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About liberty

  • Birthday 07/04/1986

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  • Biography
    Born on the Fourth of July - hence my name
  • Location
    Honolulu, Hawai‘i
  • Interests
    Music, movies, reading, writing, technology, travel, hiking, amateur photography, learning
  • Occupation
    Cat Wrangler
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  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending
    December 12, 2009 - Las Vegas (Holiday Havoc)
    December 13, 2009 - Los Angeles (KROQ)
    March 18, 2010 - Houston
    March 19, 2010 - Austin (SXSW)
    April 2, 2010 - Seattle
    April 9, 2010 - Phoenix
    April 10, 2010 - Las Vegas
    September 10-11, 2010 - London
    August 5, 2011 - Chicago (Lollapalooza)
    April 15-16, 2013 - New York
    October 11, 2013 - Austin (Austin City Limits)

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  1. Yeah, it was pretty weird waking up thinking "...did I just have a dream with Alex Kapranos in it? :stunned::chuckle:"


    And speaking of dreams, I just had one of the most disturbing dreams I've had in a while. I'm actually still a little bit uneasy about it... it made me wake up at 6:20 this morning.

    Okay so anyway...

    It started off as my whole class and I went on this field trip and we all had to walk their and I had a friend who dressed up as a ball of marijuana (wtf? :stunned:) and he was like in the lead. And then it switched to me and my dad driving to go meet my mom and my sister. It would flash back and forth from walking to driving with my dad until it flashed to where my dad and I were trying to exit the city, but we had to go through this neighborhood. It turned out to be a white supremest neighborhood. Like the graffiti all over the place said "color war" and stuff. And the names above the stores were like "white supremacy" and shit. It was especially scary because the neighborhood happened to be very condensed, like the road going through was a one lane road and only 2 feet away from you were these white supremacists. Like I thought I was gonna die or something.

    And then it flashes to me and my class walking again and now we are walking in this forest. We turn the corner and we see this camp, and then all of a sudden all of these Vietnamese people come from behind us dressed in war clothes with yellow cloth wrapped around their arms and heads. We were in the jungle where the Vietnam war was. And then like the viets didnt do anything to us at first so we walked into all the buildings and met up with all our other friends and then I saw my mom and sister. But then all the viets come and start taking us prisoner and killing some of us. And then it shows my dad running through the jungle screaming for my name and he runs into one of the cabins but then the viets threw a grenade in it and my dad died. :stunned: And then me and my one friend were confronted with the leader of the viet people and we had to pretend like we were dead.


    I dunno why it was so scary. It was a lot scarier in my dream than it is talking about it. :$

    Yeah sorry for that big paragraph.

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