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Status Updates posted by Cydoniababy

  1. What's going on? PM me if you like x

  2. Hey! I'm alright, thanks. You?

  3. I got your card today! It's super cute. And you're totally right, puppies > men by miles. Thanks my dear :kiss:

  4. Not bad, what was your favorite?

  5. Seems like you're gonna be pretty busy the next few months! I love re-reading stuff, it gives you another opportunity to reflect on things.

  6. Don't worry, when I'm finished with them I am more than likely to just re-read them again!

  7. I bloody well hope it doesn't make me cry. Yeah, I've been meaning to read Catch 22 for a while. Oh I'm gonna have so much fun with those babies :awesome: I already skimmed through the Glamorama a little and I'm liking what I see :happy:

  8. Got the rest of your present. You really do want me to read Great Gatsby, don't you? :p WELL I WILL ONLY DO IT AFTER I'M FINISHED WITH ALL THE BRET EASTON ELLIS BOOKS! Seriously though, it made me genuinely smile for the first time in days. Thanks again bb, you're awesome xxx

  9. Nawwh. You are the best Canadian ever :happy:

  10. Glamorama did. I forgot there's more, you're gonna spoil me big time!

  11. I got your present! It totally made my day. THANK YOU!!! <3 <3 <3

  12. I don't think skype is sending my messages! Ugh.

  13. Hey, are you gonna be on skype tonight?

  14. Just sent you an email with some updates, go take a look!

  15. Hey Gary, I'm sorry to hear about what happened :( If you ever need to talk or anything let me know x

  16. Nah I didn't find it but I saw an announcement that there were a few homeless kittens lurking around one of the buildings nearby and the family who posted the announcement couldn't take them cause they had a dog or something, I really wanted to take one :( It would be kind of nice to have someone to cuddle and play with at home :$


    My grandmother had two dogs, they were so adorable. One of them ran away and the other one died :supersad:

  17. Naww thanks! :$

    I feel your pain, I was begging my mom to let me take this lovely homeless kitten... But nope :(

  18. Of course I would haha.

    :( Why can't you?

  19. Thank you! :)

    Cute dog, yours?

  20. Just sent you an extremely important email. Need your feedback ASAP

  21. Just a little bit. Haha noooo thank you very much. Though it does seem like a good way to manage one's stress :p

  22. Always, lol. Unfortunately not, more like I got a fancy new job title and a load of new duties :LOL::indiff: But at least it will look better on a resume!

  23. Ooh, nice. Which songs did you like? I'm good, got a promotion, got dumped, got hit on by my ex's mate lol. How about you?

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