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Status Updates posted by nevermind572

  1. I rarely use it unless the occasion comes to make some kind of diagram... usually for these boards, haha.


    Pretty alright. School, the usual. :p

  2. Haha, an MS Paint compliment deserves a friend request!

    So how's life, fellow muser?

  3. Thanks. Paint skillz FTW!

    A little sad that that's how I spent most of my afternoon yesterday, though. :p

  4. I didn't actually make him myself, it was downloaded from here:


  5. Muse played at SOMA?! Damn, if only I liked them in '06... I bet it was :awesome:

    Ha random yes, but I just happened to see your gigs attending/attended thing.

  6. Haha, i keep on being really tempted to spend it but I stop myself. Hmm.. I'm not really good at that stuff lol, but I'd suggest trying to talk more just about general topics to get to know eachother... and practice a lot to impress him with your guitar skills xD How old is he anyway?

    I don't really know how old mine is, maybe not quite 40, but meh... he's not ugly, just not attractive to me. He's pretty cool though.

    That's ok, I've been sorta busy too with school and signing up for my SATs and possibly applying for a job, but thankfully my spring break is next week! Yay :D

  7. Haha I really don't have much yet, only 20something dollars. I guess it's a gradual thing xD

    Ooh, a hot private guitar teacher? Well I'm jealous! My guitar teacher is like 40. lol.

    Alright I'll keep my eyes open for concerts, but I'm sure we'll have to wait a while for the next our.

  8. Ooh.. I'd probably be too distracted that he'd be sitting next to me though xD. Hehe, I would definitely prefer to stick around and hang out with the band members, but knowing me.. lol. I can dream though ^_^

    I'm not totally sure, in fact I don't even know if they've come in the past. I know they went to Street Scene a year or two ago but idk about anything else. But seeing as they'll only be getting bigger with the new album, I wouldn't be surprised if they come. As for prices, I hope not too expensive, but like I said I have my secret Muse money fund just in case.. for my ticket, and to bribe a friend to come along too :$:D Don't have much in there yet though. Hahaha, hopefully it will be cheap enough to keep your organs xD

  9. Oh I know... if only we could get Matt to teach us :happy:

    They'll probably come to California next tour. I dunno if I'll be able to go, but I'm saving up money in case I get the chance. It sounds so cool.

    Man, I don't know what I'd say to Matt or any of them if I met them... probably just choke out an "omghiyou'reamazingiloveyou" and run away :LOL:

  10. Haha, I know, it's so true. I'm done with most of it now though.

    Yeah it's really fun, I've been doing it about a year... I'm still not very good, but I enjoy it. I like acoustic because you can just play by yourself with no accompaniment, while with electric you need and amp and stuff, and probably a band to play with you.

    So, have you ever seen Muse live? I haven't, but I really want to, it sounds so amazing... plus it'd be awesome to meet them, even though its unlikely. ^_^

  11. Heh I know how that feels, I've had so much school stuff assigned this week, and it's only monday.


    Yep, usually electric but lately I've been trying more acoustic, and I think I like it better.

  12. Thanks, I'm doing well. :]

    How are you?

  13. Yeah, the name does come from Nirvana. I suppose it's my favorite, although I like In Utero a lot too.

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