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Grinning Death

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Everything posted by Grinning Death

  1. Your hand then I guess :erm:

  2. He's a famous Australian in the UK. I guess he's not really known outside of the UK or Aus though.

  3. You don't know who rolf harris is? :wtf:

  4. I think I look like Rolf Harris :LOL:

  5. That beard pic was taken just before I started working at SAFC I think.

  6. Beard pic? I have no idea what you're talking about :LOL:


    Go for it.

  7. if only my nose wasn't blocked :(


    I'll have to push my nose right up against you to be able to smell anything :$

  8. Exactly, like I don't have enough problems trying to work out who is who!

  9. Ah, I was confused by the name and Avatar :LOL:

  10. Yeah you do. I smelt it :phu:

  11. I do smell, you smell too!

  12. it's freezing down here too, ground is frozen outside. Burning up in work though, all the heaters are on full whack.

  13. Who me :erm:

    Move along, nothing to see here.

  14. What's up? is it just your job?

  15. oh dear, you must be having a very bad day then :LOL:

  16. Satan claws is coming to town!

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