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Super Sammy!

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About Super Sammy!

  • Birthday 06/20/1993

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    fuck knows
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  1. It was horrible. I was such an idoit. But I didn't cry :awesome:

    So you'll be working towards that money? Just think of the money. MONEY MONEY. Today was my day off and I was going to spend it with my nan....but I got called into work. I was just thikning about the money, MONEY! I've got like 10 thou now....still I've spent quite a bit :erm:. You shan't have that trouble with clothing :D

    and you've talked about (insert sammys hometown) before....but I can't remember :LOL: Speaking of phones. Keep your phone out saturday night :D

    oh and random whinge. Laura has her boyf in her prof. pic noaw. waaah. Everytime I click on someones profile you have mutual friends her and his face :mad:

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