....I suppose a face picture is in need. :chuckle:

  7. Oh wow! Sweet. You must be pretty awesome then. :)


    But I can see you! :( Well...you said you were going to give me a certain something as a christmas present. ;) Well we have our own "present day" where we exchange gifts..it's just not during christmas time. Plus I'm broke so I can't afford to buy very many gifts right now :(

  8. My life! :p How long have you been drumming? :happy:


    IT IS! :awesome: Took a while but I'm here now. :eyebrows: Do I still get my christmas present ? :supersad: even tho I don't celebrate it!

  9. DOO IT! Please? It would make my week! Drumming is just...I love it so much. :happy: <3


    No lies! TRUTH :awesome:

  10. Oh sweet...I totally want to see you drum :stongue: I love cats but I'm allergic to them :'( It usually gets better the more I hang around them though...I get used it to it!


    What teases?!...I'm being serious ;)

  11. Good :happy: Drink lots of fluids too! Have you been up to anything interesting...besides being sick. :(


    Sweet. We'll probably have to buy more though. 11 times isn't enough.

  12. I know I know...but If I knew you in person I would have made you a cookie pizza so it's the thought that counts, ja? :awesome:


    .....why yes...I like this idea....quite a lot....are you ready? Cause I am.

  13. :( That sucks hun. I'm terrible at being sick. I can't stand being confined. At least it's gotten better. Rest a lot hun and take vitamins and such. And have a cookie :awesome: Here have a cookie pizza :happy:


  14. :( How long have you had it?! You should be careful hun...if you have it too long it could become bronchitis. :supersad:
  15. I know! :awesome: How have you been?!

  16. Come onliiiinnneee. I miss youuuu

  17. Ohhh! That guy is from the online game I play. His name is Dhuum, god of the abyss. :chuckle:


    As for my age I am actually 15 but everyone thinks I'm older. Even in rl. It's awkward really because I get guys in their 20's thinking I'm of legal age. :$

  18. haha it's ok. I'm not 9 I'm close to your age :p not telling where though..you have to guess! which picture?!

  19. whaaat? :LOL: You actually believed me?! I thought for sure you would have known me long enough to never believe anything I say :LOL: I am the queen of sarcasm!

  20. I was joking about being 9 btw

  21. Im 9.



  22. what? what does my age have to do with anything? :chuckle:


    I know. :$ But I want to see yo face in the real lifes.

  23. Don't mind the people from Banter..saw the thread you posted...sorry about all the harsh replies. That's banter for you. :( Don't mind them. Most of them are mean to newcomers



    Maybe it's because I'm too horny from not having sex. :chuckle: Can't I just enjoy having a hot male friend like you? :LOL:

  25. You just killed the moment! :(

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