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Rhymes with Booze

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Status Updates posted by Rhymes with Booze

  1. YAY! You big ol' noob! So how did this happen? Did Blee finally get her way? :LOL:

  2. Hahaha, I know, I hardly ever get on when you guys are. When I am, it's either because I'm up early, which is rare, or I'm still awake from the night before, which is clearly much more likely. :p Happy Christmas to you guys. Miss your faces!

  3. Hey man, I was listening to Franz the whole day I was cleaning and packing. :p Worry not, I'll be with you in spirit! And in the rotund flesh next month.

  4. LOL, no it's okay. I have a lovely copy waiting for me at home. I got it for my mom for Mother's Day (I got her totally hooked on the series) and like all good gifts, it's a little self-serving because I get to read it too! Thanks though. I can't wait to get home and read it. I still have a couple of good reads here too, and I'm already dreading the shipping charges for all the crap I have to send home. :(

  5. :LOL: Good to have company at least!
  6. Mixing random shit here. I has vodka, tropical juices, and cran. :chuckle:

  7. Haha, worry not my sweet. :happy: <3

    And how the hell have I not befriended you yet? :eek:

  8. :eek::LOL: Do they mind you doing drugs at your desk?
  9. OMG you cheeky bitch! :LOL::LOL: *saves*

  10. lol do I know you?

  11. I did not eat a lot of glue. :phu: Sniffed maybe, but not ate.

  12. LAWL! What a stupid fucker. I'm telling you, the undertitle said it all.

  13. Ryan: Haha, was fun, wasn't it?

    Josh: Who wouldn't want to climb on a back like that? :p

  14. FFS. Get out of my profile now. Kthx.

  15. I know I did because I hate flipping back and forth between profiles, but whatevs. There are already threads for most of the shit you post, and the rest can probably fit in Banter or whatever. I know there's a dry spell at the moment, but giving a thirsty man piss to drink isn't doing him a favor--it's insulting.


    And I only discussed it in the threads/in response to posts that it applied to. It's not like I'm bitching randomly all over the board.


    It just comes down to the fact that I don't suffer fools gladly.

  16. Because they're pointless, redundant, and a waste of space. Is that all?

  17. It IS Aughra! <333 I just love it when someone recognises her. :happy:

  18. You dirty bitch. Get yer ass in Banter!

  19. Excellent! Is there a pay bump? Or are you just happy to not be doing receptionist bullshit? :LOL:

  20. You better add me, bitch.

  21. Being a bearded muppet lady with visible nipples has its advatages. :happy:

  22. ololol


    Too bad you can't see my nipples. They're in there. You can see the one on the left if you look really close.

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