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Status Updates posted by bellamyspiano

  1. In New York every time. Can't tell you the name of the bar/hotel, obv :p We just found out through a Tweet where they were and happened to catch them every time we went for a drink.

  2. Yeah, all in due time! If you want something enough and you believe in it, it happens! Several times in my case lmao

  3. Several times, my dear :D

  4. Yeah, a shit load of girls from my own board! ;-)

  5. Sure am! I will PM you my number if you want to meet up?



  6. Hey hey again! My name's Tanya :-D I'll be attending the Saturday 11th gig. Which one you going to?

  7. Roll on roll on roll onnnnnnn!

  8. Well not too far off for me as I fly out next week mwhahaha

  9. Hey Tiffany, yeah that's me from TAM! And I see you recently joined the board. Welcome!

  10. That's me! Hey, Mia *hugs*

  11. Yeah they're awesome! heehee

  12. Hey, how do you edit the text under your avatar? Like, yours says, MadameManson and Courts says Talk Like That...?

  13. Whoooo! Roll on 24th september!

  14. Workin out, travelling with friends, and recently stressing over U2 tickets. I happen to be in New York on 24th Septemeber, so I booked tickets last night! WHOO! <333

  15. I'm good thanks XD

  16. Hello, long time no hear ;)

  17. Grand. It's Friday, got my mate, the vino and Muse bootlegs at the ready for the evening. Might even record a 'special' birthday message for Dommeh lmao! ;):LOL:

  18. Oh here she is again! Hello there! How's you?

  19. LOL! Mary! It's a small world, and don't be daft, it's not intrusive at all. Lol, the RH fiction, come a looooong way since then! ;D

  20. You been perving at my new pics then?

  21. Hehehehe hiiiiiiiiiiii again XD

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