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Everything posted by ibelieveinmuse

  1. oooohh...i think this pms thingy wont stop for months or for me it could be worse if they dont come here asap,matt's voices ring-a-linging in my head every single moment and i couldnt concentrate even the most handsomous lecturer givin lectures in front of me,my coach was like,"are u okay?" when i suddenly giggle during my physical training(i actually wanna lol remembering how crazy i sing along from the beginning to the end of the concert),hahah...it's hillarious,i couldnt help laughing when i watch back what i've recorded using my cam,especially when it comes to feeling good,oh my, i cant help myself from crying,yeah,i was crying when matt played feeling good,for me the best song of the concert was feeling good,with that megaphone thingy,and feathers,it makes me cry(what a shame me cried that night but seriously i cant help myself u noe...please dont call me jerk for that crying thing
  2. i'm dying...jealosy can really kills...i'm dying...help me(shannaz,adyla and mary, u guys should take the responsibility of my death)....i cant cope with my life anymore... i saw matt's faces everywhere...
  3. i didnt notice any bhar dvd before and after the concert(maybe before the concert i dont give too much attention as i am eager to catch my seat) but i saw some hullabaloo there priced rm75 after the concert(i dont know why it's pricey but i got it last year at tower record for only rm59.90 and now the dvd is running slower)...so i dont think theres any bhar dvd,if i'm not mistaken the pick card fan were given free for those who bought the cd,and those posters were given free at the entrance with LP concert promo card,me myself and i think a bunch of other people get it(well theres nothing special about the posters)
  4. oh crazy_mary...i'm as crazy as you but all i dont have is luck,if only i know how to meet them just like u...how lucky u are...maybe next time we should deal together for the meeting(or stalking if needed)...oh i feel a great lost....attending the concert isnt enough....i want to meet them(and hug matt)
  5. i understand your feelings...but the different is it doesnt happens to me(u know the joy of hugging matt and a little chat with them and ask them to promise to come here again)oh if that happens to me...how lucky u are...did u take a pic with them?
  6. i envy u...i wanna hug matt too...u know i'm crying rite now...seriously i wanna hug him...i'm crying...cry..cry...sob...sob..:'(
  7. oh my,oh my...i've been in kl since last week and got no time to online since wireless connection at my friends place was pretty bad(plus i didnt bring my laptop)..i'm dying now cuz of the bad pms,felt like my life isnt worth it anymore since what i've been waiting for since past 4 to 5 years has ended in just one night..damn regret of not having rockzone but i managed to stand quite in front of the row after the break and that was really awesome(i mean the front crowds were far more fanatics than the seating crowds as fanatics knows each songs and sing along all together rather than just well known songs like TIRO,strligt,PIBetcetc..).Glad to see those pics as i spend 1.5 gigs of my memory card on video but its seems wasted that i cant share it with u in this forum(my connection got problemed when it comes to uploading videos but i could try on e-mailing or skype-ing).my seats was on the left side of the stage so i got my friend to record it while i enjoy the concert at the same time thinking of strategies to pass the rela and heading towards the pitt where we werent supposed to be,lucky me and one of my friend got there after the break(before the encore)but the memory of my cam were running low so all in all the recording were quite undecent.we waited there hoping to get the guitar pics or so but then got none,waited again at the backdoor with a t-shirt(in case i got lucky to get matt's autograph)but with taht tight security i only managed to get pic of black tinted of that mpv's windows...oh my....how can i live without nothing to be waited for....only the looks on matt face could cure this feeling(i mean he do really looks happy and this is a good sign for people like me who needed them to come here soon)........ooooooooo.......the concert werefockin' awesome!!!
  8. what would u wear to the concert?and for those be'tudung'ed, would u still wear it?mary would u please answer this.a friend of mine asked me whether she could still wear her tudung or does it seems weird or so,me said that its up to her,me myself had never go to local concert so dont know how to explain the situation.(she's actually a sharifah that never go anywhere without her tdung,joined several orchestral concert but never like this one,she got the 183bucks tix)
  9. 7ty6 could u please post the photos of tat shirt(i mean real photo),does 'block' mean u giv em a blank t-shirt and they just print the design for u?
  10. yeah u should say nothing...hahah..typing monologue is better than saying it deep in my guts... and bout the ridiculous bidding,the seller need to take the risk as he'll be rich if the unregistered bidder is serious bout the bid and if its not,serves him right...
  11. hahah...i hate to say this but this but the truth is MCR would never be any way better than MUSE(gayish way perhaps?),for the past years that i ever heard of 'em me seems to be bthered by their fanatics(well thatswhat they prefered to be called even they only knew some of the songs)that keep on comparing MCR with MUSE.but it doesnt really pisses me off anymore. i think i learnt to live with this. people wont change their minds and they're free to believe what they want to although it's wrong,when they asked me what bands that i like and i said MUSE and they were like,"muse??who's muse?well,the greatest band is MCR,those guys rocks bebeh,hav u ever heard their song helena?that song is 100% rock" and instead of saying "dude,ur just so pathetic,so shut ur mouth up!",i just laugh everytime they say that. it's actually funny to see them getting upset because of my annoying laugh..well,it doesnt bother me anymore now as i knew i've chosen the right one and it makes me happy then.MCR is definately more famous than MUSE here in Malaysia as not much people seek what we called good music for themselves.Mainstream would be easier to them as they could simply tuned on the radio or telly and absorb it just like that.MCR exist just to add the variety of the showbiz industry so dont bother if their songs been played more....well i mean they might sounds good(in cd's or whatever recorded mediums) but they sux if played live.Actually theres nothing wrong with liking them(who cares if love ur own fart eh?we're living in a free world)but saying they're better than MUSE ....gah,it is a BIG mistake..btw MCR seems to know that they werent a so called great band so they're manipulating those bigger name like Rise Against as well as MUSE as special guest for their gigs...jeez,they really know what they're doin.whatever... well,as i said earlier...we're free to choose whatever suit us. but in one way,i found this is quite a parameter: The vocalist hair color a.)cool spikey red hair or eccentric bluey or just plain all time favourite black b.)black and as ur getting emo bleach it to pale white like ur 90 years old great grandmother's hair no doubt,me choose a...hahah COUNTDOWN.....16 more days to go... p.s:dont be mad MCR lovers......
  12. woah...20+more days to go....cant wait cant wait but i felt quite nervous.. dont know why...do u guys feel the same??oh now im skypeing my pal...to ease the nervousness:LOL:
  13. gathering....gathering..i doubt if about joining it as i would be busy at that time... stalking...stalking...thats a good idea...<< its unethical actually but i wonder how me could be on top of da world if me met em... (mary would be happy too right mary??)
  14. oh my...is that true bout absolution dvd thing?i mean u could easily get it at night market?which night market then?shame on me for not having it altough it's pirated...before this i have a doubt of owning pirated muse cd's or cassetes or dvd's as i thought not much people here would buy the 10x more expensive than what they would get for the pirated ones..so,my collections were all original(except for a cd that includes HOTRS,CTMEOU and those rare tracks that i coulnt resist).. but after BHAR was released i noticed that muse were becoming more mainstream and no doubt that those albums were sold well here so i dont have that "too worried that muse would starve if i dont buy those original albums"..how pathetic i could be if it comes to muse... back to that dvd thing i reckon that i've seen most of the footage at the earls court but i'm dying to own that dvd so i could play it again and again(that happens to my hullabaloo dvd and now its running slower than usual if i played it in my laptop) so please people...do help me by giving some info..
  15. gah..they wont sound good covering muse i reckon..even 1st runner up(blastoff season 1)media puppet did cover tiro and they spoiled the song btw, i thought it was cool to see some local band did cover muse song but it all ended with the same result...they cant make it sounds good enough as they cover other bands songs(this is due to making effects that they arent good at i reckon)however in this cases those bands who did cover muse will get my vote as they appreciate what we called good music...heheh..
  16. shame on me dont know where is exactly stadium negara but ironically mention it almost everyday...but all i know about that place is if u wanna reach there via lrt(or star i didnt know)is to stop at hang tuah station... dont laugh at me if i'm giving wrong direction but this is all i can do to help at this moment,maybe i could ask my collegue afterwards as he is going to drive us for the concert...
  17. kinda like that idea for showing how civilized we are,i really cannot accept those kind of harsh pushing or bottle throwing as it definately could hurt people(that's why i choose seating tix)but as i might be free from that moshing and pushing,i felt quite responsible for bringing up good impression to muse of us malaysian musers and for that reason me myself now had started to advice those whom i know had bought the ticket not to do such badass stuff like what had happened in fort canning...well,i dont think this will definately give a good result but it's worth trying to contribute sumthing that could give us good reason for being a muse fanatic...who knows they'll fall in love with malaysian crowd and will come here more often(o lord i'd be damn glad if this happens) anyway i got another free copy of the sun(for grabbing slurpee@7eleven) and found out that tiger's having contest where 22tickets up for grab but i'm afraid that this only open to non muslim and above 18,how i hate to mention this again but then again dont worry guys,i'm sure there'll be more contest in this few weeks before the concert and keep on announcing updates in this thread....
  18. dont bother about that mary..we had bought the ticket and what we had to do now is just wait for the big day and just go there...we deserve to get what we had patiently waited for....it's just a propaganda made to test us....the true muse fanatic..
  19. passing by 7eleven yesterday i got free the sun tabloid and there's muse ticket promo(as seen on tiger's website), tickets were still available but there's a statement saying that this gig were open to only non muslim and 18 above.....despite all,i dont really care about it;)
  20. yeah i really agree with u as it happens to me.we all know and love muse by our heart and we dont care if other people doesnt like it,being a muse fan for quite a few years me myself had just realize that i've spread the love of muse to quite a few people who seems to appreciate good music while those who were pessimist will try to convince me that other mainstream band like MCR or blablabla were far more better than muse...it doesnt bother me and i am very proud f being muse fan no matte what happens and that explain why vspirit said that we muse fan prefer to enjoy it quietly... oooh...i can wait anymore..49+days to go...
  21. holy crap! i got only 3 tickets instead of 4(as me and my other 3 friends will be going) i was shock to death knowing that what i expected was just my expectation,it's not the reality..i expect that more people were eager to get the rockzone or pitt ticket so i planned for the cheaper ticket hoping that i could sit and enjoy the concert comfortably(as i really cant cope in that rockzone crowds)but the truth is more people prefered the cheaper ticket...oh god,i really can't imagine that....i wonder if they have backstage ticket,i would surely go for it...
  22. <<my disbelief reaction knowing that sg wg plaza were fulled with muse fans,who said they dont have fanatic here...
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