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Status Updates posted by sdxfcg_ersxdtcfh

  1. Cool :D

    I'm great just a little bit tired :p

    So... like Muse? haha

  2. Thanks for the friend request :D How are you? :)

  3. Well, I suppose there's no harm in me telling you how I am again... I'm great :D A bit bored though I'm in school :(

    And how are you today? :)

  4. Zane Lowe put you 5th in his top 50 guitarists :)

    You're first in mine ;)

  5. Look who is online! :p

  6. Ah I see I see :D I'm great thanks... Apologies, my grammer isn't quite as amazing as yours appears to be :L Well how the hell are you? :) X x

  7. Awh tell me about it... I haven't been on this forum in a good bit either! How be my fellow Muse fan? :D

  8. Yeah I used to have DJ decks or something and it was really fun to mess with Micro Cuts speeded up is like.. omg haha lol (:

  9. No problem :D Ooh cool are you like a part time dj or something? :LOL::)

  10. An extra large space hopper.. interesting!:LOL: Yeah very random :LOL:


    Well I'm glad you had a good one :D



  11. I sure was :D Well said it was fucking amazing and the set list we got :O Dead Star!! Muse must really like the Irish ;)

  12. Yay vaguely better than not at all ;) Yeah it was great.. I got a signed Origin of Symmetry :):) How was yours? :)


    X x x x x x

  13. I ADORE Glorious.. it shoulds made BH&R! :( Hey that's a good remix!! I added it to my favourites.. keep up the good work (: Creative stuff :)

  14. Yeah.. maybe you did O.o...... I'll keep my guard up just in case ;)

  15. Happy New Year to you too (: Sorry it's late :(

  16. Marlay Park friend :) Hope you don't mind the add :)

  17. I see you were at Marlay Park.. Me too it was amazing! :p Hope you don't mind the add :)

  18. Hey.. I don't kno if you remember me.. but I'm almost sure I was talking to you on bebo.. Muse related! How odd :)

  19. Hope ya don't mind the add :)

  20. I found you through the Marlay Park group.. hope you don't mind the add :)

  21. Hope you don't mind the add :)

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