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Lick My Face

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Status Updates posted by Lick My Face

  1. When you eventually listen to Dreamless, get ready for Lacuna's ending. Powerful stuff.

  2. Just giving A Sense Of Gravuty's Travail a listen...goddamn, thay guy can sing! That last note he sings towards the end of Stormborn, holy Jeebus. :stunned:

  3. UPDATE: It was very good, I enjoyed that album! The vocals reminded me a bit of Troy Sanders of Mastodon.

  4. Is that Luminiferous? I'm having a listen now. Been listening a lot to Me Vs. The Atlantic, they were a local MK band which kind of prototyped the prog-metal scene for years to come. They were around when I was 17-18, even played with them (nearly) one time! Not sure if they're on the Internet anymore, though.

  5. Fair enough, I'll certainly need to do some digging! Got a metal friend here in LB so I can always hit him up, too.

  6. I can't say I've really delved much into the post-metal/rock arena, I've never even really understood what made it "post", if you will.

  7. Dude, I'm REALLY enjoying The Armed's album now. So, so fun it's unbelieveable. :happy: Just a shame I can't play it in the office ever, although I guess it's not everyone's cups of hot beverage. :chuckle:

  8. Been listening to Untitled some more, it may help my understanding of the album if I remember to take my iPod off Shuffle. :facepalm:

  9. Every single clean vocal is dualed with another part, so either Blythe has gotten VERY good, or has been tuned out the arse.


    I think I'll need another listen to get that, I was a little groggy this morning when listening. :chuckle:

  10. So I just checked out both things you mentioned. The LoG song was...interesting. One thing is for sure; Randy Blythe can NOT sing, because those clean vocals were tuned to hell.


    As for Untitled - The Armed, holy SHIT! That's a 51-minute onslaught of fists to every square inch of your body. :happy:

  11. I will have to check these out tomorrow, heading to bed now.

  12. For real? I'd certainly like to hear that?

  13. Do it, you won't regret. Matriarch's a different direction for the band with the introduction of clean vocals, which seems to have split the fan-base in two. I've yet to check out their earlier stuff. Won't take long though, all their tracks and albums are quite short. Classic death metal, to my understanding.

  14. Btw, that Chaos Divine album you mentioned a little while ago, was it Colliding Skies? If so, WHAT AN ALBUM. Fucking magnificent. :happy:

  15. Friend of mine has got me into Veil Of Maya, Matriarch's a very very good album. Short, snappy, doesn't overstay its welcome. Phoenix is my favourite track.

  16. Just finished it, that was a really easy album to listen to! I liked it very much. I totally hear you about the second half, too.

  17. Just finished it, that was a really easy album to listen to! I liked it very much. I totally hear you about the second half, too.

  18. I'm at the title track now, seems a bit more atmospheric to begin with than what I've encountered so far.

  19. I'm at the title track now, seems a bit more atmospheric to begin with than what I've encountered so far.

  20. I'm checking it out right now, and it certainly seems brutal as fuck! I suck with trying to hear vocals in this kind of music anyway, so that doesn't bother me too much! As long as the right atmosphere is made, that's fine with me.

  21. I am indeed, I do need to check them out too! Much decent music. Such metal!

  22. Alas, I have not yet! Given my mood right now, Machine Head are probably in the right ball park right now!

  23. No probs.

    It's a subtle Radiohead reference, for the record. ;)

  24. :happy: I've never made a boat before actually, so I guess this one'll be extra special, like. :awesome:
  25. If I may direct your attention towards your boat: http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=80978

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