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Posts posted by TomIPT

  1. Should be fairly easy to stick together in a Muse crowd. I've been separated from mates after getting involved in circle pits watching some heavier bands, usually find them a few moments later, often involves running to the other side of the circle to get to them though :LOL:

  2. don't remember that guy :LOL:


    im goin to faith no more in chch


    There was a guy like I described right about where you marked yourself :LOL: then there were some good looking girls behind him in front of me, I was gonna ask one of them if she was at Wembley as I thought I had seen her on the H.A.A.R.P dvd but didn't get close enough and it would have sounded random anyway :stunned:

  3. Hey everyone, first time on the muse messageboard. Ive been a muse fan for a couple of years and i just went to my first ever concert, of course the big day out. Muse were amazeing but i wish i could have gotten closer to them!!. Did anyone else here the muse interview saying there coming back to nz?? Im soo soo excited!!.


    Welcome, yeah they should be back Nov/Dec. Glad to hear you enjoyed your first live Muse experience, they put on a good show :)

  4. I had a Vodafone salesman turn up at the door at 8pm on Sunday, I politely said "I'm not Interested" he responded with "How do you know you are not interested, I haven't told you what I'm here for" I responded by saying "I don't care" followed by closing the door :LOL:


    It's bad enough them showing up during the day, but a Sunday evening is a bit extreme :rolleyes:

  5. I actually quite like Feeling Good but I can imagine the outrage when people found out the had it instead of New Born :chuckle: I wonder if they used the lasers on another song then?


    They got lasers for Undisclosed Desires I think.


    Just looking over the comments of my videos, seems that a lot of people enjoyed them and someone posted a comment claiming to be the person who got Chris's harmonica, lucky bastard :eek: or they are just talking shit.

  6. I think I have found my sister and myself in a pic her partner took from the stands, he wasn't a huge Muse fan so buggered off to the bar with his mates while I made sure my sister got a decent spot for her first live Muse experience.


    I've pointed an arrow at what I'm pretty sure is me :LOL: I think we moved a tiny bit closer after the pic was taken at 8:26pm


    Full size image here if you want to have a look for yourself




  7. yea drew did an excellent interview. i will upload it to moatv later


    Cheers, I had no idea it was on.



    I'm just still really tired. I got a good long sleep last night, but after breakfast I came back to lie down again :rolleyes:


    Same about the tired, not so much about the long sleep, still feeling pretty tired today, I must be getting old :eek:

  8. Haha, Gold Coast got Feeling Good instead of New Born.


    Yeah I just saw that, it's cruel. I think I would have died inside a bit if I was there knowing Auckland got it, with the awesome laser show that New Born has.


    It really is time that Feeling Good was removed from their set list permanently when it gets to the point of replacing a classic :rolleyes:

  9. Hey Funky how are things? So you ended up going then :) I agree with USoE, I was expecting it to be an epic live track but it looked like such a dissapointment on the recordings, actually live though it is insane.


    They should be back in Nov/Dec though, hope your first Muse experience was a good one, they surely put on an awesome show.

  10. Tom I agree with Richard, those pictures were incredible. How did you get them so clear? You must have a really good camera!


    It's just a Sony DSC-T500 point and shoot, I can assure you I have a few crap pics for every good one. It's just about timing it with the right lighting and letting it focus.


    I found aiming it a bit at the crowd helped for some shots too, and of course trying to keep a steady hand which can be hard in the mosh :LOL:

  11. Tom, just wanted to thank you again for your awesome pictures. I've got one as my desktop wallpaper at work now - the one with the CO2 at the end of Knights. It looks amazing. :happy:


    No Problem, I can provide you with the originals at full resolution if you want, just let me know and I will upload whatever you want. I just slapped together a signature with that very pic :LOL: I must say I am pleased how that one came out capturing Matt holding his guitar in the CO2.


    Speaking of Tom, did anyone else see Tom Kirk walking about the set?


    I saw him walk out not long before Muse came out.

  12. Still better than me! I usually do 15 mins of cardio and 15 mins of weights. And I've only been once in the last 6 months. I just get so bored of it.


    I would never even consider going to the gym personally. There are other less expensive, let alone more interesting forms of exercise such as walking/jogging/cycling and as I have recently discovered moshing like an idiot to music in the comfort of your own home which clearly helped me for the BDO as I was going nuts and hardly even tired towards the end of Knights Of Cydonia :LOL:


    But then I'm the kind of person who gets bored of repetition, I like to mix things up a bit, going to the gym would just seem like a chore to me. Each to their own though and good on people who do put in the effort.

  13. Did anyone else think The Mars Volta were a bit lacking? I felt like their songs blended into each other too much, and they went out on a really slow note, rather than a powerful end, which was a bit strange.


    I tried to listen to some of their stuff before hand as I have heard good things about them, I just couldn't get into it though. I thought they were quite good to begin with live, lots of energy but their mix was horrible, as was the case for a lot of bands. By the end it was just getting a bit tiresome though, and that slow ending not only being a bit strange went into Muse's time slot :rolleyes:


    You have to give it to the Muse audio techs, they always get the sound spot on, no matter where they are playing.

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