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About syzygy

  • Birthday 12/21/1994

Personal Information

  • Biography
    #nofilter ur mom
    i like long walks on the beach and pino coladas and getting lost in the rain

    remember when we used to be obsessed with muse yeah well this is what i told myself i kept lord why:
    Matt's Hair In 2006
    The lyrics to Resistance
    Muse's VMA performance
    Red streak in Matt's hair during the KOC vid
    The Undisclosed Desires video
  • Location
    Thrust Nashville
  • Interests
    being a butt
  • Occupation
    full time sexy
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  • Favourite Bands
    arctic monkeys, white lies, franz ferdinand, eisley, kasabian, company of thieves, band of horses, the shins, pete & the pirates, anything jack white touches, my homegirl marina, mgmt, radiohead, pink floyd, pixies I guess??
  • Favourite Films
    ur mom's sex tape lol
  • Favourite TV Shows
    it's really sad but i don't like doctor who anymore

    um basically lost
  • Favourite Books
    all of the ones i've written
  • Muse Releases Owned
    literally everything it's really embarrassing
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  1. Dude, yes. And I would totally support your acting, for sure. I'd tell everyone to watch everything you're in. And when we're both famous, me as a screenwriter/novelist, and you as actor/awesome person, we'll collab and it'll be the greatest thing of all time, yeah?


    Yeah, I understand it all, but it doesn't make me feel any better about it :( But so be it man, whatevz.


    I'm really not that great of a guy, she says the same things to me, and she always asks me why I care so much, because no one cares as much as I do and I really don't understand it. If people loved her, why don't they show care and support? People, man, people... Well, I'd really REALLY like to think she has feelings for me, deep deep down, but I really doubt it. Mostly because I hate to get my hopes up and finally give her the revelation of my love, only to be laughed at or shot down, which are both not likely to happen because she wouldn't do such things to me, but I have a cynical mind so ehh... But yeah, you're right, I'll always be there for her. I was pissed off at her for about a week, but she came to me for help and I still helped her, setting aside all my disdain. But I'm hopeless against her! For instance, the HP premiere. Her boyfriend doesn't hate me, but he's not exactly fond of me either, and he HATES when I talk to her, he gets all moody. So when he went to the bathroom before the movie went on, she ran up to meet me, and for the thirty seconds I had with her I just ignored her and gave curt answers, which I feel bad for, but I was upset for her not acknowledging my existence that night. But after the film, she called me and we talked for two straight hours on the phone about everything, and I swear to you I had a smile on my face the entire time. I just can't stay mad at her... But I think they'll last, not forever, but for awhile, I know it. They're not the average stupid high school couple, they actually love each other. But I'll wait! I'll wait as long as I have to, even though my friend says I'm mad to wait for her, I will. Thanks for listening and responding to all this, you're a great friend, man. :D


    Oh, jeez, thanks Dani! Well from all your lovely videos, of which I've seen all, you're quite the the actor and personality as well! Truly, I'd be surprised if you didn't make it in some wonderful roles, as perhaps the Doctor's next companion, hmmmm?

    I mean, technically I write fiction, but all the stories I write are auto-biographical, in a sense. I write about my predicament, but put it into words and scenarios and just write.

    Dude, Gary Oldman. You MUST go there, I will culminate a charity just for your cause to go to Rose Buford! My dream college is definitely Columbia. It's Ivy League and in Manhattan, and ugh it sounds so wonderful. My teacher who is basically my life mentor, says I should set my dreams on Columbia.


    You've been to London, haven't you?

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