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Status Updates posted by Easily_Hyper

  1. Yeah I read the tracklist, seems proper immense to me :LOL: then again everything Muse does is immense to me. Well Im busy this week and I dunno if Im off to Wales next week or the week after, once I know what Im doing I'll let you know. It's been years since we saw each other, 'kay I lie, its like weeks! i dunno what else you said, my memory is awful. Dude I just thought lets meet for HP!!!!!! Yes we have to see HP together and go OMGZ NO DUMBLEDORE!!! :'( good plan? xD

  2. Yo bitch I think this is the place where Im most likely to catch up with you. :LOL:

    But yeah how're you? I haven't spoken to you in absolutely AGES!

    Yeeeah Im free after next friday well week after that week as Im away but yeah we should definitely meet up or summat I dunno. Feels like your dead dude, we haven't spoken in that long :LOL:

  3. Wishful thinking is always good. I want to see him now like really. I think he's doing some theatre thing, its uber camp :LOL: I'll just have to see him in that. I reeeeally wanna meet him though cos he'd just be really funneh and camp :awesome:

  4. Omg John timez :supersad: take meh! Have fun and meet him again :p

  5. Summer holidays Im watching every DW episode EVER! :LOL: or maybe a series. I always end up watching it from season 1 onwards right up to now, I need to learn to watch random eps lol! People think Im random for loving DW and David :LOL: fools they are :phu: xD

  6. I think Id get a :facepalm: mostly for the lameness of it..but yeah I may try and say it just for lolz! Shame its not on at the moment....I need some spacey stuff to watch :LOL:

  7. I guess..:LOL: pfft it should go in the dictionary..Tennant can make me famous by letting me make that word off him...did that make sense? :LOL:

  8. Awh noes thats bad, at least you sorted it all out though :happy: Yeah revision is pretty stressful especially with resits and that. Ive never looked up collectamania I need to go to one badly! Heh I get ema at college :LOL: not much but better than nothing! Im soo tired now Im ready for bed but its way to early! Good luck with the job hunting :D



  9. I know I did think it was rather cool when I thought of it...should I patent it? :LOL:

  10. Omg take me :supersad::LOL: I wish Id gone but me and my friend weren't sure we saw him in panto though :happy: You've see John loads of times or maybe I imagined that haha. Well least your almost 18 now so that will help. Meh goverment sucks at helping. I remember there was a thing at connexions ages ago where you went and looked for a job and you got £30 a week might have stopped mind as it was ages ago plus its pointless if you can get JSA soonish.


    I hope it goes well to. I need to revise over half term, oh fun. Damn education I want to just be a lady of leisure :LOL:



  11. It wont badly well not majorly but not amazingly either oh well it should even out with my January result so it wont be to bad really. Im looking for retail in the summer me thinks, 2 months off will = boredom It means me going into town which is an hour away though, thats with me assuming I get a job. Id say you should go on Job Seekers but I dont know if your 18. Least then its a bit of cash although they arent helpful finding you a job at all!




    (I commented myself your comment :facepalm::LOL:)

  12. Silly commenting system here :LOL:

  13. Why thank you :LOL: Always good to see a fellow Whoivan or Tennant(ian) I dunno I may have to google that word!

  14. Im calm now its over. I had the hiccups from stress last night like 5 times :LOL: So weird lmao. Nawh job hunting sucks so much. I've made a CV but Im to scared to send it anywhere :LOL: Plus I really cant be arsed working. But I do want moneies. I guess Im fussy where Id work really. Well good luck job hunting :D I cant wait for the summer I can waste time online then :p



  15. Im alright, although I have exams and Im stressing out a fair bit :$

    Im hardly on here anymore I should come here more if I have the time. Always good to waste time online :LOL:

  16. Heeey its been ages since we last spoke! Thought Id say hi :LOL:

    How have you been doing? =D

    I seriously need to come on here more haha.



  17. Ooh Im fine actually better than fine as its snowing :D and it meant a day off college which is always good!


    Pfft I dont think I'll ever catch up as Im so busy, I wish there was just a boxset I could buy it seems there are only boxsets for certain stories which is bit meh. Ah well one day I shall watch the older stuff!


    Gah I hardly come on here anymore, although wasting time on internet is hardly helpful to life is it? :LOL:

  18. Oooh no -hugs- that sounds crap. At least you got further than me, I never even got an interview :LOL:

    Yeah paid to see him plus I've been paid even when I've been off for days at a time so yay, I can stay off haha, well not really. I have so much home work to do its unreal. We never got any in Broadgreen yet now its shit-loads! I have an epic essay to do :(


    But in mega awesome news Im using Muse in my Media corsework its gonna be epic :D Global warming compaign along with Apocalypse Please how can I fail....actually I can and will but whatevers.


    Oooh and my Media teacher is so hot. I really dont know how I'll survive the work place in future I'll just be drooling over men like a right werido :LOL:

  19. Ooof you grown up having an interview :eek::LOL:


    Yeah Im pretty bad with bags I hoarde loads of them even if I havent mused them in years, ah well Im prepared for any occassion with varying bag sizes :p


    Erm now I forgot what to say haha, eeesh I have to be up at 7am :(


    Oooh you know when we were away I got ema, I got paid to see Tennant, college fails...but wahey it funds the bag addiction :D

  20. He wants to do that? Oooh sounds good but I thought that the Doctor has to get younger, I mean so far he's getting younger I doubt they'd break the trend. I think there's a site to watch old episodes Im gonna do a massive 40 year catch up :LOL:


    Not like there's gonna be much DW next year. Anyways how are you? Seems I always sway towards DW conversations :rolleyes:

  21. In the theatre, I know he is freaky, even more so when he was dead in TW :LOL: Dunno how people like him or Ianto...do you like Ianto? Please dont let me be the only one not to love the coffee boy!


    Also I love my bag so much its so pretteh :happy: I have an addiction :$

  22. Ah I love finishing early tis good :happy:

    Haha someone worse than me you'd never think that possible, Im not that bad really, I was pretty composed with the Tennant situation. Im such a n00b for running past :LOL:

    Omg you a fan of Owen from TW? He's in Oliver as Bill! He looks scary as it is imagine him being Bill eesh! :LOL:



  23. Yeah I did! My mate is worse fangirl than me, thats saying something, she'll throw herself at John! :LOL: Gonna be hilarious!


    Ah I should sleep cos of college but I cant be arsed Im such a procrastinating fool! Then again its for like an hour tomorrow so I dont need to be in the zone haha. That reminds of me Britney's song. "Im in the zooooone!" :shifty: Internetz kill my brain lol!

  24. Tis sad that he's leaving because his Doctor is great but then again maybe not, I only know nine and ten, Im sure if I watched the previous Doctor's I end up loving them the same or more. Ah well with him going we'll see him on tv more :D

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