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Posts posted by mipanda

  1. isn't it just megglen making useless comments about things she knows nothing about?


    i'm listening to police comms again tonight, it's like 10-7 but without pictures.


    and i baked muffins.


    yes. and doing like, baby talk in a flirty way. or something. i don't fkn get it at all.


    i wanna listen to the police radio too :$ i'm so nosy about that sort of thing. what flavour muffins?



    That sucks! I got rained on on Thursday out of a clear sky. So not fair.



    dude its been sunny every day and then it just starts storming in the afternoon. happened every day for the last week at least. thursday night my scooter stayed in the safe at the bank and i got a lift home :LOL:

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