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Status Updates posted by tails

  1. God what a miserable prick.....good thing he can't have children, (can he? :LOL:) it'd be horrible to have more people like that wheeling about the world. But hahaha he would use the words "very special"....trying to knock us all down to your level Mr. Hawking? 'I don't think so...I don't think so....." :p


    And it actually looks like I've had Stephen Hawking autograph my wall :LOL: But yeah I'm not quite sure I buy it...I mean it definitely does look like the scribbling of an 8 year old, but I'm a bit skeptical....

  2. OMG also...this was too long to tell you in my other message, hehe...but my friend at work and I were talking about Stephen Hawking earlier, blushing over him of course, but she told me we apparently used to have a fucking book SIGNED by him here up until about a year ago! :LOL: :LOL:


    Just imagining Stephen Hawking signing anything, much less writing his own name is funny enough on its own...but the fact that we used to have an actual signed book of his! hahahaha :LOL:

  3. Ah well nice one! And hahaha! He totally does :LOL: And yeah I can see that, I mean that's great dedication on his part to maintain that upkeep....and haha where they really? Excellent :LOL: But you are right, fair play to the both of you on that one...they're in a league all their own anyways. :cool:


    :eek: Ohhh man really!!! Jesus Christ....:LOL:

  4. I've only just checked this!


    But hahaha nice one... He has a moustache to be envied! He had to at least have been above Salvador Dali though.... I mean come on! Hulk Hogan I can give you that though....should've put Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx in there as a tag-team though....although they moreso had the awesome full-beard/moustache thing going on. :cool:

  5. Hahaha you're just in high demand, what else can you do, Gary? :cool: Well, maybe if you play your cards right......:p

  6. Okay! And ohhh really? You're just too popular clearly. :p And yeah I know, I know, it's a woman thing really. ;)

  7. Okay cool, well yeah I should be finishing up here soon, so I'm sure I'll catch you in a bit! And yes I am actually.....:cool:

  8. Hiiii so I'm back. :happy: But I'm on the phone catching up with a friend at the moment, so will be online in a bit I hope....you still around?

  9. Haha ohhh well I guess. :happy:


    Aww yeah he's okay, just always gets so clingy and cute whenever the weather gets so bad. I feel bad for him for being scared but I can't help but just go "awwwwwwwwwwwww :supersad::happy:"


    Ohhhh nice one. :LOL: But well cool, not sure how long this will take but of course will let you know when I'm back. And yeah she's probably going to take ages to get here anyways since the weather's so shitty, and she already drives like an 85 year old blind woman. :indiff: So I'll be around for a while anyways before we all head out!

  10. I just got your message....seems as though they're both going through late..dicks!..but still....:D


    But anyways Rochester is apparently experiencing a fucking monsoon at the moment....no not really, but we're in a tornado watch so Jake feels like the world is ending. :(


    Also, I don't know what you're up to or will be up to, but I'll be around again a little later...I guess my sister is coming home this weekend as well and my parents are taking us out to dinner. Which is going to be lame, but what can you do.....so yeah I'll be around for a bit now but will have to shoot off whenever she gets here. But if you'll be around later then let me know. :happy:

  11. Well I'm an ex-catholic schoolgirl.....so....well......yeah that probably does just solidify it. :LOL:


    Yeah being one of those crafty and manipulative women that I am you know. :p But yeah I never claimed to be a saint or anything, as for the other parts though............

    And is that a serious question? :p


    Ah well nice one, yeah I should be around so just let me know when you're all sorted and everything. And yeah kind of actually :LOL: People always have problems haha. But I don't know how I get sucked into everyone elses!

  12. Hahaha well me being a good catholic school girl of course you're not referring to me.....


    Yeah exactly! So I mean, off the hook you know. :cool: And yeah I know right? I'm usually the nicest person on the planet you know....and yeah I've been playing my role in the family well for quite some time.... multi-talented. :p


    But yeah I'm back from work now and at my place. And I think I should be set for the night? I hope so at least.... Oh my god this week needs to fucking end already. :LOL: But yeah just let me know if you're around at all!





  13. Hahaha you dick. :p I should start calling you the knob jockey! But YES I am. I still told them I might stop by tonight just for a couple hours, in case they needed me 'n all, but I probably won't. I said that just to make it sound like I'm not nearly as coldhearted as I am. But yeah definitely glad to be outta there. :D

  14. :chuckle:.... And so you'd rather sit and enjoy the aesthetics than be getting your own action? Hmmmm, this changes things....:p


    Hahaha exactly! And yeah, maybe if I ever do find myself in England after September I'll have to bypass Swindon...sounds a bit too tard-infested for one innocent American to handle. :p.......:LOL: Yeah well I mean A for effort and all that, like you said you were at least in better shape than your friend seemed to be! And that's actually a really valid question......


    Yeah I think so. ;) Hahaha well you're clearly not intimidating if people have no problem going right up to you and talking to you?! And yep, I just get paid for the hours I put in during a day...being part-time and all that. But you didn't?! That's shitty. :( And yeah I mean I've been doing a lot for them considering I've had a decent amount of my own things going on as well so I figure they'll be fine to take care of themselves for the weekend! And yeah, back to the real world....she's only 52 or something like that. :LOL:


    Yeah well I would be able to get on now just fine but they're all around and keep fucking talking to me. :indiff: Oh and my cousins are a bit obsessed with me so always want to come sit next to me and see what I'm doing like every 15 minutes and then try to talk to me about their facebook friends and shit. And this site is the last thing they would need to see. :LOL:


    Oh, funny story...at dinner tonight my aunt kept telling me about their neighbors who have a son my age, who came over to mow their lawn yesterday. Anyways, she told him to stop over again when I'm around, because he's "a nice catholic boy" and she thinks we'd hit it off......:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: Goes to show how well my family knows me. My mom actually choked when my aunt said that as well. :LOL:

  15. Whatever! In your dreams, Gary..... ;) And right, so you can just be sexually frustrated?


    Noooo not exactly what I was going for to be honest. :LOL: But well, if that makes you feel better then...sure! And yeah it seems like it definitely, I mean where did you grow up man, a fucking circus?! And yeah that would I think be the most appropriate reaction honestly...and shitty camera work or not, doesn't matter....it's the asshole thought that counts you know? :D


    You seem to get approached by the weirdest of people....always have stories to tell of some random man or woman that came up to you to chat. :LOL: But yeah I'd say we'd be a golden pair, don't you think? :p And yeah I did....and of course I got paid, I'm on hourly wage! But yeah things have gone alright...told my aunt I'm fucking off after tomorrow as I know she'll be fine, and she gave me the whole, "well I guess we'll have to be independent sometime....*sigh*" line. What the fuck? But yeah, freedom after tomorrow thank fucking god.


    Ah well nice one! I am around now...but not sure I'll be able to be on msn really...at least not right now as I keep getting interrupted and creeped on by my cousins. And since I'm connected to a wall right now I can't move. :indiff: But I'll be able to at least be on the board here and there for at least a while now I think?

  16. Youuuu cheeky bastard. :p I bet you secretly want me to be a lesbian anyways......


    Yeah I definitely see what you're talking about. :LOL: You really have quite the variety! No wonder you fit in there so well then. :p But yeah I'd definitely think that's some weird shit you see out of a horror film for like a split second, before not being able to contain my laughter at how ridiculous she was. :LOL: And yeah exactly, you handled it in the only way possible really. :cool: And yeah you're probably right hahaha.....seriously though, just fucking weird. :LOL:


    Awww you!


    Yeah it seems like it...should be an asset to have you while we're off tarding then surely? :D And yeah I'm about to leave work and head over there pretty soon, I stayed later today as there was a lot to do....but yeah hopefully all goes well with my mom and everything!


    Awww well cool. :D And yeah I'll try to get on sometime later, but yeah I just don't really know for sure what the night will be like....but their net worked for me this morning so I think I should be alright! But cool well I hope your night goes well and everything and I'm sure I'll manage to talk to you later at some point. Seee yaaaa :happy:

  17. I know, I'm talented aren't I? And I'm surprised you aren't complaining, knowing how much of a gooch licking chode you are.....


    Seeeee. :happy:


    And OH MY GOD. :LOL: :LOL: That sounds fucking insane! I don't know what I would've done if I'd seen her. I mean hard to say if I'd be terrified or just fall over on the ground while in complete hysterics. She sounds like a fucking legend to be honest. :LOL: Nice work on being the kind and sensitive soul that you are and recording her as well! Then following that up nicely with a crotch chop and a sprint away. :LOL: Classic. :cool:


    Wow, I think the most exciting thing that's happening to me today is seeing my mom. :LOL: I feel so lame now compared to you. :(.......:p


    Aww really? :D Well yeah just let me know either way. That said, I'm not too sure when/how long I'll manage to be around tonight either, since I have to make it back to my aunt's right after work in order to catch my mom for a bit. But hopefully I'll have some time to catch you online if you'll be around later as well. :happy:

  18. :LOL: Excellent....you're such a circle jerking, ass ramming, cum guzzler!


    Aww well, that's not entirely true. :happy:

  19. What's goin' on you fudge packing meat sword!? :p




    I don't know where that came from. :LOL:

  20. Awww man....:happy:


    Yeah I hadn't either! I mean I think it just takes one or two experiences really to solidify that impression of them being completely insane soul-sucking bitches. So yeah, your sister's friend is nooooo exception. :LOL: Yeah she did! Her ex-boyfriend actually. Just a week before she accused him of "raping" her as well. When 20 other people were around them at a party during said "raping". Seriously....just a crazy bitch.


    Aw well that's lovely, always much appreciated you know. :D Looking forward to it! But aww no, what happened with work? And well, nice of you to still help your friend back regardless, but that is pretty lame. Other than that though has your day been alright? Yeah mine's just been a long day really! I just want this week to be over and it's only Tuesday....how sad is that. :LOL: And yeah I'm sure she'll be able to. I'll also see if I can't get myself out of there by Thursday as well or something. You're right though I mean it's a really tough situation, but things could've been much worse, exactly. My aunt is just freaking out and it's annoying hearing her sound like she made it through the fucking Holocaust or something....Now I'm just sounding like a bitch! I don't mean that, but well....you know what I mean?! Ahhh man, I don't know.....!


    Yeah I don't know why it wouldn't work last night, but I'll try again when I get over there sometime later. But I'm at my place right now and will be for a little bit I think, so just let me know if you're still around :happy: And nooo did they lose again??

  21. Aww right back at ya. :happy:


    Oh my god! That would be terrifying. :LOL: I am honestly skeptical of all tiny Asian/Oriental women now because of her....I mean they're sneaky and deceptive motherfuckers! And get away with it because they look like 10 year old innocent girls.....But at least she was just asking a friendly question, not coming up to you and wishing all the STDs in the world upon you because you're a "fucking motherfucking manwhore asshole who doesn't give a shit about people who genuinely care....go fucking die!"


    That honestly is quoted almost word for word.....


    Oh no it's fine, no worries you know! Never any rush :happy: But aw really? I've had a pretty crazy day as well to be honest....dreading going back to my aunt's house as well. :( But luckily I found out my mom's coming up tomorrow afternoon for a bit to see her/talk some sense into her as she's a fucking headcase, which will be nice. I feel like there's so much to tell you honestly :LOL:


    Oh and also, for whatever reason their net doesn't work at all, or with my laptop, I don't get it...but yeah it's annoying. That said, I might be around my apartment for a bit after work again as well, but I know you said you've had a busy day too so if we happen to be around at the same time then cooooool, but if not then I'm sure I'll catch you sometime later!

  22. Oh no, that sounds terrible then really!!!




    You lost me at "I had a lot on my mind" hahahahahaha :LOL: Good joke Noel....you dick. :indiff:


    Yeah it all happens once in a blue moon you know? I'll be all prim and proper for ages now.......pfffffthahaha. And yeah it won't be too bad, but when you put it that way.....:mad:


    But yeah I am back from work and will be here for a bit before I have to head over to their house, so just let me know whenever you're around!


    Yeah, and we all know how much of a hypocrite you seem to be as well. :p Is that frown face from this or something else??

  23. Wikipedia traps again? Or something new this time....:p


    Awww man.....haha I don't know what to say!!!


    Okay cool, will do "of course" :p


    Haha I swear that's not even the worst topic we've covered today....I'm such an influence! But aw well yeah I hope so as well, we'll see when I get to my aunt and uncle's I suppose! But excellent, glad to hear you've had a good one...and....:D


    :LOL: Ohhhh realllllyyyy..... Seems pretty dead on I thought. ;)

  24. Yeah that's a mystery then!


    Hehehe :D


    Aw well of course, glad I could! And ah nice one, that sounds good so yeah surely we'll catch each other later. :happy:


    Yeah I don't even know how it started. :LOL: Something I said I'm sure....:cool: Haha but well that's not bad then, nice relaxing day....I'm jealous :p Haha no no I'm kidding! But that's cool, and.......yeah :happy:

  25. Haha maybe you need a bit more sleep....? :p


    I figured you would know what I was talking about haha.....awww :D


    Well yeah I didn't know when else I'd have time this week, if any really...so wanted to do it this morning. :happy: So yeah I'll be off work in a couple hours and will be around for a bit then before I should head over to my aunt and uncle's...so if you're around here also then great!


    And yeah my day hasn't been too bad so far really....just had a half-hour conversation with my coworkers about furries, nothing out of the ordinary for conversations I tend to find myself in. :LOL: Hopefully you've had a good one as well. :happy:

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