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Status Updates posted by mushroom547

  1. hmph. FUCK. NEW YORK.

    yeah fuck it. its the 5th.

  2. how old am i now....18? only a few months before i turn. haha. YEAH. no kidding, but yeah, for sure i remember you cos of your new york pictures. i ammmmm good. celebrating ol 4th of july.

  3. did i ever reply to you from your wall post a year ago? yeah no? k well then cool beans.

  4. no way. LOL. i dont even remember that! thats so old HAHAHA. omg. i dont even want to read how i used to write. oh jesus. 13 years old. 14. years old. i think. i know i had you on my myspace, but that got deleted sooooo haha. hows everything been?

  5. youre that guy that took pictures in new york. yeah man i havent talked to you in YEARS. WTF. hahahaha

  6. somewhat. somewhat. somewhat. dude i havent talked to you in years. LOL

  7. hai. you look familiar.

  8. bitch.

    suck it.

  9. and thats all you gotta say?

  10. exactly what? slightly confused. oh wait. this was weeks ago. =P

  11. lol. haha. wow. its your ass.

  12. fuck you! :p


  13. HAHAH. you have quite a bit to prove before i say i love you ;]

  14. Do i love you? not quite yet. HAHA.

  15. -.-

    i hate you...once again.

  16. :(





    without the first part.




    the one whos the creep in this convo..would be YOU. MWAHAHAH. why? because youre over 18 =p

  18. Stop creeping on little kids.

  19. naw. you need a life. lol

  20. naw its fine. i got you haha.


    dude. 100? you need a life. i have more like...6. :stunned:

  21. oh youre lame. :phu:

    i feel ya though


  22. hahahaha.

    i win this time. :p


    seriously. do you have fb?

  23. i aint yo bitch.

    go make ME a sandwich :phu:

  24. ;)

    I know right...i demand a LOT. and its hot

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