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Status Updates posted by Proc

  1. can you feel their haunting presence>

  2. doing great, you?

  3. i'm all better now

  4. hahahah you crazy...

  5. Proc

    happy happy birthday

  6. woooo now we be friends

  7. no hard feelings

  8. haha i'm glad you figured out the friend request thing

  9. haha yeah not tivo or dvr...but i did get to see it online. how was the wedding?

  10. seriously...that was the biggest upset in idol history

  11. i'm an adam lambert lover too haha...cool username

  12. you are mean

  13. but we all know adam is going to be big regardless

  14. nope...i had a meeting at that time


  16. hello there beautiful ;)

  17. oh btw i love the heartless version sung by kris

  18. cell biology

  19. haha woops i sort of turned everything on but i was studying

  20. duh...my byes are important

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