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About pandaman37

  • Birthday 07/13/1993

Personal Information

  • Location
  • Occupation
    minimum wage lol
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  • Favourite Bands
    Assorted classical music lately on pandora
    assorted independent artists on candyrat records on youtube, go on, look it up, itll blow your mind.
    Philip Glass Ensemble
    Dream Theater
    Cold War Kids
    Minus the Bear
    Dr. Dog
    Porcupine Tree
    John Mayer
    The Black Keys
    Red Hot Chili Peppers
    The Kooks
    The Postal Service
    Death Cab for Cutie
    Jimi Hendrix
    Foo Fighters
    The Clash
    Arctic Monkeys
    Dexy's Midnight Runners
    Rage Against the Machine
    The Shins
    The Beatles
    The Doors
    Thin Lizzy
    Crowded House
  • Favourite Films
    Pretty much any zombie movie. Im a nerd for that stuff. Except for Resident Evil. Resident Evil sucks.
    The Matrix, WALL-E, Donnie Darko, The Watchmen, Across the Universe, Signs, HP, LOTR, Pineapple Express, Superbad, Ace Ventura uhh thats about it
  • Favourite TV Shows
    family guy, south park, the universe, the whitest kids u know, spongebob, aqua teen hungerforce, its always sunny in philedelphia, the misadventures of flapjack
  • Favourite Books
    eragon series (lol nerdy), harry potter, Maus, i know its cliche, but i enjoyed 1984, enders game, fahrenheit 451,dante's inferno, the elegant universe, the watchmen, visions of the universe, stephen hawking's universe.
  • Muse Releases Owned
    Don't remember.
  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending
    Ill do horrible things to see muse live. Go on, name it.

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Escapee (1/14)



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  1. No fear - this one time I said that I'd tell you next time we were on skype about things I wasn't cool talking about online in a message box anyone can read, except I don't have skype anymore? I can understand your position rather well right now, I think.


    I'm BETTER though. Or at least, off the 9 pills a day. Ftw. Now I only have to take 4x as much vitamin c as normal people, and go see the homeopathist :awesome:


    You should be careful - the radiation's hit the west coast - as in, your coast, according to our news. I get what you mean though. It's all so extraordinarily distant. Except for the radiation threat. If that fucks up, everyone around the Pacific - including both of us - are fucked. And y'know, being human, that's when we freak about those kinds of things. More.

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