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Everything posted by FallingAwayWithYou_673

  1. Hmph. I'll let that one slide...

    And check out when I left the message

  2. :stunned: I've fallen in love with a madman...:D Perfect match!
  3. Pfff, I wasn't reading it the whole time, i opened the window then did...other stuff...

  4. OOOOooooooOOOOO they've answered some of the questions!!! *is inappropriately excited*

    Shame the "who would you go gay for" question didn't make it :noey:

  5. Hmmmmm.....I thought they were longer :ninja:

  6. :mad: Dom had longer silver ones!
  7. :LOL: I wish I could see my teachers drunk! Well, I have seen them at the pub, but not drunk...:rolleyes:

    :eek: She sounds amazing! My maths teacher looks like a sort of prudish christian, like from the way she dresses and does her hair (certainly no hair dye!)

  8. Ah, I saw them, but I only like the longer ones :p

  9. :LOL: My old graphics would have told me to fuck off if I'd said that to him :chuckle: He had a swear box, but he saw it more as paying for the right to insult us as much as he wanted, rather than a discouragement from swearing :rolleyes:
  10. Yeah, she did... I just had a look on ebay, no luck :(

  11. Hello :happy: I've just been wetting myself laughing at the anecdote you left on Netty's visitor messages :LOL: I wish I had my teachers that wrapped around my finger!

  12. :LOL::LOL::LOL:

    Where'd you see the Ben & Jerry's machine?!?!?

  13. Ah, you got that black shirt from H&M before I did ;) But I can't find any ANYWHERE on the whole wide internet :(

  14. You're forgetting I'm poor too...:( It'll probably be a christmas present. I really want silver converse all of a sudden...my christmas list is getting expensive :p

  15. Huh. I just realised your message under your username is the same as the thing under my msn name :p

  16. It was in other muse topics: http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=57784

    I read all 46 pages...some people have too much time on their hands :chuckle:

  17. :rolleyes: Guess I just wasn't paying attention!

    I was reading the funniest thread EVER called "hate mathew ballemy????" It's probably some fool trying to wind people up, but the responses were hilarious :chuckle: All very light hearted and tongue in cheek ;)

  18. Hello Stefko :D I think we keep on just missing each other :LOL:

    :wtf: As far as I can remember, it was smooth, maybe one of the corners had a slight crease...but I'm not at home so I can't check :rolleyes:

  19. I'm supposed to be doing my personal statement, not really having much luck though

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