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New Born Lee

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New Born Lee last won the day on January 14 2023

New Born Lee had the most liked content!


About New Born Lee

  • Birthday 02/18/1991

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    Mount Fuji
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  • Muse Releases Owned
    All major albums, including Hullabaloo. Absolution and HAARP dvds. I got one of those 5000 Resistance vinyl dealies too.
  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending
    Marlay Park, Dublin (August 2008). Immense.
    02 Arena, Dublin (2009). Schweet.
    Ulster Hall, Belfast (2015)

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New Born (3/14)

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  1. It is far more historically accurate, all of the names are written as they would have been spoken, there are many more troops and buildings and local wonders, the rebels are set up differently...it just...


    I loved Rome. Don't get me wrong. But this modification...I have no words. It's as if the Rome I have been playing for over a year was just an early, early demo. They did a remarkable job. Plus: the mod is free as long as you have the game! Right now I believe you can get all the Total War games minus shogan for a combined price of less than $20. It's worth it just for Europa Barborarum in my opinion.

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