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Posts posted by NicT

  1. Sunburn was played on Homes Under the Hammer - a really crap but ace programme where a weird man looks around rubbish houses :awesome:


    I love that programme! Have you been wasting your days watching crap daytime TV?! :LOL:


    That bloke is rather, urm, 80s, isn't he?! :p

  2. Reminds me of my favourite Joe quote from Friends:


    Joey: "Ok, you know what blows my mind? Women can see breasts any time they want. You just look down and there they are. How you get any work done is beyond me." :LOL:


    Cue every man watching to nod in agreement! :LOL:

  3. Glad to know that office conversations are the same wherever... Yeah not sure where the whole breast fascination comes from... Maybe it has to do with breastfeeding as an infant or the lack of... ;)


    Who knows, but all the men seem to think they'd have to be groping themselves all day if they had them! And my bloke asks why else would they be called 'fun bags'?! :LOL:

  4. "Hold them in my hands

    I just wanted to hold

    Your tits in my hands"


    :LOL::LOL: :musesign:= :boobs:


    I'm sure most male Muse fans will approve of that particular sentiment!


    We were talking about breasts at work on Friday (as you do) and the men didn't seem to realise that they're really nowhere near as fascinating as they find them when you live with them every day! :LOL:

  5. Beat me to it aswell.

    I made everyone in the room shut up. they just stared at me and i said...its teh muse.



    We were chatting away with it on in the background, and then our ears pricked up at the same time, we shut up and then pointed at the TV in surprise! :LOL::D

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