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About liberty

  • Birthday 07/04/1986

Personal Information

  • Biography
    Born on the Fourth of July - hence my name
  • Location
    Honolulu, Hawai‘i
  • Interests
    Music, movies, reading, writing, technology, travel, hiking, amateur photography, learning
  • Occupation
    Cat Wrangler
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  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending
    December 12, 2009 - Las Vegas (Holiday Havoc)
    December 13, 2009 - Los Angeles (KROQ)
    March 18, 2010 - Houston
    March 19, 2010 - Austin (SXSW)
    April 2, 2010 - Seattle
    April 9, 2010 - Phoenix
    April 10, 2010 - Las Vegas
    September 10-11, 2010 - London
    August 5, 2011 - Chicago (Lollapalooza)
    April 15-16, 2013 - New York
    October 11, 2013 - Austin (Austin City Limits)

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  1. Yeah. Thats the on thing about them, not a lot of variety.


    Oh yeah that's right, the new Target opened. My parents went this weekend to Target to get us snow clothes because we are going snowboarding over spring break. :D


    Well friday night was my friends birthday, which was SO MUCH FUN. I havent had that much fun in a long time. I stayed home for the rest of the weekend though. :(

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