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Status Updates posted by Problemfanatique

  1. I agree. :LOL: It'll just be similar to SMBH with more rhythmic drum and bass mixed with some glam rock or something maybe. Whatever it is though, it'll probably sound great. :D


    Yeah me too. :chuckle: It was so annoying after the method to work out the Marlay/V fest code was revealed. I honestly didn't think it'd have anything to do with songs/albums!


    Yay. :D Aww hehe. Ah yeah, The Bilderbergers are in the book too. Yeah they pretty much plan everything. Did you know the voting for George Bush's presidential electrion was fixed? He knows the truth behind all the false flag operations and helped to cover them all up. So it just goes to show you really can't trust any leaders. What I find mostly interesting though is the media and how they're manipulating us through it and creating all these different forms of entertainment to stop us from thinking too much. And it's scary because it's actually working. Like did you know that terrorism doesn't even exist? They're just trying to insight hatred upon the middle east so they can go to war with them and get more money. It's just really frightening to even think about the future with the way it's heading. Oh definitely. :yesey: A lot of people are starting to get fed up with Matt's conspiracy theories but I hope he carries on with them all and carries on voicing his opinions on it cause it is interesting to know his thoughts on these subjects. :D

  2. Ah okay. :) hehe well in my review, I'm not so sure that I'll comment on all the notable things. It'll be quite hard to talk about it in such a short space of 100 words. :unsure:

  3. Thanks. :) I'm not sure if I can tell anyone about it.. I might be able to say a few things. :)

  4. Yeah by NME and Drowned In Sound. :stunned: I wasn't even going to enter the competitions haha good thing i changed my mind.

  5. Welcome back! :D how was your holiday?


    A C is still great! but yeah, ahwell, what's done is done! Jeez, sounds like major PMT. :LOL:


    Yeah, that's true. :( I've not heard of Saint-Saëns before. Chopin is awesome.


    ah that's awesome. :D wow, really? :LOL: what was the treasure on the treasure hunt? haha, maybe he did. Gosh that must have been so frustrating. Did you go the castle? Damn timing. :p

  6. Haha yeah, people worked out the codes so quickly. :stunned:


    Ooh what kind of stuff? You've forgotten how to write!? :LOL: jesus! Aww a C is good! but that does suck... I hate it when people tell you what you can and can't do. Like putting you in for foundation because they think you can't do the higher paper. Who do they think they are to assume what a person is capable of :phu: Hehe, it is. Do you like Ludovico Einaudi? His music is what makes me wanna play piano..his compositions are relatively simple but so beautiful :happy:


    Awesome choices of subjects. :happy: What science you thinking of doing? I heard that science is really hard. :eek: Anyways, hope you have a nice holiday. :happy: Maybe you'll bump into Matt, Chris and Dom or better.. Chris' house. :awesome:

  7. Haha same! It was hard to keep up with it all too. Did you get up for the Japan/Hong Kong ones? I didn't, the only thing that could make me voluntarily get up that early is for queueing for a Muse gig or something. :LOL:


    hehe, you been looking up stuff then?


    Haha no seriously I'm not, since I've left school my memory's become like that of a fish, it took me ages this morning to work out that 4 months = roughly 20 weeks. How bad is that!? and I got a B at maths gcse. :stunned: hehe, erm well..I'm gonna mainly focus on guitar but I'm gonna be learning some piano theory too cause it's always good to be able to have a more diverse musical knowledge for writing and stuff. :happy: What A levels are you gonna do?

  8. Yeah! and he's probably been researching and thinking about it too much. :p I watched this conspiracy video on youtube and it literally scared me shitless. :stunned:


    :chuckle: go for it! ooh cool. :happy: erm, I am going to college to do music. I'm not clever enough for A levels and they'd only distract me from music. :awesome:

  9. So did I. :chuckle: Probably! It's strange that before he wanted to get some information out but now it's really quite obvious he's desperate to get it out there. I wonder what's made him so desperate all of a sudden...


    Same. :( Just doing what everyone else is doing and anyone else could easily do it. It just seems such an insignificant way to spend your life. Aww, well life is what you make of it. :D Are you doing A levels atm? find some people to get a band together with or something! And me too. :(

  10. Hehe, you should :D I can't comment on it much right now as I'm only a quarter of the way through it! But the concept of it is awesome. :yesey: Did you hear that the agents who the people (or should I say, Humints :chuckle:) collected the USB's from were holding a copy of The Grand Chessboard? I think they got to get the book to keep too. :D Haha I think Matt is trying to suck everyone in it! :LOL:


    Exactly. :( You just spend your whole life working for money to live on. Ah I totally agree. The idea of a 9-5 job scares the hell out of me. I remember when I did my work experience for two weeks last year and I absolutely HATED it. Cause the first week I worked in a shop and the second, in an office. And neither required much thought at all. It was so boring and ugh, made me think that if I was to be doing that with my future I'd want to commit suicide or something. :noey: That's why being in a band is so awesome. And exactly! You get to do what you love and travel the world, etc. It just sounds like a dream or something! :LOL:


    God, I didn't know that either. :stunned: How sick.

  11. Haha! Oh how I wish it was the tasty potato chips! :LOL: and exactly. I suppose in that way it would be good but it's true purpose kind of over-shadows that completely. I don't think George Orwell realised how close his book was to the truth when he wrote it. :p


    It really is. I just hate how everything is about money these days. There are so much more important things. Ooh I didn't know that! Jeez I feel so sorry for MJ. It does make me wonder though why the hell the kid's dad asked him to lie about something like that. :wtf: And what would make someone want to put an innocent person through all that.. There really are some sick people in the world. :mad:


    Hehe, totally. He's always made music for himself and written for himself, not for anyone else. I don't think that's ever gonna change. So if people don't like what he's writing then they'll just eventually stop voicing their opinions on it. :LOL:

  12. Aww. :LOL:


    Yeah totally, and it should be the other way round! They're the crazy people for believing it! Thing is..people are too caught up in things that we have to occupy us that they don't even think to question it. And same here, but thing is..eventually everything will be based around these chips..from our bank accounts to even all interaction with other people. So the minority who don't have them will probably be left with no other choice than to have one. Yupp they are, and once again they're using terrorism as a reason of doing so. Ermm..yes I think it was me. :chuckle: I remember the 9/11 being on the news too but I was too young to really understand it. And you're completely right about that.. it's ridiculous that so many people assume that MJ is a peadophile or whatever just because it was proclaimed in the media in such a contrived way. Haha oh definitely..he was an awful president. There's just so many things about America that aren't very appealing.


    Ah exactly. And they say he's crazy and deluded for being so obsessed with it all and constantly talking about it. And I've even noticed some people have started to say that they feel it's forced upon them.. but like you said it's something he feels passionate about and so of course he wants to express his thoughts and opinions on it through his music. :happy:

  13. Same here. :D As soon as he mentioned the riff I was like :eek:.


    Erm it was like..all symbols and brackets and stuff and it turned out the fractions meant e.g the 4th track on the 3rd album basically.


    Yeah exactly! I tried telling one of my old friends at school about micro-chips and stuff and she just went "..right" and looked at me as if I'd completely lost the plot. And there's just too many people like that who not only don't believe but refuse to. They just think it's complete madness because it's going against all they've ever known and been told. And yepp, you're so right about that. They're gonna say that they're good because it helps keep us safe against terrorism and it means you won't lose someone if they go missing and stuff like that. And you know, people really will believe it and they're gonna want one. They won't be forcing it on us, we'll be asking. Hehe, same here too. I don't watch the news or read newspapers or anything, never have done really. I mean, it's things like this that make me glad I don't live in America. :erm: I mean it's them who's mostly suffering with all this 'dumbing down' stuff. I mean just look at all the stuff on TV now days. :stunned: And yeah totally. People just refuse to accept or believe anything that sounds alien to them. It's just sick to believe that all this boils down to is greed.


    Ah yeah, precisely. I think a lot of people don't take what he's saying seriously though..or do they? I don't know, I mostly see people humour him when it comes to that stuff. At Least it's getting through to some. :p

  14. Yeah..and I don't think people were expecting it to have Rnb in it. :erm::LOL: But we'll see.


    It is. :D See these clues aren't so bad but it's the symbol type codes which completely boggle my mind. :LOL:


    Ooh right, sounds interesting. That's pretty much like what's on Zeitgeist except Zeitgeist doesn't include anything about brainwashing and mind control but it talks about the false flag operations, the lies we're being fed by the media and the political leaders. There's a second Zeitgeist film too which I'm yet to watch. I've not heard of Alex Jones before so I might check out some of his stuff, he sounds pretty awesome. Have you read Ruled By Secrecy? It's about all the secret societies like the Rockefellers (they're talked about in Zeitgeist) and The Trilateral Commission who are the people behind it all. It's quite interesting but it makes you feel pretty impotent. I can see why people say it's easy to go down the slippery slopes of conspiracies. :LOL:

  15. haha amazing isn't it! I didn't put it in my sig for nothing. :p

  16. considering what?

    Not much, just some revision for my exams xD

    How about you?

  17. I'm okay thanks :) miss my friend though :(

    how about you?

  18. Yes that'll do just fine :D

  19. Not at all..

    Just turns out I'm an extremley hyperchodriac person.


  20. naww

    Indeed they can be :LOL:

    And I'm not worried anymore, got my problem sorted out so I'm okay :D

  21. Aww :LOL:

    Only just about? How come?

    And I'm okay I guess, just a little worried right now. :unsure:

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