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Status Updates posted by Mneme

  1. Ha! I should go check then. I don't know what it is with me and being online. I'm...off, somehow :(


    I do love a good novel though :D

  2. Hello - sent you a PM, shoud you happen to visit. You and I have both been gone a while though.

  3. Yes, I suppose you could, lol. I'm glad one of us is indulging in kinky...adventures :p

  4. I know - I've been bad about keeping in touch. Life's been a real whirlwind too, ugh. Yeah - when you have a chance, hit me - hard, lol. As long as you want. Tell you what - I'll write you tonight - I have a lot of leisure in the evenings, haha.


    Nice to hear back from you - SO nice :) xxoo

  5. I don't mind at all - sorry it took me two months to respond, lol. Yes, I'm a big MSP fan. Never seen them live though - have you? Got a favorite album?


    Nice to meet you - call me Chris btw :)

  6. Thank you :)


    How are you? Email me if you like - you still have the gmail one I think. How's it going? I miss talking with you :(

  7. Doing all right I guess :) How's tricks on your end - and when is the Muse show?

  8. Hey John :) yeah, I come by and check every so often. How's yourself?

  9. I will do that! Thanks for caring :) I'll check back here once in a while too. xoxo

  10. Hi! Thanks for stopping by. Having rather a rough time of it tbh. If you're a praying person, please pray for me. Nothing spectacularly wrong, just seeking some peace and motivation in my life :)

  11. Hey John! I'm getting used to the place. It's weird being here, but I'm doing OK. Yeah, the move itself was one of the hottest days we've had here in a while - 102F. Woof. Lots of imbibing afterwards, lemme tell ya!

  12. Hello :) Divided as to whether to leave a longish message on my boat. Think it matters? I may just pop in every now and then anyway. Don't mind coming here on breaks etc. Hmm.

  13. Hi John! It went very well, and I had a week off afterwards to get stuff (mostly books, lol) sorted and in order. No rain but omg so hot that day (102 F :stunned:) We survived, mostly. A fridge full of Coke and beer didn't hurt in that regard haha. Getting settled and back to work as of today. Feels weird, but for the most part I'm OK I guess. How's things your way?

  14. I gather you've had some minimal success at thwarting said barbarian then? Doesn't sound even remotely pleasant. Makes for a hard day I should think. :(

  15. This made me :LOL: But ya know...so apropos, hehe.
  16. So. 'Tackling modern barbarianism in urban society'. Is that a euphemism for 'going to work'? :p

  17. Or even "Coming, dear!" :LOL:

  18. *innocent* I was...merely...(merely, lol) fielding some intriguing...titles. Almost wrote 'tittles'. :LOL:

  19. Well, lol, I spam you with lit here at least. :p I have two other yoga titles if you're interested!

  20. Spamming you again :LOL:


    Interesting book on yoga for you :D

  21. No, but I'll have a look. Sucks though, I can't see videos at work, and the bloody net is down at home till Weds at the earliest (service throughout our neighborhood). But I will have a look when I can. Cheers m8 :)

  22. You...are quite the, um...busy bee, lol. To say I'm...impressed would be an *ahem*...understatement. Mmm. And now I'm supposed to get back to work. Fat chance. :LOL:

  23. Very interesting book. Unfortunately recalled from me. :mad: So now I gotta kinda skim the sucker. Shoot.

  24. Are you into Tolkien? He's perhaps my favorite author, particularly for fantasy. I found this account of how he came up with Elvish very intriguing. The first quote from him (in the box) is sooo interesting - his approach is completely different from just about any other fantasy writer I can think of. Though I'd be curious to hear how Ursula K. LeGuin arrives at her conceptions. :D

  25. You can be Nathan if you want to. I'll do drums - make the supreme sacrifice. :p Trouble is finding someone who can do Craig - his vocal is very idiosyncratic - and then some, lol.


    I like church towers too - like cathedrals. We can go to Ulm for example - that tower is the highest in Europe - 515 feet. Talk about surfing!

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