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Everything posted by queeney88

  1. betul, x der perasaan nak dgr lagu selain dari dari lagu muse.. hehehe.. ahhh... walaupun dah seminggu berlalu, still ader vmood muse..
  2. akak crazy mary @ kak faz, nope, that's my friend, Najj. haha, she got muse fever just before the concert and sorethroat aftermath. i'm the one that you tegur outside the stadium after the concert, with the tudung tercabut one. haha.. my tudung is tercabut during hysteria. damn the man behind me whatt??? shannaz got matt's hug. *dies of jealously* ummp, i once got to hug matt but only in dream. hehehe.. akak, kite still dalam mood muse skarang ni. radio pun x nak bukak coz nak dgr lagu muse aje. camner nak buang syndrome ni?? lingkup la study camni...
  3. waaaaaaa.... fuckin jeles la.. rite now i still cant get them off my head.. even i see wall, matt face is all i see.. hehehe do you still remember me aaa?? i'm the girl that you offer mee goreng at entrance B. how come you can see them???? ohhh.. i nearly died of jealously.. lucky you..
  4. i've got all 4 of them includes hullaballo me too cant wait to see them this sunday OMG!!! +48 hours left
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