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Status Updates posted by Karbolt

  1. Man it's been a while since your last visitor msg! :LOL:


    Happy summer my love :happy:

  2. Hope you had a quare good christmas hun! :kiss:

  3. *dies from drowning on drool*



  4. Oh noez, i needs a life! :eek:



  5. Happy Birthday! :D

  6. Hai Josse, sorry haven't been around much lately, had a bit of a weird weekend so didn't much feel like boarding... Thanks for the comment! xxx

  7. Proper hellos!!!





  8. I went to The Subways in Manchester last week and was supposed to be seeing KOL in Dublin in December but can't get time off work... :(


    Can't wait for next year's gigs...

  9. Thanks, that's Billy, my future husband! ;)


    I took that photo at the Subways gig in Manchester, if only i'd gotten that close to Muse when we saw them... :stongue:


    Manchester was great, I'm seriously considering moving there after i get my degree... It's a deadly city! :D

  10. Thesis student is being far too relaxed tbh, slacking like there's no tomorrow! Ah no point freaking out though, it'll all work out in the end, i hope! :)

  11. Aw sorry to hear things haven't been good, i hope they get better for ya soon *hugs*


    Any gigs lined up in the not so distant future?



  12. Hi Claire! How are ya???



  13. Oh happy belated birthday!!!! :D



  14. I'm not so bad, under lots of stress in my final year of college so that kinda sucks but not to worry... :D


    How is all with u???

  15. Hi Josse!!! I miss u xxx

  16. Hi Josse!!!!



  17. I know, it's so close i can amost taste it.....!!! Wish i was in dublin from tuesday, everyone will know each other so well by wednesday...:$

  18. Hi Claaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiire.......!!!



  19. Hey dudey, you've been quiet on the board lately... Or maybe we log on at diff times.... Either way, have a nudge!



  20. *nudgey nudge nudge*



  21. Good morning, V buddy! Can't believe we're doing this but it's gonna be great!!!!





  22. Haizzzzzz!!!! :D

  23. Good afternoon Jose, Hope ur enjoying ur day off! :)


    I decided to go to V! I'm sooooooooooooo exciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiited!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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