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Status Updates posted by hematoma

  1. omg, now i'm shivering in fright.

  2. who are YOU? why are you asking to be my friend?

  3. haha, i ATTEMPT origami. oh god. i am so so so SO horrible at it. the only things i manage to do decently are those weird little puffy Asian stars. it really is relaxing even though i become so frustrated at my lack of skill.


    painting is niiiiiiiiiiiiice!

  4. ohhh. i haven't seen The Birds in SO long. must watch again at some point.. hah. my mini zoo is more like a mini jungle. a few months ago i went CRAZY with buying houseplants so everything is now covered with flowers and mini-shrubbery. and i have a herb garden on the windowsills. it's nice. i'm going to be a bit sad when i move only because i'll have to give up my jungle, sigh.


    i've been alright. mostly sitting around doing nothing but origami and watching YouTube, though. how've you been? it's like i haven't seen you in aaaages!

  5. i also have a cat, two love birds, a parrot, and a bunny! :D

  6. Kitty.


    except, lately i've been calling her Falkor. 'coz that's who she looks like.

  7. ah, thanks! :)


    she used to look like that.. now she's grown out of her "cute puppy"-phase. and now she's so damn ugly. and it crushes my heart, sigh.

  8. i am going to report you for that. PERSONAL ATTACK!

  9. ew to your FACE.

  10. dude, you're Irish. like naturally drunk or something. just tap into your leprechaun powers or something and be all, I CALL ON THE ALCOHOL WITHIN ME THAT FLOWS THROUGH MY VEINS TO INEBRIATE ME TO THE POINT OF NO RETUUUURN! and then, voila!



  11. WELL. i hope you expose yourself to me..


    wait. um, what?

  12. i am becoming so drunk right now.

  13. keep quiet about that, you dumb slut! GODDAMMIT!

  14. i am NOT an ass licker. but 2 out of 3 ain't bad. well done.

  15. i am going to report you for calling me a bitch.



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