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Status Updates posted by Gleep.

  1. That's okay, I neglect absolutely everybody, all of the time. I am a really crap internetter haha. Hope you are well.

  2. Why thank you kindly for the internet roses, how lovely! *hugs*

  3. Nah, he just said he didn't feel right with me anymore. Fuck knows what that means.

  4. I'm not crying anymore, but I feel so sick. I can't know for sure that things are alright yet, y'know? ugh I hate this.

  5. Yo, ho, I'm coming your way now, if you fancy shopping gimme a texttttt

  6. Hullo m'dear, just letting you know I took it :)

  7. Gleep.

    Haha I posted on my own wall thing cos I am tardis.


    But yeah that 20 characters thing does work. It never seemed to before, maybe I was doing it wrong.


    Damn them for fixing it though :(

  8. Gleep.

    Well yes, but it's always worked before :LOL:



  9. Gleep.

    When I try to use it for capital lettered posts, it doesn't work these days :(

  10. Gleep.

    My mum made a big thing of doing some sort of declaring everything though, I'm not quite sure what that was, but it was unnecessary and I think it might have made things complicated...


    She didn't really tell me but it involved me getting about £300 'back' although I never saw a penny of it... something to do with benefits and claiming something back. I wish she'd tell me more. Ah well haha. I don't really understand, we'll see.


    Haha I dunno I guess you can but try!


    I do not get around :p I'm not even in double figures :phu:

  11. Gleep.

    I have two jobs though, and apparently I could get supertaxed, and might have to tell them to tax from the job I earn the least from. I don't know how I'd go about that, but I'll see when I get my first paycheque.


    My little cafe is a cash in hand job where I work just under the amount where I'd get taxed, we have even pretended I worked on a different day to avoid it before, I'm not sure why because I don't understand, it's just something my boss does haha.


    I'm just gonna wait and see what happens... :unsure:


    Hmm maybe you need to use some stalker tactics like bumping into her accidentally when she's leaving after a shift and seeing if the banter is still good then? if that happens often enough it probably wouldn't be wierd.


    But what am I chatting on, do I look like the type who has success with the opposite sex? hahaha.

  12. Gleep.

    Yeah it generally is, especially if you have to watch yourself so you aren't a hungover wreck for work. I only ever 'enjoy' it when I don't know what's going on around me.


    I fully plan on dragging my mates around on a monday night, just as soon as they finish college etc, it's miles better.


    Haha not so sure about a career, but it gives me some money to play with, I suppose. Katie was trying to teach me all about the wonderful world of tax last night, I have so much to learn *sigh* Never the less, it's still more money.


    Nah I wouldn't say so, haha, just go for it, if she turns you down you can just start shopping elsewhere haha.

  13. Gleep.

    Oh man, gutted!

    That does sound good, haha, I'm pretty jealous, especially if there was only about 10 people haha...


    I went saturday night chavvy clubbing round lancaster. It was okay at first, I was taking it easy because I have work this morning (first day at ASDA haha, so I don't want to be a mess) so by the time we got to the shit club, I was pretty sober.


    It was absolutely packed, I couldn't move, you couldn't dance cos you got bumped into literally every second by people pushing past. Ugh. So I went into the cheese room and danced to the Time Warp and Don't Stop Me Now and Billie Jean until my feet hurt haha.


    Had that room not been there the night would have been made of FAIL.

  14. This is like myspazz/facebook walls, I like it :LOL:


    Nik, she is tr00

  15. Haha YES *slays*

    That feels better :happy:

  16. It should be, that would make massive amounts of sense to me. I agree that we should delete it now haha.

  17. Hehe I'm quite enjoying this friends and profiles lark


    Love you also ^_^


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