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Grinning Death

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Everything posted by Grinning Death

  1. I might have the year wrong too


    1979 sucks :'(

  2. I don't know who you're talking about :phu:

    it's definately the 15th of Feb.

  3. hmmz let me see, I think there was someone who's nearly ok, I think they were born on the 15th of February :phu:

  4. I can maybe think of a few good things that were made in 1979 :D

  5. Well I'm sure I'll turn up in plenty anyway :)

  6. Yeah well you'll have to hassle other people to take pics of me :phu:

  7. There will probably be pictures galore, the camera on my phone is pretty good quality.

  8. should be awesome, staying with RWB and Gemsy and 1 other, not sure who :chuckle:


    Hopefully that weekend should smoke up all the weed I have left :D

  9. vaseline afterbirths and neon coughs

    galaxies full of nobodies.

  10. :chuckle:

    Nicky Wire like what? longish hair eyeliner and leopard print?

  11. :(

    Don't do that, impersonate him when he still had long hair :p

  12. I didn't notice, writing a report for some emission stack, oh the life of a UKAS analyst is never dull *yawn*

  13. RWB Sent me a message, is that ok? :chuckle:

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