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Status Updates posted by lil'blulalo

  1. Coucou ! Je voulais te demander (parceque j'ai très longtemps hésité et je me suis dégonflée parceque les pays de l'est on entend des tas de truc dessus) t'as fait le festival en entier ou t'es juste allée voir Muse à Budapest ? et, Comment c'était ?

  2. I love your sig :LOL: On a serious note I wonder if Matt put some Chopin in his music for this album because it is Chopin bicentinary...

  3. :(Et bien non je n'ai pas eu ta réponse mais tu peux m'envoyer un pm :happy:

  4. Hey ! Si tu te rappelles on a échangé quelques mots dans le passé! Mais t'étais où à Liévin ? Si çà se trouve on s'est vu dans la queue sans le savoir. Moi facile ! j'étais déguisée en bonne soeur ! Je vois que tu vas aux vieilles charues, au SDf et à Wembley !!! Cà serait cool qu'on se rencarde, j'y vais à tous aussi avec quelques friends de la museboard.!

  5. :kiss::kiss:Hi barrier babe !! Wish you a happy new year ! And I think 2010 will be a great year because Muse is touring in the US:happy::happy: I told you in Lievin that next time we would meet it would be in your country ! It's going to happen !!! I'm so excited ! Caan't wait to see you again !
  6. Look what a good friend I am :D:D I went on your love boat, on FB and now I'm here !!! :LOL::LOL::kiss:I just watched your albums for the first time ! I know the girls... Would you please remind me Lisa's user's name ?

  7. You're more than welcome in my car from Lievin to Amnéville following the bus !!!! OMG that would be so funny if we were able to do that !!!

  8. woooooooooooooooooooooo ! I'm so hot ! I've just seen Muse on TV (Taratata on french channel Nr 4)playing with violins (even for Feeling Good) that was soooooooooo great, the interview was so nice and funny. Now! I want to be in Lievin NOW !!!!!! I'm SO much excited I can't wait !!! I'm eager to meet you and all our resistance cell, I'm feeling that it's going to be EPIC fun and joy !!!

  9. WOUHOUHOU !!!! Je commence les préparatifs !!!!! j'allais justement t'envoyer un message privé... à tout de suite !

  10. Oops ! Sorry! So I can still hope ! yepee ! In fact, at the moment I'm just hoping to receive my boxset and don't care that much about what number it will be. I just want it NOW !

  11. hey you ! How lucky you are ! I expected soooooooo much too get the 1984th boxset !!! I AM JEALOUS!!! In fact, I have no number at the moment ... Still waiting ! You make my wait worst 'coz now I have no hope to get a number I would have liked to get :) Anyway, CONGRATS ! Cherish it like the most precious thing :) :) :) cheers!

  12. hello ! just read on the musemums love boat your boxset is number 666 !!!!!!!!!!!!! Is that true ??? so scary but awsome!!!!!!! Well done sweet musedevilmum !

  13. Hello chicago !

    So, Eilean, I think I can't make a review of my teignmouth gig because I lived this like a dream, I mean, It's kind of surreal for me. Here is a link of my pix. It's in French but it tells I woke up at 4 am on the 5th sept, took the Eurostar, had time to visit London, have been VERY excited the whole day, night and morning after... The marmot is the mascott of my royal mojito drinker band... http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture&friendID=495966357&albumId=705917

  14. My internet is in total black out since wednesday. Have to post when at work but don't have too many time for pleasures in my job ! I'm so angry to miss all the aftergig chat ! I'm going to post quickly what I saw when Matt arrived on stage in the PMT thread.

  15. yeah !!!!!!!!!! I've been there... at the barrier !!!!! OMG OMG OMG is the only thing I can think or say till yesterday night !!!!!!!!! THANKS TO GIRL ANACHRONISM !!!!!!!!!!! It wouldn't have been possible without her help.

  16. YYYYYES ! Now I am stuck on Virgin Radio, my phone round my neck ready to call, fingers crossed !!!! And my heart is beating too fast !

  17. It means "my heart opens to your voice" (open means live, let love come in and out to the opposite when we say "close" speaking of a heart it means dead, dry, unreceptive to feelings)

  18. just made request for friendship. It's a typical french idiom leek/hang about, is it the same in English or are you french ?

  19. ooh... 1/ some are speculating that this song's gonna be crap 2/ I was out for one week and when I came back I wanted to be the keeper of that song but it was already taken 3/ It's not the music but the words that caught my attention...French ('coz I am) In fact this sentence sounds a bit mawkish poetry, but I find it extremely sexy when french words are spoken by english singers and do you realize that these will come out from Matt's mouth... What a great programme !

  20. ooh... 1/ some are speculating that this song's gonna be crap 2/ I was out for one week and when I came back I wanted to be the keeper of that song but it was already taken 3/ It's not the music but the words that caught my attention...French ('coz I am) In fact this sentence sounds a bit mawkish poetry, but I find it extremely sexy when french words are spoken by english singers and do you realize that these will come out from Matt's mouth... What a great programme !

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