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Mrs Museophile

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About Mrs Museophile

  • Birthday 11/05/1968

Personal Information

  • Biography
    Used to be California Museophile, but changed to Mrs Museophile since I'm not in California any more! Expert *stink eye* thrower; Pwoud Museophile Family Matriarch; married to Jambo10 (silly bunkey bloke). Transplanted from California, USA, to Fife, Scotland. Yes, I eat haggis now.
  • Location
    Formerly California Museophile, now in Scotland
  • Interests
    Trivia; Gigs; More Trivia; Gigging Again; Reading; Bunkey Wrangler Extraordinaire. Bass Whore. Oh, yeah - and WORKWORKWORKWORK
  • Occupation
    Reports Specialist: Edit medical reports; Shuffler of Files from THIS folder to THAT folder; Riding herd and keeping them dang Nurses in order.
  • Gender
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  • Favourite Bands
    Kasabian, Franz Ferdinand, Elbow, Linkin Park, Green Day... you know - the usual suspects!
  • Favourite Films
    Anything Coen Brothers, Snatch, a Fish Called Wanda... oh, gawd - too many to name...
  • Favourite TV Shows
    *embarrassed* ... current addiction is renovation/building/real estate shows, cooking shows, and Mythbusters
  • Favourite Books
    Useless trivia. Murder/thrillers with bad plot lines. Anything by Stephen King or Douglas Adams. Currently into the 'Reacher' novels by Lee Child.
  • Muse Releases Owned
    Most, except a bunch of B-sides.
  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending
    San Francisco 09 Apr '07
    Wembleh x2; 16-17 June '07
    V Fesitval (Staffs) Aug '08
    Glasgow SECC 09 Nov '09
    Madrid 28 Nov '09
    Wembleh x2; 10-11 Sept '10 (11 Sept 2010 - BEST MUSE GIG EVER)

Mrs Museophile's Achievements


Escapee (1/14)



  1. Hey! The pic is in my album "pp". Hope you can see it there!?


  2. Hi Sokkadis - Sorry, I've not been on the board for a while.

    Thank you for your well wishes - Jambo10 & I were married in March this year.


    Be sure to note on the forum (on the threads for the shows you're attending) that you'll be there with your .MU shirt on... you never know who you'll meet!!


    Best of luck, but most of all HAVE FUN!!

  3. Hey!

    I just read in the t-shirt-forum, that you found your love in this forum! That´s so great! I ordered a .mu-shirt, too. Well and hope to find a love someday somewhere somehow...

    So your story really made me smile (and hope). Greetings from Germany ;)

  4. this is wierd. friends and visitor messages?

    its like facebook...but AWESOME x

  5. Hey hey! Happy birthday! Glad you liked the card :LOL::D.



  6. Happy birthday to you too :-) I like the farmyard song!


    And I'm not that much younger, not really!


    Have a great day.

  7. Barnyard Birthday Greeting for you!


    **Hippo Birdie Two Ewes

    Hippo Birdie Two Ewes

    Hippo Birdie Deer Nic

    Hippo Birdie Two Ewes!**


    :D Have a good one!! Remember, you'll always be younger than me! :D

  8. Latest news, for anyone that's looking at this: Meetup 27 Sept - Newcastle, Wetherspoons by Central Station 7PM (same time, same channel) Meetup 25 October - Newcastle - bowling mid-afternoon then on to the usual (see above for time/place) oh, and someone's supposed to make a decision on Crimbo dates... don't look at me, though!
  9. Awwwwww is that a school piccie I see? :kiss:





    (im still alive, ive been working like a mother thats all :( )

  11. Yeah I know - we're just the Posh-Bastards-Up-The-Road-In-The-Castle... but we love this family like you were our own...
  12. Well, smack my ass and call me Sally! It's BRYAN!!! *waves*

  13. *waves* Hi Sam!! I know I know - Weezer said years ago that they were "done" "finished" "retired" - and now they're back together and releasing another new album. *rolls eyes*

  14. Nah - if you changed it I couldn't give you grief about it anymore!!!
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