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Status Updates posted by Catherine18

  1. Merry Christmas!! sorry its a late christmas wish!!! but il say happy new year now so im early for that XD

    how are you? i hope you are doing goood :)

    miss you!


  2. oh noes :( sorry i missed you yesturday! thats good that we still have our connection! i like your new pic by the way! very prettyful! speak to you soonies :) x

  3. missing you loads too :(:(:(:(:(:(:(


  4. sorry ammee :( been so busy at uni, i barely get the chance to check on here anymore :(

    how are you? i hope you are doing well

    miss you! :(


  5. Heya ammee! im missing you loads! been so so crazy at uni i havnt been able to use the muse boards much :( i hope you are doing well!


  6. Stefko!!! :) ive missed your lolcat pictures :)

  7. untitled-1.jpg

    dommeh in a gown hehehe!

  8. heya ammee :)

    yeah its ok to want your own space for a while. Just do what feels right and you'll get there soon :)

    im good thanks, ive nearly packed all my stuff ready to move to Reading uni on Sunday eeeep! haha!

    missing you loads


  9. heya ammeee :) how are you?


  10. heya netty! miss you!!! have you moved into uni now? whats it like?

    hope you are doing well:)


  11. Ammmeeee :):)

    hope you are doing well today

    xxx xxx

  12. awww thank you ammee :happy::happy:

    im good thanks, only woke up about an hour ago :LOL::LOL: im so lazy

    how are you?


  13. no worries :) thanks, thought id change my profile pic as i didnt like the other one i had before :LOL:

    hope you are having a good time at Shannons :)

  14. maria! i miss yous :supersad:


  15. ah cartalidge piercing :) yeah ah thats awesome! ive always wanted to get that piercing done but im too scared:LOL:

    have posted some piccys in your LB :D

    i hope you like them:D


  16. nom nom nom mcfly! :D




    i met the 2 on the right, Dougie and harry, but not the 2 on the left, Tom and Danny. hopefully il be able to meet the other 2 one day. im so glad they are making you feel better!

    im doing good thanks. had my hair cut yesturday so its all nice and straight at the moment. although i can never style it the way my hairdresser does so when i wash it tomorrow it will go all crazyfied again :LOL:


  17. yeah i see what you mean, sometimes its better to listen to fresh new bands for a while so its suits how you are feeling. thats great that yu dont have to go to school because really would be too much pressure for you cause yeah, you shouldnt be having to learn when you are grieving

    glad you like mcfly though! There first album really reminds me of summer :)


  18. :LOL::LOL: i was distracted by lunch
  19. yeah i know exactly what you mean. they are like, quite light pop which is easy to listen to :)

    glad you like it! :)

    im good thank you. how are youuu?


  20. yay ammeeee!! :happy::happy:

    great to see you online again! has the Mcfly CD downloaded yet? what do you think of it?



  21. yeah, there must be so much on your mind at the moment. it must be very overwhelming for you. Thats why its a really good idea to keep talking to people about how you feel and keep writing down how you feel so that it doesnt become like a big weight on your shoulders. and like ive always said, im always here for you ammee whenever you need me, just send a message and il get back to you as soon as i can and try and help.


    Yeah mcfly are pretty hot :LOL: i love Dougie:LOL: he's one of the ones i met the otherday he was lovely :happy: but my favourite is Tom, he is so sweet :LOL::LOL:

    There music isnt at the same level as Muse but its still cool to listen to :)


  22. its natural for your feelings to be mixed up as over the last few weeks you have been through a lot of trauma which will leave you unsettled for a while. And from the questions you seem confused about id say the answer to all of them is yes. its fine to cry, its fine not too and its fine to not know how to think. I think everyone has their own unique reaction to someone close to them passing away. Some people cant stop crying for weeks, other people cant cry at all, and some try and blank the situation from their minds but there isnt a right or wrong way to grieve. I think the only thing to do id just keep ploughing through and keep the hope of feeling peace in your mind. i hope that might have answered your questions a bit, but sorry if they havnt.


    thank you ammee :) i hope it goes ok too, i think il feel less scared once ive moved in and got my new room sorted and met a few people. Until then its the waiting to move thats making me nervous :LOL:


    this is mcfly's myspace page http://www.myspace.com/mcfly they have got a few songs on their music player that you could listen to. see what you think. Not everyone likes them but they are a secret passion of mine :LOL:

    love you


  23. oh ammee im sorry to hear you are feeling worse. i think you are doing so so well. My friend went through a similar situation a few years ago when her mum passed away and she told me it was like a rollercoaster. Sometimes things go well and things start getting better but sometimes things can suddenly drop and get worse . But she said eventually it begins to get more balanced. Just keep hanging on and it will get better soon.

    things are much better with my parents thanks, although there is still a bit of tension. Im packing at the moment to move out to go to Uni, which is pretty scary but also quite exciting :)

    and a few days ago i met Dougie and Harry from a UK band called Mcfly. Im not sure many people like them on these boards :$:LOL:

    love you loads


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